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#405 : Lexie

Lexie, la nouvelle arrivante, aide Nathan dans sa recherche focalisée sur une personne "perturbée" échangant la personnalité des habitants.

Alors que Lexie essaye de s'habituer à sa nouvelle vie à Haven, Jordan avec l'aide de Dwight cherche un moyen afin que les "perturbations" s'arrêtent pour toujours mais reviennent au point de départ., ce qui amène la jeune femme à trouver une autre solution au problème.


4.29 - 7 votes

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The New Girl

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Extrait : Isn't that right Audrey? (VO)

Extrait : Isn't that right Audrey? (VO)


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Duke devant son fourgon

Duke devant son fourgon



Lexie et Duke

Lexie et Duke

Duke Crocker

Duke Crocker

Rebecca interroge un témoin

Rebecca interroge un témoin

Rebecca est sous le choc

Rebecca est sous le choc

Dwight, Nathan et Vince

Dwight, Nathan et Vince

Vince et Duke

Vince et Duke

Jennifer et Duke

Jennifer et Duke

Wade et Duke Crocker

Wade et Duke Crocker

Wade Crocker

Wade Crocker

Lexie et Duke

Lexie et Duke

Nathan (Lucas Bryant)

Nathan (Lucas Bryant)




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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 15.12.2016 à 03:00

Logo de la chaîne Syfy

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Vendredi 11.10.2013 à 22:00
1.59m / 0.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par Brian Millikin.
Réalisé par Rick Bota.

Guests : Charlotte Hegele (Katie), Douglas Nyback (Josh) et Jon McLaren (Tyler)

> Captures de l'épisode

Sur une colline, à Haven.

Nous retournons à la scène de fin de l'épisode précédent, Audrey maintient qu'elle s'appelle Lexie et ne les connaît pas. Jordan lui demande de tuer Nathan mais elle refuse, et Duke signale que si c'est Lexie et non Audrey qui le tue, cela ne fera pas disparaître les troubles, puisque Lexie n'est pas amoureuse de Nathan. Pour permettre à Nathan de s'enfuir, Duke commence à frapper un membre de la Garde, activant son trouble. Jordan ordonne aux hommes de laisser Duke et poursuivre Nathan.

Lexie se retrouve avec Jennifer, qui lui apprend qu'elle se trouve dans le Maine.

Nathan est stoppé par un membre de la Garde qui le fait tomber. Vince lui dit qu'il n'a plus d'excuse pour le laisser vivant, malgré les protestations de Duke. Mais Lexie débarque, une arme dans les mains pointée sur eux. Elle leur dit qu'au moindre geste, elle tirera, même si on a l'impression qu'elle ne sait pas se servir d'une arme. Duke l'interpelle, lui demande s'il peut parler à Vince car il a une idée pour garder Nathan en vie, elle accepte. Quand Jordan dis qu'elle va s'occuper de Lexie, celle ci pointe son arme vers elle, l'appelant "sweetheart" et lui déconseillant de bouger.

Dans les bureaux du Haven Herald´s.

Vince, Dave, Duke, Jennifer, Jordan et des membres de la Garde discutent de la situation. Jordan suggère de recharger Lexie en Audrey, mais Vince lui dit qu'ils ont déjà essayé des années avant, sans succès. Elle suggère qu'ils trouvent la grange et la refasse entrer dedans, mais Jennifer explique qu'elle a entendu que la grange était en train de mourir. Duke plaide pour son plan, mais Jordan veut forcer Lexie à tuer Nathan, et espérer que ça marche. Vince approuve le fait qu'ils doivent se débarrasser des troubles au plus vite.

Dans la pièce d'à côté.

Lexie s'inquiète de la blessure de Nathan, qui ne ressent rien. Elle lui demande s'il a une idée de ce qu'il va advenir d'eux, et Nathan tente de la rassurer en lui disant qu'il est la cible, et pas elle, et qu'elle ne doit pas s'inquiéter. Lexie lui rappelle ironiquement qu'elle se trouvait quelques heures auparavant dans un bar étrange, où elle a appris que sa vie était une sorte de rêve, qu'elle a marché à travers une porte magique et qu'en arrivant à Haven, on lui a mis une arme dans la main et demander de tuer quelqu'un, avant de l'enfermer ici, donc non, elle ne se sent pas vraiment en sécurité. Nathan l'interroge sur son métier, et demande si elle aurait rencontré un Agent Howard, Lexie lui dit qu'elle n'a rencontré que William. Ils sont interrompus par Vince qui leur ordonne de venir avec lui. 


Sur une scène de crime. 

Dwight est très étonné de la nouvelle personnalité d'Audrey et le dit clairement à Nathan, qui ne peut qu'être d'accord. Dwight lui parle de l'incident qui a eu lieu dans le restaurant : un garçon du nom de Josh déjeunait avec son amie Katie quand il est devenu fou, l'a attaqué, et s'est fait enfermé dans la cuisine par le personnel. Nathan est étonné que Dwight lui demande son aide, et Vince explique que le plan de Duke consiste à faire retomber amoureuse Lexie de Nathan, pour qu'elle le tue - il insiste bien sur ce détail pour lui montrer qu'en réalité, il s'agit toujours du plan de  Nathan, "avec une fille différente". 

Ils sont interrompus par le cri de Lexie. Elle cherchait des toilettes dans le restaurant et a été surprise par Josh, qui l'observait depuis la porte de la cuisine, un air fou sur son visage, un long couteau à la main. Nathan essaye de le calmer mais le garçon se tue lui-même avec le couteau. 

Ils interrogent ensuite Katie, qui leur apprend que Josh est le meilleur ami de son petit ami, Tyler. Ce dernier a eu un accident alors qu'ils étaient tous ensemble en voiture, et a été le seul à être vraiment blessé. 

Les policiers de Haven semblent penser qu'Audrey est de retour, ce qui l'embête car elle veut être Lexie, et non la Audrey que tout le monde veut voir revenir. lls décident d'aller à l'hôpital interroger Tyler, et Lexie dit qu'elle doit se faire examiner la tête, "sérieusement". 

A l'hôpital

Tyler leur apprend qu'il ne pourra sans doute plus jamais marcher. Quand Nathan l'interroge sur les circonstances de l'accident, il raconte que Katie l'a regardé d'une façon étrange et qu'il a ensuite perdu le contrôle de son corps et donc de la voiture. Mais il ne pense pas que Katie soit perturbée. Duke l'invite à passer boire un coup gratuit au Gull à sa sortie de l'hôpital. 

Lexie est de retour, le docteur ne lui ayant rien trouvé, même si elle dit ne pas leur faire confiance. Duke flatte Nathan et l'interrogatoire qu'il a mené, pour impressionner Lexie. Ils concluent que Katie est bien la seule personne qui relie les deux cas. 

Devant chez Katie

Alors qu'elle se fait déposer par l'officier Rafferty, Katie semble entendre un bruit et perdre le contrôle de ses gestes, elle panique et se jette sous une voiture. 

Plus tard, Dwight, Nathan, Lexie et Duke sont sur les lieux du crime. Ils comprennent que ce n'était pas elle, la perturbée. Lexie revient avec un talkie walkie dans les mains, et dit que les policiers lui font vraiment confiance comme si elle était Audrey ! Nathan lui apprend qu'ils ont raconté qu'elle était amnésique et qu'ils devaient les aider à la faire redevenir Audrey. Lexie se sent en tout cas concernée par cette affaire de perturbation et dit à Nathan que c'est peut-être ce que William sous-entendait en lui disant que la ville avait besoin d'elle. 

Jennifer arrive avec des vêtements d'Audrey pour Lexie, celle-ci se moque de ces '50 nuances de beige' caractérisant les vêtements de son alter-égo. Duke demande ensuite à Jennifer de rester en dehors de cette affaire dangereuse, elle le prend assez mal, surtout quand il lui dit qu' "ils la protégeront tous les trois". Elle lui réplique que maintenant qu'Audrey est de retour, elle doit s'effacer, vider l'appartement et sortir de sa vie... 

Au Grey Gull

Wade trouve Jordan dans le bar, il lui propose un verre. Juste avant qu'elle ne lui confie son trouble, Dwight débarque, lui disant qu'il veut lui montrer quelque chose, et lui apprenant au passage qu'elle parlait avec le frère de Duke, ce qu'elle trouve "parfait". 

Haven PD.

Alors qu'ils discutent sur les possibles coupables de l'affaire, Lexie impressionne Duke et Nathan avec sa théorie, qu'elle a élaboré grâce à ses "compétences de serveuse" : elle pense que Katie trompait Tyler avec son meilleur ami Josh. Ainsi, par jalousie, et pour les blâmer du fait qu'il ne puisse plus marcher pour le restant de ses jours, il prendrait sa revanche... 

A l'hôpital. 

Ils trouvent un infirmier mort dans le lit de Tyler, et en regardant la vidéo surveillance, comprennent que le garçon peut contrôler les esprits. Duke les appelle pour dire qu'il a l'impression que quelqu'un le suit dans les couloirs du sous-sol de l'hôpital. Nathan et Lexie le rejoignent, et tombent dans un piège : Tyler possède le corps de Duke, et il les enferme tous les deux dans un débarras, sans téléphone ni arme. Il leur apprend que l'accident de voiture était un accident, mais qu'une fois à l'hôpital, il s'était retrouvé projeté dans le corps de Josh et avait découvert qu'il draguait Katie, et l'avait donc poussé à se suicider. Il leur dit aussi qu'il essaye de rester dans le corps de Duke de façon permanente, puisque son propre corps est en train de mourir. 

Dans un endroit secret

Dwight montre à Jordan une pièce dans laquelle lui et les Teagues ont travaillé à retracer tous les moments de vie de Lucy, Sarah et Audrey pour en arriver à la conclusion qu'elle devait bel et bien tuer l'homme qu'elle aime pour vaincre les troubles. Jordan lui dit que s'ils ne peuvent pas faire retomber Lexie amoureuse de Nathan, ils vont devoir trouver un autre moyen. Elle propose qu'ils tuent Audrey, pour faire stopper ce qui pourrait être sa perturbation. Dwight lui dit que Duke n'acceptera jamais. 

Au Grey Gull

Duke/Tyler demande à Wade comment un perturbé pourrait faire pour rester dans un corps de façon permanente, et ce dernier lui répond, content de pouvoir donner son avis. Il finit par comprendre, trop tard, que ce n'est pas Duke.

Sous-sol de l'hôpital. 

Nathan et Lexie tentent une discussion amicale. Il est très déçu quand il apprend que Lexie n'aime pas du tout les pancakes, ce qu'il avait en commun avec Audrey. 

Au Grey Gull

Duke/Tyler assomme Wade, juste avant que Jennifer arrive. Elle lui annonce qu'elle repart pour Boston, il lui dit de bien s'amuser mais comprend vite que ce n'était pas la bonne réponse. Il lui dit alors qu'il a décidé de quitter Haven, et qu'il aimerait qu'ils partent tous les deux. Il l'embrasse, lui dit qu'ils n'ont pas besoin de prendre leurs affaires, qu'ils achèteront tout là bas, mais qu'il a besoin de faire un petit arrêt à l'hôpital avant de partir. Essayant d'être spontanée, Jennifer accepte de le suivre. 

Sous-sol de l'hôpital. 

Lexie réussit à forcer la serrure avec une tige de métal. Nathan lui confie qu'il ne l'aime pas, qu'elle n'est pas la Audrey qu'il attendait, et qu'il ne veut rien d'elle, tout en s'excusant de lui dire des choses aussi terribles. 


Extérieur de l'hôpital

Jennifer comprend que Duke n'est pas lui-même quand il l'appelle "Babe". Pour s'enfuir, elle lui plante un crayon dans la jambe. Elle croise Lexie et Nathan, leur raconte l'histoire. Ces derniers se disputent pour savoir qui ira sauver Duke, mais ce ne peut être que Lexie, puisqu'elle est immunisée et que Tyler possède la carte de visite de Nathan, et peut donc le contrôler. 

Sous-sol de l'hôpital. 

Lexie retrouve Duke devant le corps de Tyler, prêt à tuer son ancien corps. Mais elle n'intervient pas, et quand Tyler agit, la perturbation de Duke prend le dessus, et le tue. Duke, de retour à lui, explique à Lexie sa perturbation et comment, en se tuant, Tyler a mis fin à sa propre perturbation. 


Haven PD

Nathan félicite Lexie pour son instinct. Elle lui dit que c'était seulement de la chance. Elle l'interroge à propos d'Audrey, de leur relation, mais il lui répond que c'était compliqué. 


Au Grey Gull.

Wade dit à Duke qu'il aurait du se douter que ce n'était pas lui dès lors qu'il lui a demandé son avis. Il lui dit qu'il pourrait, pour le remercier, partager son grand secret, mais Duke réplique qu'il lui fait une faveur en ne le lui disant pas. Seul avec Jennifer, ils discutent de ce qu'ils s'est passé, et s'embrassent à nouveau. 

Dehors, Wade retrouve Jordan, qui contrairement à ce qu'il pensait, voulait le voir lui, et non Duke. 

Plus tard, Duke discute avec Lexie de son appartement et plaisante à propos des six mois de loyer qu'elle lui doit. Avant de la laisser partir, il lui dit qu'il a compris qu'elle savait que sa perturbation allait le sauver, là bas à l'hôpital. Lexie essaye de nier, mais quand Duke lui dit qu'il sait qu'elle est Audrey, et non Lexie, elle semble se libérer d'un poids, et les deux amis se serrent dans les bras. 


In Haven

Nathan : The Troubles haven't ended. Killing me is the only way now.
Lexie: I'm not killing anyone, certainly not someone I've never met before. And who is Audrey? My name is Lexie.
Nathan : Your name is Lexie?
Lexie : I guess you guys were expecting somebody else?
Jordan : Shoot him!
Lexie : I'm not shooting anyone. Who are you people?
Duke : Jordan, if she's not Audrey anymore, then her killing Nathan isn't gonna end The Troubles. It only works if she loves him.
Jordan : Then I might as well shoot him myself!
Duke : Vince, get your people under control!
Vince : Jordan!
Duke : Run!
Jordan : He's getting away! Forget Crocker! Get Wuornos!

Lexie : Where am I?
Jennifer : Maine. Don't worry... after a while, you kind of get used to it.

Guard's man : Almost got him!
Gard's man : Down the other side. Don't move.
Duke : You're just gonna kill him, right here?
Jordan : We had a deal, Vince. We agreed he had to die.
Duke : But things have changed.
Dave : That door never should have been opened.
Vince : Not now, Dave!
Duke : Don't do this, Vince.
Vince : I'm sorry, Nathan.

Someone shots.

Lexie : Okay, listen up, you lunatics. Move a muscle, lose your head. I know it doesn't seem like I know how to use this thing, but I do.
Vince : What do you want, Lexie?
Lexie : Ideally? A stiff drink and a reason why y'all are trying to blow away "cheekbones" here.
Jordan : I'll take care of her.
Lexie : Listen, I know you're angry, honey, but I'm hoping you're not stupid too.
Duke : Excuse me, Lexie! Hi. My name is Duke. And I would actually prefer that they didn't shoot "cheekbones" here either. Now, I think I can clear this whole thing up if I could just talk to this gentleman right over here... The, uh... the big one.
Lexie : Okay.
Vince : There's nothing more to say, Duke.
Duke : Really, Vince? Because everybody here still wants The Troubles to end... And I think I know how.


Haven Herald's

Jordan : This is insane! Can't we just turn Lexie back into Audrey?
Vince : Can't be changed back. We tried once a long time ago.
Jordan : So we find the barn again, shove her back in, see what that does.
Duke : You won't find it. It's gone, for good this time.
Jordan : What?
Duke : Vince, Jennifer's trouble gives her some kind of connection to the barn, okay? She can hear it.
Jennifer : I could hear it, not anymore, not since Lexie walked out and I heard someone say the barn was dying. On the upside, I might be normal again, so...
Jordan : Oh, how nice for you. But the rest of us don't get off that easy.
Duke : Which is why my plan makes sense.
Jordan : We can't go on like this. We have to end it, and Lexie killing Nathan right now is our best shot. 
Duke : Or it ruins our chance of ending The Troubles forever.
Jordan : You're just doing whatever you can to keep your friend alive!
Duke : And you just want to kill him, sweetheart. Look, clearly you...
Vince : Enough! Jordan's right. The Troubles are destroying this town. We must end them. Get Dwight on the phone.

Lexie : How's your head?
Nathan : I can't feel it.
Lexie : Oh, tough guy. Why don't you just let me take a look at it. I've stitched up a couple cuts in my day. 
Nathan : Sure.
Lexie : Oh, sorry.
Nathan : It's okay.
Lexie : That's not even worth a stitch. Good news... you're gonna live. You got any idea what they're talking about or saying in there?
Nathan : No, I can't hear. It's probably for the best.
Lexie : I'd actually like, you know, a heads-up if we're gonna get tortured or killed or made to work in a newspaper.
Nathan : I think I'm the prisoner here, aud... Lexie. You're safe.
Lexie : See, here's the thing, okay? I went to work today. I showed up, and I pretty much found out that my entire existence is like some kind of a dream or something. Then I went through a supernatural door. I landed here, and people just put guns in my hands, and now I'm locked up. So I'm not really feeling that, um, safe. 
Nathan : Tell me who you thought you were.
Lexie : Oh, I'm a bartender. I used to complain about crappy tips, but I swear to God, I'm never gonna complain about anything again.
Nathan : Did a man named agent Howard... black, bald... Did he help you get here?
Lexie : No. Actually, the guy's name was William.
Nathan : Did he tell you what you're doing here?
Lexie : All he said was that I belonged in this crazy town and that somehow I was important.

Vince : You two, come with me.


Crime scene.

Dwight : Vince told me, but wow.
Nathan : Yeah. You brought us to a crime scene?
Dwight : You, stay here, please.
Lexie : Hey, listen, are we gonna get some lunch or something? 'Cause I could eat.

Dwight : We think it's a trouble. A kid named Josh was having breakfast with Katie over there, and then he went nuts, like a switch flipped. Attacked her. Employees locked him in the kitchen, and he's still in there.
Nathan : Are you sure you don't need me?
Dwight : I need you for that other thing. It's critical for this to work.
Nathan : After everything that just happened, you want me to solve a trouble?
Dwight : Yes.
Nathan : Someone tell me what the hell is going on?
Dwight : Duke has a plan.
Duke : Well, it's really pretty simple. If Audrey loves you when she kills you, Troubles end, right? The same rule should apply if Lexie falls for you.
Nathan : You want Lexie to fall in love with me?
Vince : Spend some time with her. Get to know her. She can help you with this trouble.
Nathan : She's not even a cop anymore. She's a bartender.
Vince : Whatever personality she has, she's always helped with The Troubles. It's who she is. You make sure this happens. If it doesn't, the guard won't just be here for Nathan.
Duke : Good pep talk.
Nathan : This is your plan?
Duke : No. This is your plan, remember?
Nathan : No...
Duke : Just a different girl this time.
Nathan : I'm in love with Audrey.

They heard Lexie screams.

Lexie : I just wanted to go to the bathroom. What the hell kind of town is this?
Nathan : Josh? Hey, we just want to help.
Josh : Stop calling me Josh!
Nathan : Josh, you're surrounded. Put the knife down. This is over.
Josh : You're damn right it's over. I trusted her. And look where that got me!
Lexie : Oh, my... God.
Nathan : So you and Josh knew each other pretty well.
Katie : He was my boyfriend Tyler's best friend. Mine too.
Nathan : But, uh, Tyler wasn't with you then.
Katie : No, he's still in the hospital. We were in a car accident a few days ago. It was, uh, pretty bad.
Nathan : So what caused the accident?
Katie : Tyler lost control. For some reason, he just drove right into a wall. It's a miracle Josh and I walked away.
Duke : Interesting.
Katie : You can jump in here anytime you want, detective.
Nathan : Right. Katie, all right, thanks. Officer Rafferty! Officer Rafferty will take your formal statement.

Officer Rafferty: Welcome back, detective.
Lexie: Oh, actually, I'm not...
Duke : You know what? It's great, isn't it? Mazel tov. We're all very happy, thank you. Look, you want to try to explain this to everyone? You know, we still need them to think she's a cop.
Lexie : Yeah, but I'm not a cop, and I'm not Audrey, okay? This is insane.
Nathan : Oh, I know this is all very confusing... Lexie. But... You know... We are gonna need your help to figure it out.
Lexie : You know what? It seems like everybody needs something from me, but you know what I need? I need to eat. So is that candy machine... Is that gonna kill me?
Nathan : No. Baby ruths stick, so don't push, um, p-3.
Lexie : P3. Got it.

Duke : I mean, you are just charming the pants off of her. She fell in love with you when you were a cop. So, come on, you know... be a cop, man. You know, figure this out. What is happening here?
Nathan : They both had suicidal thoughts. It sounds like whatever trouble hit Josh might have hit Katie's boyfriend, Tyler, too.
Duke : Great. Hope it's contagious. Okay, so, uh... Where do you and your new partner want to go next?
Nathan : The hospital. Talk to Tyler.
Lexie : The hospital. That's perfect. I need to get my head scanned. No, I'm serious.


At the hospital.

Tyler : I can't move my legs. I probably never will. But I guess I'm lucky to be alive, right?
Nathan : Tyler, Katie said you crashed when you lost control of your car. Did anything odd happen just before the accident?
Tyler : You're gonna think I'm crazy, but right before we crashed, Katie looked at me funny, and something happened. I couldn't control myself. My body did its own thing. That's why I crashed. I'm sorry.
Nathan : You didn't say anything about Katie to the cops at the scene?
Tyler : Why would I? It doesn't make any sense.
Nathan : It does if your girlfriend is Troubled.
Tyler : I've heard of those. But Katie? No. I can't believe it.
Nathan : Tyler, if you think of anything else, give me a call.
Duke : Hey, kid. I'm gonna write you a prescription. When you get out, that'll get you a free round at the gull.
Tyler : Thanks.

Nathan : What did the doctor say?
Lexie : Right as rain. Healthy. But I don't really trust doctors.
Duke : Well, you know, you should have seen detective Wuornos questioning Tyler in there. It was... it was good.
Lexie : Really?
Nathan : Sounds like he was affected by the same thing Josh was, and in both cases, Katie was right there, so she could have some sort of "black widow" trouble... Uh, brainwashing guys to try and kill themselves.
Lexie : And Troubled people in this town... They can do that stuff? Why the hell does anybody still live here?


Katie's house

Katie : Thanks for bringing me home.
Officer Rafferty : After what you've been through, I-I get it. Katie, are you okay?
Katie : It worked again.
Officer Rafferty : What?
Katie : I had this coming. No!

Nathan : Apparently Katie stepped out in front of the car like she was brainwashed too. 
Duke : So this is somebody else's Grim Reaper Trouble making the rounds then? What do you think the chances are that we made his hit list, huh? Cheekbones?

Nathan : Hey. 
Duke : Hey.
Nathan : Do you have any idea how hard this is for me? Look, even though I knew it meant I was gonna die, I still wanted to find Audrey.
Duke : I did too. !now, I am trying to fix all of this, and you should start trying too. Come be awesome.

Lexie : Poor girl. Did she do that to herself with her trouble thing?
Nathan : We think she's another victim like Josh. Where'd you get that?
Lexie : Oh, the cop gave it to me. Hey, does everybody here think that I'm Audrey?
Nathan : Well, we told everyone that you had amnesia, that you thought you were somebody else and that, you know, working would hopefully help you remember who you were.
Nathan : Here.
Lexie : No. Before I jumped out of the barn, William told me that I belonged in Haven, that I had a purpose. So maybe stopping those people from shooting you and helping you figure out what happened to Josh and Katie... Maybe that's... Maybe that's what William was talking about.

Duke : What are you doing here?
Jennifer : Hey. I brought you some of your clothes. I mean, Audrey's clothes... sorry.
Lexie : Ah, 50 shades of beige?
Jennifer : At least they should fit, right?
Lexie : Okay, well, I will make sure to avoid mirrors. Wow.
Nathan : Let's go.

Jennifer : You're really doing this?
Duke : No, of course not. Back there in the woods, I was just trying to buy time, keep him alive. I never thought that the guard would buy it, but they did, and now I just have to keep this ball in the air.
Jennifer : Okay. Let's go.
Duke : No. Look... This trouble is bad. I want you to stay away from it. The three of us got it covered.
Jennifer : The three of you, of course. I wasn't trying to tag along or anything. It was force of habit, I guess. And I've got to go get my stuff out of her apartment, so... Good luck.


The Grey Gull

Wade : Excuse me. Uh, we're closed.
Jordan : Right. Well... We're open now. 
Wade : For a broken heart, may I recommend Tequila? Rebound in a bottle. Money problems... scotch. Or if you're just after some afternoon fun... Beer. On the house.
Jordan : Thanks.
Wade : You want to tell your bartender your Troubles? It's an American tradition.
Jordan : You got all day?
Wade : Yep.
Dwight : I'm surprised you came here, Jordan. I think you found the wrong Crocker. Jordan : You're Duke's brother?
Wade : Yeah.
Jordan : Perfect.
Dwight : Give us a minute? Come on, I got something to show you.


Haven PD

Duke : Someone targeted Tyler, Josh, and Katie.
Nathan : Why?
Duke : Revenge, jealousy, betrayal... You know, Greek tragedy stuff.
Lexie : I think it's all of the above.
Nathan : Uh, we got this, Lexie.
Lexie : No, I don't think you do, detective woo-or-nose.
Nathan : Wuornos.
Lexie : Listen, I'm just saying that when you were talking to Katie, I picked up a little bit of a guilt vibe. I think she and Josh were hooking up. Bartender.
Duke : So could Tyler be our murderer?
Nathan : Tyler's paralyzed.
Lexie : He finds out his best friend and girlfriend are cheating on him. That's motive.
Duke : Maybe Tyler lied. What if the accident really was just an accident?
Nathan : But then he tries to throw the blame on Katie, and he kills her and Josh.
Duke : Let's pay him a visit.
Nathan : You up for this?


At the hospital

Nathan : Tyler. It's Haven police again. We need to talk. Tyler. Hey.
Lexie : Oh. Tyler is dead.
Nathan : It's not him.
Lexie : You said that he was a paraplegic. Where could he have gone?
Duke : I'll try to find his nurse. 
Nathan : Hospital just sent down the security footage. Let's see what we got.
Lexie : It's like Tyler is controlling him. Where did they go?
Nathan : It's just like Josh and Katie. They weren't just brainwashed. Tyler took them over somehow, possessed them.
Lexie : Like what, some kind of supernatural puppet master? But why kill his poor orderly?
Nathan : Maybe he was tying up a loose end? Maybe Tyler needs to kill him so he can jump back into his own body. Seizures... Looks like Tyler had one every time he possessed somebody. He lost more of his motor function every time too. The more he uses his trouble, the worse his own body gets.
Lexie : Does the rest of the world know about this town?
Nathan : Just us lucky ones.

Phone ringing.

Nathan : Duke, where are you?
Duke : Upstairs. There's some psychopath in scrubs following me. He's acting all twitchy like that kid Josh was. What the hell's going on here?
Nathan : Tyler must know we're onto him. He's possessed someone else. Duke, that person's an innocent victim, so don't engage. Duke?

Duke : In here! Okay, I engaged a little. He's fine. I got him in here. 
Nathan : Stay back.
Duke : Move!

Nathan : This was a trap. You're Tyler.
Duke/Tyler : Surprise. Give me your phones... now! Give it to me.
Lexie : I just got that.
Nathan : Your trouble kicked in after the car crash, didn't it, Tyler? Then you figured out how you could use it to kill Josh.
Duke/Tyler : Josh was an accident. I was lying there in that bed, paralyzed, and then suddenly I was in Josh when he was out with my girlfriend, and I found out what they were doing.
Nathan : So you killed them both on purpose?
Duke/Tyler : My life was ruined! And they... they were supposed to be my friends. But then I realized what I could do. It was my chance. They got what they had coming.
Nathan : You need things, don't you... objects? The real you holds on to something, and that lets you control whoever gave it to you. When you possessed the orderly, you were holding a remote... he gave it to you. And Josh and Katie... They gave you get-well cards. Duke gave you that drink ticket.
Duke/Tyler : Right after you gave me your business card, so don't try anything.
Nathan : Tyler, you can't keep this up. It was on your charts. Your real body is falling apart the more you possess people. You're gonna die.
Duke/Tyler : Which is why I'm trading my body in for this one... Permanently. Now, get in there... Or I'll shoot your girlfriend. Now. Move.



Dwight : This is what Vince, Dave, and I have been working on for the last six months... Another way to end The Troubles.
Jordan : So what did you find?
Dwight : Nothing. Everything Nathan is saying is true. Lexie needs to kill the man she loves.
Jordan : So we just sit around and wait for them to fall in love? I mean, it's preposterous. Sarah, Lucy. Audrey, Lexie... Whoever she is, she always comes with The Troubles. Does anyone ever stop to ask if maybe the Troubles are her Trouble?
Dwight : No. No, she solves Troubles.
Jordan : If Duke Crocker kills someone, their trouble ends. So what if he killed Lexie? Would all The Troubles end?
Dwight : Nothing we have found says that would work, not... not a single thing.
Jordan : Anything say it wouldn't?
Dwight : Duke would never kill her, not in a million years.


The Grey Gull

Wade : Back so soon, little brother? What's the, uh, trouble du jour? You gonna fill me in, huh? Figures. Why would you let me help?
Duke/Tyler : Actually, maybe you can help. See, t-there's this, um... This Troubled guy who can possess people.
Wade : Really? Wow. That can happen?
Duke/Tyler : Weird, right ?
Wade : Yeah.
Duke/Tyler : Yeah, he... he can jump into another person's body and... and control them for a while, but then... whoosh, he ends up back in his old body. He's trying to figure out how to keep that from... Happening, how to stay in the other person's body.
Wade : Well, maybe if he, uh... I don't know... kills the old body, he can stay in the new one.
Duke/Tyler : That'd be a really good idea. Thank you. You've actually been very helpful.
Wade : Duke? It's not you, is it?
Duke/Tyler : No, it's not. Now, tell me... Do you have a safe here?


Hospital's basement.

Lexie : Door, three. War-noss, zip.
Nathan : Wuornos. It... Oh, you're funny.
Lexie : I've been told.
Nathan : It's good to have a sense of humor to put up with all this crazy stuff.
Lexie : Well, if you're not laughing, you're crying, right? You know what would be so good right now? Some hard drugs. Some mescaline, peyote, some scotch.
Nathan : You've done peyote?
Lexie : Sure. This morning I flew through a multidimensional door, okay? I think peyote makes sense. Don't go all cop on me.
Nathan : No... I'm just glad you're feeling better. You know, when we get... We get out of here, maybe we could get some food... Maybe some pancakes.
Lexie : Pancakes? Eurk.


The Grey Gull.

Wade : You son of a bitch. What happened to Duke?
Duke/Tyler : He's still in here. He's just... Riding in the backseat. Thanks to you, I think we know how to fix that now. First, the safe. Now, do you want to tell me where it is, or do I have to beat it out of you? And now we're out of time.

He hits him. 

Jennifer : Duke, I have made up my mind and... and don't try to talk me out of it.
Duke/Tyler : Okay.
Jennifer : I'm going back to Boston.
Duke/Tyler : Have fun.
Jennifer : Okay, well, you could try to talk me out of it just a little.
Duke/Tyler : I'm sorry. I must have misunderstood. Actually, um... I'm leaving town too. What do you think about coming with me?
Jennifer : Okay, I think, um... But where are we...

He kisses her. 

Jennifer : Uh, great.  Just... A little fast.  Are you sure about this?
Duke/Tyler : Absolutely.
Jennifer : Okay, um, I just need to get my things.
Duke/Tyler : We can get new things.
Jennifer : Okay. Yeah, I can be spontaneous.
Duke/Tyler : I just need to make a quick stop. I need to pay an old friend a final visit.

At the hospital.

Lexie : Okay, this clearly is not working. Wuornos, let me try.
Nathan : What are you doing?
Lexie : I've picked a few handcuffs in my day.
Nathan : You get arrested a lot?
Lexie : No. No, I just had a boyfriend who was really into bondage. You getting a good look? You know I'm not her, right?
Nathan : Yeah, I do. You're a completely different person, and I don't want you. I want you to be Audrey again. I'm sorry. I know that's a terrible thing to say. That's just how I feel.


Jennifer : Uh, what are we doing at the hospital? Am I gonna have to flash my boobs again? Okay.
Duke : What's wrong, babe?
Jennifer : "Babe"? I thought you were acting kind of funny.
Duke : Maybe a little drunk, but... 
Jennifer : I swear you've been infected by a trouble. I don't know who you really are, but I will shoot you, and I'll probably accidentally hit you in the face, so don't come near me.

She runs. 

Jennifer : Thank God! Duke just went inside, but it wasn't Duke.
Lexie : Yeah, he's been possessed. I'm getting used to it.
Nathan : Wade just called me. He said Tyler wants to stay in Duke's body permanently, and he thinks he's got to kill his actual body to do it.
Jennifer : And this guy's body is still in the hospital.
Nathan : Yes, gone through every bit of security footage. The orderly that moved Tyler never left the building. 
Lexie : And someone accessed the basement at the same time. What? I was... I was eavesdropping.

Jennifer : So what are you waiting for? Go save Duke.
Nathan : You didn't give Duke anything, did you? Something he could take in to Tyler's body?
Jennifer : I left my pen in his leg. 
Nathan : So he could take control of you too... any of us.
Jennifer : But isn't she immune to The Troubles? I mean, they don't affect her, like Audrey.
Lexie : Okay. I get it. Is that why I'm so important to all of you people... 'Cause I'm immune to these trouble things? What else can I do?
Nathan : That's a lot.
Lexie : All right, then maybe I should go in there by myself.
Nathan : No, you're not going in there on your own.
Lexie : Tyler can't control me, all right? I go in there, I take Duke's drink ticket out of Tyler's hand, we get Duke back, and I get a free drink.
Nathan : No.
Lexie : Okay, I have a question for you. Is all of this real... All this trouble insanity?
Nathan : Yes, it's real.
Lexie : Then maybe I need to be here. This is what I'm supposed to be doing. That makes sense to me. I'm the only shot you have at saving your friend. Tyler can control you, and then you would turn on me. Do you want to take that chance, or do you want to take a chance on me?
Nathan : Here. Three minutes, then I'm coming in.
Lexie : All right. Got it, Dudley do-right. 


Tyler : You'll be dead before you ever get that thing out of my hand. 
Lexie : You think by killing yourself, you'll be left in control of Duke's body? Well, what if it doesn't work?
Tyler : What choice do I have? My body is ruined ! There is no going back for me now. Maybe for you too. How well do you really know this guy? I mean, is he really worth dying for?
Lexie : I'm sorry, Duke.
Tyler : What's happening to me? What is this? I can't stop it!
Lexie : Tyler?
Duke : Relax, sweetheart. It's me.
Lexie : Oh, God. Do you remember anything?
Duke : All of it. It was like I was a fly on my own wall the whole time.
Lexie : What just happened? And what was going on with your eyes?
Duke : My family curse. When I kill a Troubled person, I kill their trouble too. When he died, Tyler couldn't control me anymore. He accidentally ended his own curse.
Lexie : All right, well, that's good to know. I've got a... got a lot to learn here.
Duke : Yeah.


Nathan : That was a close one.
Lexie : All this is Audrey's, huh? She was really good at this trouble stuff.
Nathan : Very good. It seems you're good too.
Lexie : No, I just got lucky. Duke could have died, and he should've for all I did.
Nathan : You went in there. You tried. That means a lot.
Lexie : So I've heard the whispers. You had something... you and her.
Nathan : We had something.
Lexie : Did you and Audrey knock boots? Did you make sweet love?
Nathan : It's, uh... Complicated.
Lexie : "Complicated" is what all the married guys tell me when they want to sleep with me. But I'm guessing with you, though, it really is complicated.
Nathan : You'd be right.
Lexie : Okay.



Grey Gull.

Duke : Wade... You know that wasn't me.
Wade : I should've known it wasn't you when you actually seemed interested in what I had to say. I did call the cops. I saved your ass. So you could show me some gratitude and tell me what the big secret is about you.
Duke : And I am doing you a favor by not sharing it.
Jennifer : He just wants to help.
Duke : I'm protecting him. Nothing good is gonna come from him finding out about our family curse. I just hope that he eventually does what's best for himself and he leaves this place. I heard what you said to Tyler. You're going back to Boston?
Jennifer : I am. Well, Lexie's gonna take Audrey's old room upstairs, so...
Duke : I suppose you'd have to move out anyways, but if you wanted, I have an extra room in my boat. Stay. I don't care if the barn is gone. Besides, you can make up for what you did to my leg.
Jennifer : You remember everything that "puppet Duke" did?
Duke : Mm-hmm.
Jennifer : You kissed me.
Duke : You kissed me back.


Wade : Let me guess. You're waiting for my brother.
Jordan : Nope. I'm waiting for you.


Lexie : So I used to live here? What was I... broke? I mean, it's nice and everything. It's a little nautical.
Duke : Well, I'm glad you like it. You owe me six months' rent.
Lexie : I just tried to save your life. Shouldn't I get the first month free?
Duke : You know, I've been thinking about what happened down in that basement. You just stepped aside and let Tyler try to take me.
Lexie : I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. I just... I... I didn't want to get stabbed. I was scared.
Duke : See, that's where I get stuck. The way you jumped out of that barn, went down in that basement... I guess I'm just having a hard time believing that you were scared. I think you knew that my curse would kick in and save me.
Lexie : I really... I don't know the first thing about it.
Duke : But Audrey Parker would. Isn't that right, Audrey?
Audrey : Damn it, Duke. Yeah. It's me.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Aujourd'hui à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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