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#503 : Dans la lumière

Nathan échappe à la surveillance de la Garde et met Mara en sécurité, avec l'aide de Duke et dans le dos de Dwight. Ces deux derniers font équipe pour résoudre une perturbation qui touche une de leurs amies, Jody, et menace de réduire la ville en cendres. 


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Dans la lumière

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Extrait (VO) : Mara Invades Nathan's Personal Space

Extrait (VO) : Mara Invades Nathan's Personal Space


Photos promo

Audrey, débarrassée de Mara, et Nathan

Audrey, débarrassée de Mara, et Nathan

Nathan, Mara et Duke

Nathan, Mara et Duke

Mara et Audrey s'affrontent pour prendre le contrôle de leur corps

Mara et Audrey s'affrontent pour prendre le contrôle de leur corps

Nathan a retrouvé Audrey

Nathan a retrouvé Audrey

Mara tourmente Nathan

Mara tourmente Nathan

Nathan discute avec Mara / Audrey

Nathan discute avec Mara / Audrey

Nathan au chevet de Mara

Nathan au chevet de Mara

Mara, l'alter-ego maléfique

Mara, l'alter-ego maléfique

Dwight (Adam Copeland)

Dwight (Adam Copeland)

Nathan et Audrey s'embrassent

Nathan et Audrey s'embrassent

Mara se réveille

Mara se réveille

Nathan reste au chevet de Mara

Nathan reste au chevet de Mara

Duke est au plus mal

Duke est au plus mal

Nathan et Audrey font tout pour lutter contre Mara

Nathan et Audrey font tout pour lutter contre Mara

Mara (Emily Rose)

Mara (Emily Rose)


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Plus de détails

Ecrit par Speed Weed et Shernold Edwards. 
Réalisé par T.W. Peacocke.

Guests: Lucia Walters (Jody), Paul Braunstein (Mitchell), Shanice Banton (Charlotte)

> Captures de l'épisode

Poste de police

Dwight reçoit un appel de Nathan qui lui annonce que Mara lui a échappé. Dwight envoie ses hommes à sa recherche.


On retrouve Nathan, Mara à ses côtés, menotée. Ils rejoignent Duke, qui leur a apporté des victuailles et de quoi tenir quelques jours.

Cape Rouge

Lorsque Duke rentre, on voit qu'il est toujours mal en point de la perte de Jennifer. Face au miroir, il décide de se couper les cheveux.

Au bord de l'eau

Nathan propose un café à Mara, un comme celui qu'Audrey aime. Elle recrache et réclame du lait, que Nathan vide à ses pieds pour la narguer. Deux hommes de la Garde arrivent, ils les pointent de leurs armes, mais Nathan et Mara réussissent à prendre le dessus.

Grey Gull

Duke arrive dans son restaurant et comprend qu'il n'est pas seul. Il trouve une femme assise, une ancienne amie à lui, Jody. Elle lui demande de l'argent. Lorsque Duke l'interroge, son amie dit qu'elle en a besoin pour mettre ses enfants à l'abri. Brusquement, sa perturbation se déclenche et des rayons de lumière jaillissent de son corps, brûlant tout sur leur passage. Elle s'enfuit.

Au borde de l'eau

Nathan a attaché les membres de la Garde, l'un d'eux lui dit que la prochaine fois qu'ils se croiseront, il le tuera.
Nathan leur donne une fausse indication sur la direction que lui et Mara vont prendre.


Dwight remarque le nouveau look de Duke. Il lui demande ensuite s'il a des nouvelles de Nathan, Duke ne lui dit rien à part que quelle que soit la décision de Nathan, il devait avoir une bonne raison.

A la cabane

Mara fait de nombreuses allusions aux moments intimes partagées par Audrey et Nathan dans cette cabane. On apprend donc qu'ils y ont passé de nombreuses heures, loin de tout. Mara l'embrasse et Nathan se laisse faire, mais lorsqu'elle lui mort la lèvre, il se rend compte de la situation et la repousse.

A la morgue

Gloria détaille à Dwight les blessures d'une victime, vraisemblablement la soeur de Jody, qui a un trou au milieu de la poitrine et a été brûlée.

Poste de Police

Duke essaye de rassurer la fille de Jody. Dwight demande à lui parler et l'informe que Nathan travaille avec Mara. Duke nie toujours savoir quoi que ce soit sur leur position.

A la cabane

Mara continue de pousser Nathan à bout. Elle va se coucher, et plus tard, il lui dit bonne nuit comme si il s'adressait à Audrey. Elle ouvre les yeux. Audrey lui dit alors que c'est elle, qu'elle est là, coincée, qu'elle a du mal à refaire surface. Elle lui dit qu'il doit continuer à lui parler comme il parlait à Audrey, que ça lui donne la force de passer au dessus de Mara. Elle disparaît aussitôt et Mara repousse Nathan. Entre temps, les hommes de Dwight font chou blanc, Nathan ne se trouve pas dans la cabane de son père mais dans une autre.

Dans une salle

Dwight et Duke attendent Jody. Celle-ci arrive, pensant trouver sa fille. Elle est inquiète de voir les deux hommes et sa perturbation se déclenche à nouveau, alimenté non plus par la lumière du soleil mais par la lumière artificielle.

A la cabane

Mara se réveille alors que Nathan prépare le petit déjeuner, il lui parle comme si elle était Audrey, Mara se moque de lui en disant qu'il est devenu fou.

Dans une salle

Duke discute avec Jody et essaye de comprendre pourquoi sa perturnation s'est déclenchée.

A la cabane

Nathan continue de parler à Audrey, il sort un jeu de société et commence à chatouiller Mara. Audrey réapparaît mais Duke fait également son apparition, ce qui fait revenir Mara. Duke essaye de comprendre ce qu'il se passe.

Nathan doit partir de la cabane, Duke surveille Mara. Cette dernière voit qu'il n'est pas bien et lui propose de le guérir. Dwight arrive avant qu'elle en ait le temps.

Police Station.

Dwight is waking by his phone. He answers.

Dwight : Tell me you found her.

Nathan : No.

Dwight : It's been 12 hours.

Nathan : She's smart.

Dwight : I know she's smart, but if Mara finds her stash of aether, she troubles the whole town, the whole state, the whole world?

Dwight puts a new shirt.

Nathan : She doesn't know where it is.

Dwight : But we don't know where she is. I got the HPD and Guard looking for her.

Nathan : You're giving The Guard orders now?

Dwight : Yeah. Vince knew Mara created The Troubles. People didn't like how he handled it. Find Mara, Nathan.


Next to woods.

Nathan hangs up. Mara is stand next to his car, enchain.

Mara : You filthy liar.

Duke arrives with a bag he puts in the car.

Duke : I'm kind of with her on that.

Nathan : Thanks for the supplies.

Duke : Yeah, yeah.

Nathan : I know what this looks like, and I know I have made mistakes before. But... Mara... she will not help us. So getting Audrey back is still our best hope.

Mara : Could you guys speak up? You're making it difficult to eavesdrop.

Duke : Nathan, you need to listen to me. Audrey is gone.

Nathan : She talked to me.

Duke : Nathan...

Nathan : She did. She needs our help, Duke.

Duke : We've all lost people. I had to bury Jennifer last night. But we grieve. We don't go crazy.

Nathan : After everything we've been through, you got to give me this. Just give me some time to get Audrey back.

Duke : How?

Nathan : I don't know.

Duke : You got 24 hours.

Nathan : You believe me?

Duke : No. I believe you need to move on...

Duke goes back to his car

Duke : Any way you can.


Cape Rouge.


Duke is front of a mirror. He is crying. He takes scissors and cuts his hair


Next to woods.


Mara is sitting on the table.

Nathan : We'll eat breakfast, then keep moving.

He gives her her coffee but she spits it out.

Mara : Mm. All right, this needs cream or sugar to be remotely drinkable.

He pours the cream on the ground and she throws her coffee.

Mara : Oh. I'm going to hurt you the first chance I get. And I won't need a tree to do it.

Nathan : Well, that would be stupid, 'cause the cops want to arrest you. The Guard wants to kill you. Right now they're kind of the same thing.

Mara : Oh, is that what this is all about... You protecting someone? News flash... it's not me.

A car passes beside them.

Mara : Who are these boneheads?

Nathan : I don't know. Just be cool.

Mara : Listen, I promise not to kill you if you help me figure out how those thinnies were sealed.

Nathan : No.

Mara : How about if I promise to forget about William and his secret little stash.

Nathan : Shut up.

Two men out of the car.

Mara : Take these off.

Nathan : No.

Mara : I'm shackled.

Nathan : Then don't say anything stupid.

One man has a rifle. They approche.

Nathan at the other man : Mitchell, about time you guys got here.

Mitchell : Is that Mara?

She stands up.

Nathan : I called this in a while ago.

Mitchell approches Mara.

Mitchell : Oh. Didn't hear anything. ( At the rifle's man ) Get Dwight.

The man takes his phone.

Nathan : No, there's no need. Let's just go...

Nathan takes the rifle but Mitchell catch Mara and holds a knife to her throat

Nathan tips with rifle : Drop the phone.

The man unhands the phone.

Mara : Get off of me.

Mitchell : I knew it.

Nathan : Let her go.

Mitchell : I don't know what it is with you and this woman, Nathan.

Nathan : She might be able to help us, Mitchell.

Mitchell : Help us? So many people are dead because of her. I've had enough. Why does she get to live?

He notchs her throat

Mara : Oh, ah!

Mara shoves him and strangles him with her chain.

Mara : Shoot him!


Grey Gull.

Duke approches of the open door : Ah, come on. We're closed. Wherever you are, I'm telling you, today is not the day to try to rob me.

Woman : Hi, Duke.

Duke : Jody? Come here.

He hugs her.

Duke : Hey. How are you? Hey. You okay?

Jody : Charlotte and the baby... I... I need money to get them out of town.

Duke : I thought you and Gavin, you know, found religion and went legit.

Jody : Can you get me the cash or not?

Duke : I can give you what I have on me. You want to tell me where you're going?

Jody : Why do you have to know everything?

Duke : I don't.

Jody : I need to leave. I need... Something's wrong.

Duke : Jody, I want to help.

Jody : No, don't! Don't come any closer. You have no idea what I've already done.

It's suddenly dark.

Duke : Jody... What's happening?

Rays out of her chest and burn the cloth. The two rays stop and Duke takes the fire extinguisher. Jody goes.

Next to woods.


The two men are sitting at the table, enchain.

Mara to Nathan : You make an appalling partner. Did you see what I did?

Nathan : It seems like your signature move. One of your personalities work in a rodeo?

Mara : A horse ranch.

Nathan approches to Mara.

Nathan : We'll head south like we planned, lay low until this thing cools off.

Mitchell : Hey, Wuornos, you should have put that bullet in my head. This ends when one of us stops breathing.

Mara : Yeah. It's gonna be you.

Nathan : Don't be so sure.

Mara : That ugly little pug cut me.

Nathan : Exactly. You bleed. You can be hurt.

Mara : So can they.

Nathan : That is two of them, and we had the drop. The entire Guard and the entire Haven PD Are looking for us. So our best bet right now is to disappear.

He opens the door of the his car.

Mara : I'm not camping.


Jody's House.


The Haven PD is here. Duke outs of his car and joins Dwight.

Dwight : New look?

Duke : Yeah.

Dwight : Well, I'm glad you showed. I could use your help on this. You saw Jody today?

Duke : She came by The Gull. I got the burn marks to prove it.

Coroners take a body.

Duke : Who's that?

Dwight : Jody's sister.

Duke : Where are the kids?

Dwight : Baby's fine. He's in Haven memorial getting a checkup.

A young woman outs of the house with a cup.

Duke : How's her daughter Charlotte doing?

Dwight : First-degree burns. She'll be okay.


Wuornos's house in woods.


Mara and Nathan enter.

Mara : So we're back... Back to your dad's secret dump in the woods.

Nathan : You remember being here?

He detaches her.

Mara : You dragged me off after William arrived so you could assert your manliness with cheap wine and flaccid... Dancing.

Nathan : No one's gonna look for us here. Just in case...

Radio : Radio check. Units 1-4 and 1-6 searching South Caumsett Hollow, staying on 2-2.

Nathan closes the stors and put on the light.

Mara : I know why you're hiding. But do you actually expect me to like you for this?

He attaches her foot to the chair.

Nathan : No. I'm doing what I have to.

Mara : You're mentally ill. You actually think she's still alive, don't you?

Nathan : I know Audrey's in there... In you.

Mara : You're wrong. I snuffed her out like a candle.

Nathan : Then I guess this'll all be over soon.


She plays with the chain. Nathan is sitting in an armchair in front of her.

Mara : So you just had these laying around, huh? That's kinky. So... Is this how you're gonna get her out... By deprogramming me? I got an idea. We could have a seance, or... If you got a Ouija board, we could voodoo. Go get a chicken. I can cut off its head.

Nathan : Audrey's not dead.

Mara : So then what's your plan to get her out, huh? Come on, eeyore, what's your plan?

Nathan : You'd be the last person I'd tell.

Mara : You know, it's ironic that your obsession with that woman is what brought me back.

Everything you kept doing for her was helping me if you hadn't have shot Agent Howard or blown up the barn, I still would've been trapped in there for 27 years. And William never would have been able to get me out. Oh, right, though. You didn't have a choice. You just love her so damn much. You're nothing without your love for Audrey. You're just lifeless and numb. It really is sad how much you need her. Do you know in Russia they call this... ( she shows him the string with what she plays ) "Game of string"? I tell you, they've got no imagination.

Nathan : A lot of people need Audrey. No one needs you.

Mara : Oh, they need me. They just don't know it yet.

Nathan : Maybe William did. But you haven't said that you want him back because you love him. Maybe he's just a way for you to create more troubles. Is that all you care about? What are you without troubles, Mara... Lifeless, numb? Even capable of love?

She throws him the string. Nathan stands up.

( Flashback )

Nathan and Audrey are in this house and they make love.




Gloria at phone : So the sister had a hole burned right through her, and the wound was cauterized, and the surrounding area looked like it was sunburned.

Dwight, in his room : So she was killed by some kind of high-powered beam of sunlight? Duke said the light dimmed when Jody scorched The Gull... Not the light inside, but the daylight.

Gloria : So some kind of sunlight-amplifying trouble?

Dwight : Sounds like it.

Glroia : Jeez. Get out your SPF 5 million.


Police Station, Audrey and Nathan's room.


Duke and Charlotte are sitting. Duke's phone rings and he answers.

Duke : Yeah? I'm with her daughter now. I'll tell her.

He hangs up.

Duke : There was another accident with your mom.

Charlotte : Are they gonna arrest her?

Duke : I don't know, Charlotte. But you said... That there was one beam of light this morning. When I saw her, there was two. And now they're saying there's four.

Charlotte : Mom's getting worse.

Duke : I need to find your mom. Where's your dad? Would she go to him?

Charlotte : No. They've been fighting since mom lost her job. Then dad left. I should've done something to help them, you know?

Duke : This is not your fault. The Troubles... They just come. You can't control them.

He coughs.

Charlotte : Are you... are you okay? I mean, you look kind of sick.

Duke : Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Charlotte, I'm gonna do everything I can to help your mom.

Charlotte : Okay.

He stand up.

Charlotte : Duke?

Duke : Yeah? There's something I have to tell you.


Dwight' office.


Duke enters and sits in the sofa.

Duke : We got a break. So Jody texted Charlotte to bring her brother to that old furniture warehouse on the edge of town at midnight.

Dwight doesn't listen, he folows to write.

Dwight : Nathan isn't looking for Mara. He's working with her. Mitchell called, said they tied him up and escaped. You know anything about that?

Duke : Look... I'm sure that Nathan knows what he's doing.

Dwight : Yeah, like blowing up his life and taking the entire town with him.

Duke : Did Mitchell say where they were going?

Dwight : Headed south. Nathan will go someplace familiar, remote.

Duke : His old fishing shack.

Dwight : I already got guys headed there.


It's night. Cars park in a clearing.


Nathan takes some stuck to sleep.

Mara : So... Not a peep from one of Dwight's big, bad search parties, and it's almost bedtime. Looks like The Guard isn't as dangerous as you thought.


Men out of their car and take riffle.


Mara : And it looks like there's only one bed. That's funny. I don't remember it being so... So tiny.

But then again, the last time, personal space really wasn't an issue, was it?

Nathan : No, it wasn't.

Mara : We made s'mores, and the marshmallows kept falling in the fire. The whole room smelled of burnt sugar.

He loosens her.

Nathan : That was Audrey.


Men approch.


Mara : I know you can feel me.

She stands up and follows him to the bed, takes his hand.

Mara : How long has it been since it was just you and her alone in the quiet like this... Beside the fire? It's okay if you're lonely. We can pretend if we both just close our eyes.


Men are next to a cabane.


Nathan kisses her.


Man : Let's go, boys.

Men walk and smach the door.

Man : Damn it. Nobody's here. Call Dwight.


Nathan kisses her. He stops. She bites him leap.

Mara : What? You didn't like it?

He unchain her to the bed. She tries to kiss him but he goes sit in the sofa.

Nathan : You sleep over there, alone.

Mara : Prude. How else are we supposed to kill time?

She lies on the bed.

Mara : I don't even know what we're doing here. You don't even have a TV.

She takes her coat and takes ether ball but Nathan doesn't see.

Mara : I don't expect to be here much longer anyway. I mean, how long before someone

is banging on that door? You practically told The Guard where we were going.

Nathan : Yeah, south. This place is north.

Mara : Well... You run a good scam, copper. Maybe we will be here for a while.


Furniture warehouse.


Dwight : Fishing shack was a bust. Doubled the number of people searching.

Duke : You know, I don't know what's going on... But I'm sure Nathan thinks he's doing the right thing.

Dwight : You gotta be kidding me, right? When it comes to Audrey, Nathan is incapable of making a good decision. People have died, others at risk, including you, Duke. In case no one told you, you look like hell.


Wuornos's house in woods.


Nathan : Why don't you go to sleep?

Mara : Why don't you go to sleep?

Nathan : I'm not tired. Tell me about where you come from. Why aren't you trying to get back there?

Don't you have friends and family?

Mara : Of course. And I will when I'm finished my work here. It will be quite the reunion. I'm very much looking forward to it.

Nathan : And what is it you think you're doing here besides causing pain, destruction?

Mara : Proving a point.

Nathan : To who?

Mara : Let's just say that sometimes brilliance is celebrated, and sometimes it's smothered. Anyway, we're stuck here until this search is over.

She puts off her shirt.

Mara : Neither of us are tired. And we could be having fun, except for you're wearing... A chastity belt.

Nathan : Not happening.

Mara : Oh, God. Would you evolve already? Sex is cardio. If sex makes a relationship, then everything you say you feel for Audrey would be a lie.

Nathan : It's real.

Mara : And your poke with Sarah on the beach... that was real. You should have met the others. Lucy was such a tramp. And Veronica... she swung both ways.

Nathan : That's enough.

She laughts.

Mara : Whatever. But, you know, this bed is going to get everything that you just turned down.

She puts off her bra.

Mara : You know I have all of Audrey's memories, right? Do you ever just wonder... If she loved you as much as you loved her?

Nathan : No.

Mara : Okay, then. Night.

She closes her eyes.




She sleeps and Nathan stands up to walk to the bed. He checks the chain. He sits on the bed, she moves but sleep.

Nathan : I'm so sorry, Audrey. I don't know what to do. I'm running out of time.

She wakes up.

Audrey : Nathan... Please help me. I'm... I'm here.

Nathan : Parker?

Audrey : Don't give up. Don't talk to Mara. Just talk to me like Audrey. It's the only way that I can fight her.

Nathan : Parker.

Audrey : Please.

Nathan : Audrey.

Audrey : Talk to me.

Nathan : Don't go. Stay with me.

She backs asleep

Nathan : Audrey.

He writes a text on the computer.

Furniture warehouse.


Duke and Dwight are still here. Dukes' phone rings and he looks the message. It's Nathan's message.

Duke : Don't worry. Just the usual... Somebody needs a favor.

Door slams.

Guys stand up.

Jody : Charlotte, where are you?

She sees Dwight and Duke.

Jody : My kids... what have you done with them?

Duke : They're okay. Jody, it's me. I'm here to help you. Charlotte told me about you losing your job and Gavin leaving.

Jody : Don't... don't talk about Gavin.

Dwight : What happened to your sister wasn't your fault. You can't control your trouble, but just coming here at night, you're already starting to manage it.

Jody : You don't know what happened. Charlotte would hate me. I-I can't. I can't lose her too.

Lights sizzle.

Jody : What's going on? Make it stop.

Three rays out of her chest and burn the cloth.

Jody : This shouldn't be happening, not at night.

Duke : It's not just sunlight. It's all light.

There're more rays.

Jody : Duke, get out of here!

Duke : I can't do that, Jody. I'm pretty sure you owe me money, and you're lighting stuff on fire.

Dwight : Duke, get the fire blankets. Handle her. I'll put out the fire.

Dwight takes the fire extinguisher and Duke the fire blankets.

Dwight : Go.

Dwight stops the fire and Duke handles her and the lights back.

Duke : It's okay, Jody. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay.


Wuornos's house in woods.


Nathan : Morning, Parker. Food's up in ten.

Mara : You have officially cracked up.


Front of furniture warehouse. Morning.


Dwight : That sedative I gave her will help her sleep a little longer.

Duke : Yeah, and then what? Spends the rest of her life covered in a fire-retardant blanket?

Dwight : We find Mara, maybe she won't have to.

Dwight goes and Duke sends a text to Nathan.


Wuornos's house in woods.


The computer receives the text.

Nathan makes pancakes and gets Mara at the table.

Mara : Don't you cook anything else?

Nathan : This is the good stuff, not buckwheat.

She plants her knife on the table

Nathan : You really don't remember?

Mara : Remember what?

Nathan : Forget it.

He takes the knife.

Nathan : Eat your pancakes.

He throws knives in the sink.

Nathan : So... Parker, I have maple syrup and blueberry syrup. Which one do you want?

Mara : I'm going to give you a trouble that makes your heart explode inside of your chest.

Nathan : Maple it is.


Furniture warehouse.


Jody is liing in a sofa and Duke is sitting next to her.

Jody : Thanks for taking care of my kids.

Duke : Yeah, I meant to tell you... They're monsters. No, really, they... They're horrible people.

Jody : I almost hurt them. My sister's gone... And Gavin...

Duke : Yeah, try not to think about it. That's what I do.

Jody : You've seen some pretty awful things, huh, Duke? The McLaren job. New Orleans. But none of it like this. I don't think anything is this bad. as killing your own family.

She closes her eyes.

Duke : Jody?

Jody : I'm so tired. Light.

Duke : Light?

Jody : I'm sorry.

Duke sees lights are switch off.

Duke : You need the light to survive. Okay. Jody, I want you to hang on. I'm not gonna let you die.


Front of furniture warehouse.


Dwight : So Jody needs to absorb light to stay alive?

Duke : Yeah. When that light comes back out, everbody besides Jody gets dead.

Dwight : I can take her someplace safer, Guard-controlled.

Duke : No. Just don't take her anywhere yet, okay? Maybe...

Dwight : You do know where they are. Do you have any idea the risk?

Duke : Nathan has her chained up.

Dwight : Why? What's he doing?

Duke : Hoping for something that isn't gonna happen.

Dwight : Audrey.

Duke : You know what? Screw it. I will bring them to you.

Dwight : Why should I trust you?

Duke : I'm not gonna let Jody die.

He goes.

Wuornos's house in woods.


Mara : Now what?

Nathan : Wait right here.

He puts music.

Nathan : Dance with me, Parker.

He unties her.

Mara : I'd rather stab you in the crotch.

Nathan : Hmm.

Radio : 1-6, 1-9, commencing door-to-door grid from Marcoon Woods to the Congin Ridge.

Nathan : We should enjoy the time we have left. It might not last.

Mara : So you want to get stabbed in the crotch.

He takes her hand.

Nathan : Come on.

Mara : All right.

She stands up.

Nathan : Come on.

They starting th dance.

Mara : You can treat me like Audrey, but you can't make me act like her.

Nathan : Shh.

Mara : Have you ever considered an inflatable doll?

Nathan : You know that blue dress, the one from your birthday? I wish you'd wear it more often.

Mara : All right, that's enough flaccid dancing.

She stops and goes sit on the bed.

Mara : Thank you very much.

Nathan : Okay, then... Let's play a board game.

Mara : Ugh. There is so much to do. There's fencing. There's stock car racing, falconry. And Audrey likes...

He outs a game.

Nathan : Game of life.

She kicks the game.

He puts off her sock and looks her feet.

Mara : Don't touch me. I'm ticklish.

She kicks him and they fall down.

She laughts.

Mara : Don't. Stop. I'll burn this cabin down. Nathan, stop it. Nathan, stop.

Nathan : Parker. Parker.

Mara : Please, no, stop. Nathan, stop.

Nathan : Parker.

Audrey : Yeah.

Nathan : Audrey.

Audrey : Yeah.

Nathan : It's working.

Audrey : Yeah.

Nathan : What I'm doing, it's working.

Audrey : Yes. Treat Mara like you treat me.

They intertwine on the floor.

Audrey : All right? It helps me fight her.

Nathan : Okay.

Audrey : Oh. Oh, Nathan.

Nathan : Yeah?

Audrey : You need to keep me here, please.

Nathan : I want to keep you here.

Audrey : I-I can't die inside of her.

Nathan : I want to keep you. How do I keep you?

Audrey : Mara... Mara, she... She has, um...

She points Mara's jacket.

Nathan : She... she what?

Audrey : She has a...

Nathan : What? Parker. Audrey, stay here. Mara has what? What?

You... you need this jacket?

He catchs the jacket and give her.

Nathan : Parker, don't go. Don't...

Duke enters and sees them on the floor.

Duke : What the hell is going on here?

Nathan : Duke, what do you want?

Duke : I can't stall for you anymore, Nathan. What... what... what is this? I mean, you two look like you're on your honeymoon.

Mara : Welcome to the party. You already look like you're hungover.

Nathan stands up and unchain her on her chair.

Nathan : You have no idea what you've done. I had a plan.

Duke : Well, please tell me, what is the plan?

Mara : He doesn't have a plan.

Nathan approches Duke to Mara can't hear.

Nathan : I know what it looks like.

Duke : No, you don't. You don't know what it looks like at all.

Nathan : Audrey is still in there. Mara doesn't know it.

Duke : There are things happening here that are bigger than you.

Nathan : We just have to treat her like Audrey.

Duke : What? Damn it, Nathan.

Duke approches Mara : I stuck my neck out for you.

He coughs.

Mara ; Is your head about to pop off?

Duke : Why don't you tell me?

Mara : I don't know. I thought you'd be dead already. You were on the doorstep in the cave.

Duke : Sorry to disappoint.

Mara : When did you start feeling better?

Duke : All right. I'll play along. It was when I let out some kind of denial trouble. No, it wasn't pretty. There were monkeys.

Mara : All right, I think you're overloaded. Maybe I can help you, Duke.

Nathan : Why would you do that for him, Mara?

Mara : Because he could explode.

It's worse and Nathan joins Duke to help him.

Nathan : If you were gonna help Duke, what would you do?

Mara : I would get him to release a trouble, and it would take away some of the pressure, keep him from exploding.

Nathan : Then we'd have a new trouble.

Mara : Yeah, it'd be an easy one. It would be something you could manage.

Duke : Which one?

Mara ; I'm not sure. I would need a list of all of the curses that the Crocker family has "taken care of".

Duke isn't okay and Nathan helps him to sit on a chair. Mara laughs.

Duke : They're all in my grandfather's book. I buried it... With my brother.

Nathan : Can't you just think of one?

Duke : Sorry, Nathan. I'm having a hard time focusing right now.

He coughs again and there is blood he absorbs.

Mara : Well, it looks like Duke is out. He's not gonna make it past the porch. So what's it gonna be?

Duke puts out his gun.

Mara : Are you gonna grab a shovel, or are you going to indulge yourself in your little tickle fixation and watch your friend die?

Duke : Just find the damn book, Nathan.

Nathan : We're not done.

He goes.

Mara remembers.

Duke and Audrey are in the Colorado.

Duke : Audrey, I'd do anything you need me to. I'd hunt down your past... And fight your future.

They kiss.

She laughs.




Duke : Audrey...

Mara : Why? Are you feeling unlucky?

Duke : Nathan's not back yet.

Mara : Scavenger hunts take a long time.

Duke : Are you really gonna help me release a trouble that won't kill people?

Mara : I'm the only one who can... The only one who can guide you to the right trouble to release. It's simple, really. One, we pick a trouble. Two, my touch connects you with that specific trouble, my creation. And then you bleed all over the floor. Just don't absorb it.

He stands up.

Duke : So you're saying that I need you if I want to live. Well, isn't that convenient?

Mara : You're nothing like Nathan.

He coughs.

Mara stands up to : You have a darkness inside of you that's not connected with The Troubles. I'm not surprised why you and Audrey had your little dalliance in Colorado.

Duke : That is none of your business.

Mara : Oh, and her impulse to kiss you... I wonder if a little bit of that... Wasn't from me.

Duke : Get away from me.

Mara : Well, you are just no fun. And you're about to go kaboom. So we're running out of time.

She sits and he coughs again.

Duke : All right, do it. Do it now.

Dwight opens the door.

Dwight : Mara... I've been looking for you.

Kikavu ?

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Nouveau design tout sur le quartier Malcolm! Tout avis est la bienvenue

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Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

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