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#502 : Celui qui ne voulait rien entendre

Mara continue de faire des ravages à Haven au désespoir de Nathan, alors même que la perturbation du précédent épisode fait de nouvelles victimes. Dwight est obligé de prendre certaines mesures, tandis que Duke nie toujours la mort de Jennifer. 


4.29 - 7 votes

Titre VO
Speak No Evil

Titre VF
Celui qui ne voulait rien entendre

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Duke rejoint Nathan

Duke rejoint Nathan

Duke s'inquiète de la disparition de Jennifer

Duke s'inquiète de la disparition de Jennifer

Duke et Nathan sont au plus mal

Duke et Nathan sont au plus mal

Duke et Nathan sont au plus mal

Duke et Nathan sont au plus mal

Duke et Nathan

Duke et Nathan

Duke recherche des informations sur Jennifer

Duke recherche des informations sur Jennifer

Duke recherche des informations sur Jennifer

Duke recherche des informations sur Jennifer


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Plus de détails

Ecrit par Matt McGuinness & Gabrielle Stanton.
Réalisé par Shawn Piller.

Guests : Myron Natwick (Mr. Barrow), Margot Dionne (Colette Barrow), Kelin Boyd (Brittany), Nicole Johnson (Holly l'infirmière), Brian Jamieson (Horace), Daniel Fanaberia (Larry Belfoire), Gharret Paon (Henry Barrow)

> Captures de l'épisode

 Sur la plage

Duke rejoint Nathan et lui annonce que qu'il est responsable de la perturbation qui coud les yeux, bouches et oreilles des habitants de Haven. Nathan l’interrompt en lui annonçant que Mara lui a tiré dessus.


Dans une rue

Mara aperçoit une affiche sur les vitamines et demande à la jeune femme qui vient de l'afficher ce qui se passe lorsqu'on en prend et que l'on va pas mieux. Celle-ci lui répond qu'on est remboursé mais Mara n'est pas convaincue. Elle arrache le stylo accroché à l'affiche, dit à la jeune femme qu'elle aime bien sa tenue, avant de lui planter le stylo dans l’œil.


Près d'un café

On retrouve Mara avec la tenue de la jeune femme qu'elle vient de tuer, devant un café entrain d'attendre Vickie. Elle lui demande de l'aide dans une affaire et souhaite utiliser sa perturbation. Vickie accepte et suis Mara, pensant qu'il s'agit d'Audrey.


A l'hôpital

Dwight demande à Vince pourquoi il ne lui a pas dit que Mara créait les perturbations. Vince réplique en lui disant que ce n'était pas à lui de lui dire et qu'il ne voulait pas que Dwight la regarde différemment. Mais Dwight pense que Mara est dangereuse et dit qu'il fera tout pour ne pas qu'elle détruise la ville. Dwight lui annonce également que Colette Barrow est harcelée par les disciples du Révérend Driscoll. Il demande à Vince de mettre des personnes de a Garde en protection de la famille Barrow. Vince se demande pourquoi des gens empirent les choses et Dwight lui dit que les habitants ont peur parce ce qu'ils ne voient pas la fin des perturbations, et que pour arranger ça la Garde à besoin d'un chef qui les guide.

Dwight reçoit une alerte sur son téléphone et part en disant qu'il y a un eu meurtre. Une femme poignardée dans l’œil.


Forêt de Haven

Vickie dessine l'endroit où se trouve l'un des passages fins de Mara. Elle s'aperçoit alors qu'il bouge constamment. Mara prend son dessin et le déchire en deux, ce qui crée un faille dans le passage. Elle s'apprête à le traverser mais celui-ci se referme. Vickie, surprise par le comportement d'Audrey, demande si elle va bien. Mara lui répond que non en regardant son badge, puis elle sort son arme et tire sur Vickie avec son taser.


Dans la morgue

Gloria est en train de faire une autopsie lorsque qu'elle entend quelque chose bouger dans son armoire. Elle croit alors que ce sont des rats mais elle s'aperçoit que ce sont des petites boules noires appelées Ether qui bouge. Gloria est interloquée et se demande ce que c'est quand elle aperçoit Mara dans la morgue avec son arme dans la main.

Quelques temps plus tard, Nathan arrive, son fusil de chasse à la main, et découvre la morgue saccagée. Il découvre Gloria cachée dans un tiroir où l'on met les cadavres. Il lui demande ce qu'elle fait cachée dedans et elle lui répond que Audrey est entrée ici avec son arme à la main avec le pass de Vickie. Il lui demande où est Audrey. Gloria lui annonce qu'elle est partie en le voyant arriver avec son arme et que Audrey semble chercher le tube d'ether qu'elle a caché. Nathan essaye de le lui prendre mais Gloria lui demande ce qu'il se passe avec l'inspecteur Parker. Il décide de lui raconter la vérité. 


Au port

Dwight arrive vers Duke et lui demande de venir avec lui chez les Barrow. Duke refuse dans un premier temps en lui disant qu'il attendait un coup de fil. Mais Dwight réussi à le convaincre de venir avec lui en lui annonçant que l'équipe des gardes-côtes à été cousue à cause de lui.


A l'hôpital

Dave, enfin réveillé, demande à Vince où il était. Il lui déclare qu'il était allé prendre des choses qui lui feraient plaisir. Dave lui demande de soda mais Vince veut d'abord en savoir plus dans l'endroit où William est, et où Dave a été. Dave lui raconte alors qu'en 83, il s'est retrouvé une nuit sur une plage sans savoir comment il y est allé. Il se souvient qu'il a été poussé dans un passage fait de brume verte et de s'être réveillé quelques heures plus tard de nouveau sur la plage avec des blessures sur tout le corps. Il montre alors à Vince qu'il a de nouveau ces blessures sur lui.

Dwight va voir la famille Barrow à l'hôpital pour s'occuper de l'enquête, tandis que Duke va voir à l’accueil si Jennifer a été admise ici. On lui demande d'attendre mais l’infirmière qui effectue la recherche est alors cousue de manière à ce qu'elle ne puisse rien dire. Duke est effrayé et part pour ne plus causer de problèmes. M. Barrow, le grand père de Henri Barrow, raconte à Dwight l'origine de sa perturbation.

Une infirmière appartenant à la Garde annonce à Dwight qu'ils ont découvert un femme qui correspond à Jennifer. Dwight l'identifie en temps que la femme qu'il cherchait. Celle-ci est morte avant de se retrouver noyée. 


Au port

Nathan rejoint Duke au port pour lui apprendre que Jennifer est morte, mais Duke ne peut pas supporter l'idée qu'elle ne sera plus là. A cause de sa perturbation, Nathan a les yeux, les oreilles ainsi que la bouche cousus. Duke comprend alors qu'il doit accepter sa mort pour ne plus faire souffrir quelqu'un. Nathan est alors libéré de ses coutures. Il annonce à Duke qu'il va livrer Mara à la Garde pour arrêter les perturbations.


Forêt d'Haven

Nathan retrouve Mara dans la forêt pour lui remettre l'Ether afin qu'elle parte. Mais celle ci refuse de quitter la ville en prétextant qu'elle n'en a pas fini. Elle décide à la place de perturber Nathan. Elle s'apprête à passer à l'acte quand elle entend Vickie qui se trouve dans la voiture de Nathan. Elle lui donne un coup, ce qui laisse à Nathan le temps de prendre le dessin de Vickie et de faire tomber une branche d'arbre  sur Mara, qui tombe inconsciente. Nathan s'empresse de l'attacher.



Dwight et quelques membre de la Garde vienne voir Vince. Ils lui annoncent qu'ils ne veulent plus de lui en temps que chef car il ne les diriges plus. Ils veulent que ce soit Dwight qui prenne sa place. Vince, pour le bien de Dave et de la ville, lui cède alors sa place.



Nathan attend avec Mara que Dwight arrive pour la prendre. Il est prit de remords en la voyant attacher et sans défense. Il s'approche pour l'embrasser et pour lui dire au revoir quand Mara se réveille d'un air affolé. Elle ne cesse de répéter à Nathan qu'elle est toujours en Mara, qu'elle est Audrey. Il comprend qu'il ne peux pas la livrer et part avant l'arrivée de la Garde. 


Duke came to see Nathan, sitting back to his car.

Duke : Hey, answer your phone once in a while. Dwight's got a couple of cops over at my spot looking for Mara. I got to tell you something. All the people getting their faces sewn shut? Apparently that's me.
Nathan : What?
Duke : William told me that every trouble in a person that was killed by a Crocker... They're all in me now. It's okay, you know? I'm just gonna stay zen, try to keep it in check till I can figure it out, which is gonna be impossible while I'm trying to find Jennifer, but that's fine. How was your day?
Nathan : She shot me.
Duke : What ?



Mara is looking a paper on a wall.

Mara : What happens when they buy the vitamins, but they don't feel better?
Woman : 30-day money-back guarantee.
Mara : But nobody actually does that, right? People who think they need vitamins... They're lazy.
Woman : Okay. I'll cross you off the list. Thank you, ma'am.

Mara takes the pencil.

Woman : That's for everybody.
Mara : Oh, don't worry. I'll return it. You know, I absolutely love your outfit.
Woman : Yeah, well, you got to go to Boston to get it...

Mara throws the pencil in the woman's eye.



Duke : I know you can't feel, but you were shot in the chest. You need to get to a hospital.
Nathan : Bullet missed my lungs, went through. I'll be okay.
Duke : And you know too much about getting shot.
Nathan : I got to go.
Duke : Slow down, tiger.
Nathan : Remember that black blob you saw floating out of the police station? Mara called it aether. Says there's more of it hidden in Haven. William knows where.
Duke : How much of it?
Nathan : I don't think we want to find out.
Duke : Did she say anything about Jennifer?
Nathan : Yeah, said she doesn't care about her, that Jennifer can't close thinnies.
Duke : Where the hell is she?
Nathan : Hey. You gonna be okay?
Duke : Yeah. You?
Nathan : Yeah.Missed my bones. I can move.
Duke : That's not what I meant. Audrey. She... she shot you, Nathan. Mara shot me, not Audrey.



Mara : Vickie.
Vickie : Hi, Audrey.
Mara : Hi. So you're eating... That.
Vickie : Just means an extra yoga class.
Mara : Yoga. That fetid room full of sweaty bodies? It's like a camel house at the zoo. Listen. I need you to draw something.
Vickie : Really?
Mara : Mm-hmm.
Vickie : I thought my drawings were too dangerous.
Mara : No. No. Only to the clumsy. You'll be fine. And I will be right there to help you.



Dwight : How's Dave?
Vince : I don't know. I don't know a great deal about Dave now.
Dwight : Terrible when you find out people you trust are keeping secrets.
Vince : What's wrong, Dwight?
Dwight : Why didn't you tell me Mara was responsible for bringing The Troubles to Haven?
Vince : Audrey told me in confidence. It wasn't my place.
Dwight : It's totally your place. You're the leader of The Guard. Unless you don't trust me.
Vince : Of course I trust you. You're like a son to me. I just didn't want...
Dwight : What?
Vince : I didn't want you to look at Audrey differently.
Dwight : Audrey is Mara, and right now Mara is doing everything she can to destroy this place.
Vince : But Audrey and Lucy and Sarah before her never wanted anything but to try and help people.
Dwight : You could've...
Vince : It was a judgment call, and I made it.
Dwight : Colette Barrow called me. People having their face sewn up all over town today... It's an old Barrow family trouble resurrected.
Vince : Colette called you?
Dwight : Unfortunately, reverend Driscoll's old buddies figured out that it was a Barrow trouble too.
Vince : What did those goons do?
Dwight : They nailed a dead raccoon to their front door for now. You should put some guard protection on their house.
Vince : Okay. Why do some people in this town make things worse?
Dwight : Because they're scared because there's no end in sight to The Troubles.

Cell phone vibrates.

Dwight : Lady stabbed in the eye next to the bulletin board.
Vince : Dwight, wait. Do you know which barrow is causing the trouble?
Dwight : None of them. Duke is.
Vince : Duke?
Dwight : There's a lot of stuff going on out there, Vince. bGuard needs a leader. Now.



Mara : I used to paint. A lot of people did before TV.
Vickie : You're not that old.
Mara : A lady never tells. What's wrong, Vickie?
Vickie : This spot. I never see it change, but somehow, I think it keeps changing.
Mara : You have a good eye, Vickie. That's why you like to draw. Look at what your drawings can do. They're not just drawings. They can sculpt your world. Vickie : When I return, you shall be spared my wrath. Bye, Vickie.

Mara try to enter in the thinnie spot but it doesn't work.

Mara : Ugh!
Vickie : Audrey, are you all right? Can I help you?
Mara : I'm afraid you can't, Vickie. You are an early model. I need something with real oomph. I need to make a new one. A custom order.
Vickie : What?
Mara : I really do like you, Vickie.

She teases her.



Duke come to see a fisherman.

Duke : She hasn't called, so I'm thinking maybe she landed in the water and it fried her phone, now she's stuck on some beach somewhere.
Man : I look for birds.
Duke : Yes, you... you look for birds. I get that. But what I'm asking is, did you see anything out there? Lighthouse debris?
Man : Birds are over the cod. I fish cod.
Duke : But what I'm asking is...
Man : I look at the birds.
Duke : I'm not upset at you. I'm not upset at you.
Man : Tell the coasties. If she's stranded on some beach somewhere, they'll find her.
Duke : Right. That's not a half bad idea.

Line rings.

Duke : Yeah, I need a coastal search. Duke Crocker. No, it is not contraband. It's a person.



Vickie : What's wrong with Audrey?
Nathan : What else did she say, Vickie?
Vickie : That she needed to make someone with oomph. Then she told me she really liked me and shot me with a taser.
Nathan : She's sick.
Vickie : Just go get yourself checked out.
Nathan : I'm okay. I'm going back to work. My swipe badge that gets me in the morgue... Audrey took it. I'll send a unit to pick you up.
Vickie : Okay.



Gloria : Oh, God. Rats. I hate rats.

Gloria opens the door and doesn't see rats, but Mara's aether who is trembling.

Gloria : Why are you doing that?

On the screen, she sees Mara enter in the morgue. Few minutes later, Nathan enters and can't fine anyone. He hears a noise and opened one of the doors of the morgue.

Nathan : Gloria?
Gloria : Yeah, put the shotgun away, little Joe, and get me out of here, please.
Nathan : Gloria. Why are you hiding?
Gloria : Because your gal pal came creeping in with intern's pass, and it didn't seem kosher. Now, where's intern?
Nathan : Vickie's fine. Where's... Audrey?
Gloria : Audrey heard you coming on her radio, and when she saw you pulling up with that cannon, she peaced out. I bet you she'll be back, though, because I got what she was looking for. I always wondered about these little buggers. Ah. You want to tell me what's going on with detective Parker?


Dwight : Hey, what you doing?
Duke : Using some of my friends to look for Jennifer, just like you're using your department to look for her too, right?
Dwight : Yes, and more. Listen, let's get out to the Barrows, try and figure out how this trouble of theirs, and now yours, works.
Duke : I'm not going there.
Dwight : Duke...
Duke : Look, troubles happen when people get upset, which is what you are making me right now. This is my happy place. I'm staying right here.
Dwight : Half an hour ago, an entire coast guard cutter crew had their eyes sewn shut. That was you. Boat hit a bait dock at 12 knots, so your happy place isn't working. We gotta solve this. Anyone finds Jennifer, I'll know.
Duke : I'm back in one hour.
Dwight : You can work on your happy attitude on the way.


Vince : Ah. You're awake.
Dave : Where have you been?
Vince : Getting you a few of your favorite things. Bear jerky from Curtis. Tab. Mmm, mmm. And the latest issue of Jugs Ahoy.
Dave : I'll take a tab. I'm so thirsty, Vince.
Vince : Sure. Course. But let's talk about a few things first.
Dave : You can't extort me with soda and pornography, Vincent.
Vince : Yes, I can. We both know that. Now, you said you've been there, to this void. Elaborate.
Dave : 1983. I woke up one night on the beach. At first I thought I was sleepwalking. Then I realized I was being pulled... Pulled toward an opening full of that awful green mist. I went through, Vincent.
Vince : Through to where?
Dave : I don't know. I don't remember anything, nothing of what happened there. I just remember waking up back on that beach, in terrible pain... Pain like I have right now. Look. I had these same injuries the last time I came back from the void. Something from the void wants to hurt me, and I think it came into the cave.

Barrow house

Dwight : Tell the State Coastal commission the lighthouse failed due to saltwater corrosion.
Duke : Must be getting hard explaining what's happening here to the world.
Dwight : TIt's harder explaining it to the people who live here. Oh, boy. Damn it.
Duke : He's not sewn up.
Dwight : No, he's beat up.
Duke : Why?
Dwight : I'm gonna ask Vince the same question. I need an ambulance.



Gloria : That means that that brunette FBI agent who said she was Audrey Parker, she's the real, original Audrey Parker?
Nathan : Probably.
Gloria : And this Mara woman or whatever she is, she's been, what, like, wearing our Audrey as kind of like a disguise all this time?
Nathan : Yeah.
Gloria : You know, I met a guy on Match. He said he was a 6'1" airline pilot. He was a 5'3" mitten salesman. Anyway, I'm sorry, Nathan.
Nathan : Audrey was so real to me.
Gloria : She was real to me too. But Mara is realer. Glock 9.
Nathan : She used my gun to kill him.
Gloria : Oh, incoming. Thank you.
Nathan : What happened?
Gloria : Well, it's a weird one, even for Haven. The cops think she was done in by a pencil.

Cell phone chimes.

Nathan : Mara did this too.
Gloria : And I got two coast guard guys coming in who didn't make it. And Vince wants to see me. Tell you, Haven keeps a coroner busy. I'm interviewing nannies, so I will be renegotiating my contract.

Nathan takes the aether.

Nathan (on the radio): All units, if you see detective Parker, tell her I have what she was looking for at the morgue. She just needs to find me, and I'll give it to her.



Dwight : The Barrow family is all gathering in Henry's room.
Nurse : We're trying to get an O.R. ready, but it's been a busy day. You're the boss. Catch the bastards who did this.
Dwight : We caught a break with the whole family being here. Someone might know how this trouble works.
Duke : Yeah. You know what? Give me a sec. I'll catch up to you.

Duke : Excuse me.
Nurse 2 : Yes.
Duke : I wanted to see if maybe a woman was brought in here.Black hair, 5'2". Might have been in an accident.
Nurse 2 : Let me check.
Duke : Thank you.
Nurse : Might take a minute. We've been crazed. But if she came in, Holly will know.

Muffled screaming.

Nurse : Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Holly. Holly.

Duke runs.

On the same time, in Henry's room.

Colette : I've told you everything I know. But my father, he was a boy when the sewing was happening. He might be able to help you. Chief. Papa's old.
Dwight : Mr. Barrow?
Mr. Barrow : Yes?
Dwight : I'm Dwight Hendrickson, chief of police in Haven.
Mr. Barrow : It's nice to meet you, Mr. Hendrickson.
Dwight : We're gonna catch the men that did this. But first, I need to talk to you about your family's trouble... The one that sews up people's eyes and mouths. Your daughter Colette, she told me that you might be able to help me figure out what triggered this.
Mr. Barrow : Lettie has a wonderful imagination. When she was six, she used the rose garden on our east knoll to build an entire make-believe city. Homes, schools, roads, a dance studio.
Dwight : Mr. Barrow, The Troubles are activated by an emotional state. Was anything happening back then?
Mr. Barrow : Her village even included a-a river. She used the garden hose to make it.
Colette : Dad. Can you help him? It's important.
Mr. Barrow : When I was 12 years old, I had sailing lessons every Sunday. I didn't know we had no money. Then the sailing instructor stopped getting paid. He came by to tell me we were broke. But... His mouth was sewn shut before he could say anything.
Dwight : Sewn shut by what?
Mr. Barrow : We had three stuffed monkeys: See no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.
Dwight : I saw them on your mantle, with the same stitches as the victims.
Mr. Barrow : Somehow, they... they were... Active. Back then, if you didn't have good news for a Barrow... Best not say anything at all.
Dwight : And if someone did?
Mr. Barrow : They were sewn.

Nurse : Nurse Holly's resting, but after that, some nurses are talking about leaving the hospital.
Dwight : We need them here.
Nurse : Are they any good blind or dead? We need help.
Dwight : I can get emergency volunteers.
Nurse : I'm talking about The Guard. Our guard. Where are they? Where's Vince? We need The Troubles to end.
Dwight : I'll talk to him.
Nurse : Wait. Your friend asked about a dark-haired woman. We got a D.O.A. an hour ago, found her washed up on Eatons Neck.
Dwight : Got a name?
Nurse : Jane Doe. No I.D.

They go to the morgue to see the body.

Nurse : You knew her?
Dwight : Her name's Jennifer. Jennifer Mason. How long has she been dead?
Nurse : A while. Paramedic said no fluid in her lungs. She was dead before she hit the water.



Gloria : These are Dave's?
Vince : Yes.
Gloria : Jeez. The bruising is extensive, and the ligament damage is severe. I mean, it almost looks like he was twisted into pieces. Who did this?
Vince : I don't know.
Gloria : So whoever did this could be walking around town right now?
Vince : I don't know.
Gloria : Well, I suggest you find out. I'm not night fishing until you do. Man!


Haven PD

Nathan had a flashback with Audrey.

Audrey : So what do you think?
Nathan : It's a start.
Audrey : Oh, that's high praise from a Wuornos.

Cell phone ringing.

Nathan : Yeah?
Mara : I got your message. You have my aether from the morgue?
Nathan : Yeah.
Mara : I want you to leave it at...
Nathan : No. I'm going to give it to you face-to-face.
Mara : First of all, what makes you think that I'm dumb enough to go where you would pull a gun on me? And second, come on, haven't you suffered enough? Every time you see me, you look like you're going to cry. Even when I don't shoot you.
Nathan : I need to make sure you use it to leave Haven forever.
Mara : Hmm, no. Not going to do that.
Nathan : I am gonna give you one of those little black blobs. One... use it for anything other than opening a thin spot and leaving, and you will be stuck here with nothing. I am letting you leave alive. I'm not gonna do it again.
Mara : Wow. Look who grew a spine. Okay, I can do this if I trouble someone, and I think it should be you.
Nathan : Fine.
Mara : I'm a little surprised. You're gonna let Audrey go?
Nathan : You're not Audrey. You're just a pathetic, evil reminder of what I lost, what we all lost.
Mara : Meet me in an hour at the same thinny I tried with Vickie. She knows where it is. And you may wanna wear a helmet. I know you can't feel but trust me, this will be... Unpleasant.
Nathan : That's all of it?
Mara : Yeah.

Police station

Officer : What are you looking for? It's just, I could get in trouble for this. I kind of want to know why I'm doing it. I hear whispers about Audrey...
Vince : You're doing it for The Guard. That's all you need to know.
Dwight : Tell Nathan I want to see him. Vince, we need to talk.
Vince : Actually, I was just leaving.
Dwight : No, you're not.
Officer : Chief.
Dwight : What are you doing here ?
Officer : He asked for the dash cam footage from your car when the lighthouse collapsed. He's the head of The Guard, so I figured I'd give it to him. But now I'm not so sure I did the right thing. Sorry, chief. You can take it back if you want.
Vince : Dave thinks there was someone else in the lighthouse. Maybe your dashboard camera caught something.
Dwight : My office. Now. 

Vince : Dwight, I'm very busy.
Dwight : Colette Barrow's son, Henry, he's in the hospital.
Vince : Is he okay? What happened?
Dwight : You didn't send protection to the Barrows' like we agreed, and he got jumped.
Vince : Damn. I got distracted.
Dwight : Right, by Dave.
Vince : Yes, distracted by Dave. Do you think what I do is easy?
Dwight : No, Vince. I think leading The Guard's hard. I think it needs your full attention.
Vince : It's getting it. Look, don't you see, Dave, the void, The Troubles, they could be connected.
Dwight : Or you could just be protecting your brother.
Vince : You think I'm ignoring my duties to The Guard to protect Dave?
Dwight : Honestly, I don't know what you're doing. I wish I knew. I know why you keep Haven's secrets from the rest of the world, but why do you keep them from The Guard? Why do you keep them from me?
Vince : I don't keep secrets from you.
Dwight : Did you tell me that Audrey brought The Troubles to Haven? She's not Audrey. She's Mara, the bitch who brought all this misery here. Did you ever stop to think of that? Or is protecting the memory of Audrey more important to you?
Vince : Don't judge me, Dwight.
Dwight : No, Vince, you need it. You, Nathan, even Duke. You're letting your affection for Audrey hurt everyone else in this town. We shouldn't protect her. We should hunt her down, tie her up, and make her undo everything she's done.

Nathan enters, Vince goes out.

Nathan : You wanted to see me.
Dwight : Yeah. Jennifer's dead. She washed up on Eatons Neck.
Nathan : Does Duke know?
Dwight : Good question. The Barrow's trouble that he revived is triggered by denial. The coast guard, the nurse... Duke is sewing up anyone who could tell him that Jennifer's dead. He would have gotten me too if he knew I covered the waterfront. I got to tell him the truth.
Nathan : How do you know he's not gonna sew you up when you try?
Dwight : I don't know, Nathan, but I'm chief of police. I got to do something.
Nathan : Dwight, I've known Duke since we were kids. Let me tell him.
Dwight : You have to go now. I'm gonna go find the guys who beat up Henry Barrow.
Nathan : Dwight... I heard what you said about Mara.
Dwight : I meant it.
Nathan : I know. I was gonna send Mara back to
whatever hell she comes from, but maybe you're right. Maybe she can fix all this. So when I'm done with Duke, I am gonna get her and bring her to you.
Dwight : You know I'm gonna involve The Guard.
Nathan : You do what you have to. Let's just end this.



Nathan : Hey.
Duke : This town could use a search-and-rescue plane. You find Mara?
Nathan : Soon. You're waiting for Jennifer here, aren't you? This is your "in case of emergency" meeting spot.
Duke : Yeah, well, you know, it's a good thing to have in a town like Haven, you know, when Godzilla or Mothra attack.
Nathan : Yeah. I've seen you two hang out here.
Duke : You ever play Pooh sticks?
Nathan : Pooh sticks?
Duke : From Winnie the Pooh. It's a game. Jennifer taught me how to play. You know, you take two twigs, and you race them in the water. She was beating me, like, 155 to 90, but I'm pretty sure she cheats, so, you know...
Nathan : You're a fancy date.
Duke : That's the thing, though. We can have fun in a box. It doesn't matter. When she gets back, I'm pretty sure Jennifer's gonna need some fancy hotel time. Got our bags packed for Boston already.
Nathan : I don't think she's coming back.
Duke : What's that supposed to mean?
Nathan : You know what I mean.No...
Duke : No...
Nathan : We both saw her in that cave.
Duke : No.
Nathan : Duke, we saw her. Duke, look at me. Look at me! You're denying the truth. Jennifer stopped breathing in the cave. I heard you say it. You can sew my eyes and ears shut.
Duke : Nathan, stop.
Nathan : You have to listen to me. I have to get you to understand that Jennifer is gone. She's gone. Dwight saw her body...
Duke : Shut up! Nathan. Nathan. Hey, come on. Breathe.

Dukes reminds all the moments spent with Jennifer.

Duke : Who the hell are you?
Jennifer : Jennifer. Jennifer Mason.

Jennifer : You're the one who keeps saying I'm not crazy. I'm Troubled. You're gonna be with me, right?
Duke : The whole time.

Jennifer : You kissed me.
Duke : You kissed me back.

Duke : After this, you and me, we will still be okay.

Duke : She's not breathing. Come on, Jennifer.

Back to present, Duke decides to let Jennifer go and save Nathan.

Duke : I'm the one who brought Jennifer to Haven.
Nathan : No. Jennifer was always coming. She was special. You know that, right?
Duke : Yeah. Yeah, I know. It's hard.
Nathan : But Jennifer died saving us. I'm not gonna let that be in vain.
Duke : Yeah? How's that?
Nathan : I'm gonna give Mara to The Guard, let them see if they can get her to end all this. Mara started The Troubles. Maybe she can stop them.


Nathan : Mara? Mara, I'm here.
Mara : Freeze. Slowly take off your shirt.
Nathan : I'm unarmed.
Mara : I know. I just like the beefcake. Put your hands on your head. If you can.
Nathan : Front right pocket.
Mara : One?
Nathan : That was our deal.
Mara : You know, I'm surprised you're kicking me out. You're letting Audrey go.
Nathan : Audrey is gone.
Mara : Yeah. I know. I wasn't gonna leave Haven anyway. William and I still have work to do.
Nathan : We had a deal.
Mara : We did. But suppose you had a deal with a weed. You might just break it, right?
Nathan : Why are you doing this?
Mara : I can't leave Haven. William and I are not done.
Nathan : Done? Done what?
Mara : Done perfecting your gifts. Now stop, or I'll shoot you. Dead this time. I'm going to build on
your dogmatic devotion and turn you into a battering ram. You'll morph your body, and you'll burn like phosphorous or freeze like ice... Anything to break through that thinny. And I would say that it would hurt, but with you it won't. I just hope that you make it through before you croak.

She hears Vickie in the car.

Mara : Bitch! Well, you're disappointing.
Nathan : Mara, leave her alone.
Mara : This was your plan? At least you're not stupid enough to think that I would actually leave.
Nathan : You should stop. You know how this works.
Mara : You forgot. It doesn't work on me, because I'm immune to The Troubles.
Nathan : Yeah. But not to our world.

A tree branch falls on her.


Vince : Take a look at this. There we are all walking into the lighthouse. Now look at the timecode.
Dave : 11:21 A.M.
Vince : And this is where the lighthouse collapses.
Dave : 12:19 P.M.
Vince : Uh-huh. Do you remember the noon whistle sounding? You can hear it from all over town.
Dave : No, but we had a lot going on.
Vince : The whistle was upstairs in the lighthouse. It should have been deafening.
Dave : What are you saying?
Vince : Well, I only remember being in the cave five minutes, ten at the most. But according to the tape, we were all in there for almost an hour.

Colette enters in the room with Dwight and others Guard people.

Colette : Doctors finished their surgery on my son Henry. He may never walk again.
Vince : Oh, I'm so sorry, Colette.
Colette : I heard that you were told he needed protection. Is that true? Is it true?
Vince : Yes, it is.
Colette : Damn you.
Dwight : Nathan called. He and Vickie captured Mara. Vickie's on her way to the hospital. Nathan's waiting for me out on route 62 with Mara in cuffs.
Vince : Is she all right?
Officer : Who cares if she's...
Dwight : We do, Larry. We need to get information out of her. I told them Mara is responsible for The Troubles. They need to know what they're up against.
Vince : That was imprudent. Have Nathan bring her to The Herald.
Dwight : I think that's a bad idea.
Vince : I appreciate your input, Dwight. Bring her to The Herald.
Nurse : We like Dwight's plan.
Vince : Really? Is that so? Listening to Dwight on this...
Nurse : We're not just listening to Dwight on this. Dwight helps us. Dwight caught the guys who beat up Henry Barrow. We're listening to Dwight from now on... all of us.
Vince : You want this?
Nurse : Yes.
Vince : I was born with this symbol on my arm.
Dwight : And I chose to put it on me.
Vince : Okay.
Dwight : Go meet Nathan on route 62. Get Mara. Take her to the abandoned cannery. We need a private place to work. I like you, Vince. I've always liked you. So work on Dave. And don't get in my way.


Gloria : How you holding up?
Duke : I'm sad.
Gloria : Yeah. I called around. Jennifer really doesn't have any next of kin.
Duke : I knew that.
Gloria : And the state requires that I bury her in a Potter's field.
Duke : No.
Gloria : Course not. Do you want to handle it yourself? Say good-bye?
Duke : Thank you.
Gloria : Okay. Come by the morgue and get her. Just don't get me into trouble, okay?
Duke : I won't. Jennifer used to complain about the Cape Rouge a lot. But she loved the sea. It was new to her. We talked about going to sea a lot. I'm gonna take her there now.
Gloria : That sounds perfect, Duke.
Duke : I really am gonna miss her.
Gloria : I know. I miss my son.


Mara wakes up in Nathan's car, but it's seem to be Audrey this time.

Audrey : Nathan.
Nathan : Audrey.
Audrey : Yes. I'm still here. But... It feels... It feels like she's crushing... She's crushing me. Please, I'm... I'm still... I'm still here. I'm still...


Mara : Why are you so close to me, you perv? You are making a huge mistake.
Nathan : Maybe.
Mara : Hey! You don't know what you're messing with. Get me out of here! Let me go!

Engine starts.

Mara : Let me out! Hey! Hey!


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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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