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#403 : Sang maudit

Nathan et Dwight entreprennent une chasse à l'homme lorsqu'un "perturbé" laisse derrière lui des corps exsanguinés.

Alors que les deux hommes cherchent qui est responsable des exsanguinations, Vince et Dave se rendent dans le New Hampshire, sous les ordres de Dwight afin d'identifier une jeune femme décédée qui pourrait être Audrey.

Jennifer entend de nouveau la voix d'Audrey, cette dernière finit par croire William quand il lui affirme que le bar dans lequel elle travaille n'est pas réel.


4 - 7 votes

Titre VO
Bad Blood

Titre VF
Sang maudit

Première diffusion

Photos promo

Wade et Duke Crocker

Wade et Duke Crocker

Jordan (Kate Kelton)

Jordan (Kate Kelton)

Duke et Dwight

Duke et Dwight

Duke et Dwight

Duke et Dwight

Jordan, Dwight et Nathan

Jordan, Dwight et Nathan

Dwight et Nathan

Dwight et Nathan

Wade Crocker (Christian Camargo)

Wade Crocker (Christian Camargo)

Wade Crocker (Christian Camargo)

Wade Crocker (Christian Camargo)

Dwight (Adam Copeland)

Dwight (Adam Copeland)

Rebecca et Dwight

Rebecca et Dwight

Nathan et Dwight

Nathan et Dwight


Logo de la chaîne Syfy

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Vendredi 27.09.2013 à 22:00
1.54m / 0.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par Shernold Edwards.
Réalisé par Rob Lieberman.

Guests : Tony Nappo (Mike Gallagher), Nicola Coreeia-Damude (Rhonda), Steven Wallace Lowe (un ouvrier), Jacqueline MacDonald (la victime), John Allen Maclean (le légiste) et Mitch Landraat (le policier tué)

A savoir :  

¤ Dans certaines scènes, Adam Copeland (Dwight) a un oeil rouge vif : la veille, il s'était pris un coup en faisant un match de basket avec l'équipe du tournage. 

¤ Le jour de la diffusion de cet épisode, le 27.09.13, était aussi le dernier jour du tournage de la saison 4. 

 > Captures de l'épisode

Dans les égouts.

Un technicien entend un bruit étrange, se remet au travail, tout en se sentant observé. Quelque chose lui saute brusquement dessus.

Police de Haven.

Dwight demande aux frères Teagues de se rendre dans une morgue, située dans le New Hampshire, pour identifier un corps qui pourrait être celui d'Audrey. Si c'est elle, il souhaite qu'ils ramènent son corps à Haven.

Au bar de Lexie.

Lexie est toujours sous le choc d'avoir su utiliser l'arme, elle interroge William sur son travail à Haven, elle ne veut toujours pas le croire et elle finit par le mettre dehors. Mais le temps qu'elle se retourne vers sa collègue Rhonda, William est de nouveau assis au comptoir.

Police de Haven.

Nathan est au téléphone avec Duke, ils parlent de Jennifer et de l'importance de ce qu'elle a entendu. Nathan se fait bousculer par un homme, Dwight intervient et lui dit qu'un homme a été retrouvé mort dans les égouts.

Dans les égouts.

Dwight apprend à Nathan que le corps de la victime a été drainé de tout son sang. Ils sont interrompus par un coup de téléphone leur annonçant une seconde victime.

Au Grey Gull.

Duke confie à Jennifer qu'Audrey était spéciale pour lui, et qu'elles s'aimeraient bien toutes les deux. Jennifer se plaint que Wade fait des soirées interminables toutes les nuits, et qu'elle ne dort plus depuis un moment. Elle se coupe avec un couteau et Duke recule brutalement, paniqué, et trouve une excuse pour sortir de la pièce.

Sur la scène du crime.

Jordan observe Nathan et Dwight enquêter. Tous deux arrivent à la conclusion que le tueur se déplace par les égouts et qu'ils ont besoin d'une carte pour prévoir son prochain déplacement.

Au Grey Gull.

Duke retrouve Wade à l'extérieur, ils ont une discussion un peu mouvementée sur le fait que le bar appartiennent à Duke, et que ce dernier veut que son frère retourne à New-York. Lorsque Wade parle de leur père, Duke compare leur famille à une famille de rhinocéros, ils ne sont pas "faits pour vivre ensemble".

Scène du crime.

Nathan et Dwight décident de mobiliser tous les policiers pour travailler sur ce cas. Quand une de leur collègue appelle "Chef", Nathan se retourne par habitude, alors que sa collègue remet les papiers à Dwight.

Dans une maison.

Une femme prend une douche quand du sang se met à couler à la place de l'eau. Elle crie. Plus tard, la police arrive sur les lieux. Etrangement, il n'y a cette fois aucune goutte de sang sur le lieu du crime.
Jordan essaye de parler à Dwight, et ils aperçoivent une sorte de flaque de sang s'engouffrer dans les égouts.

Sur la route.

La voiture de Dave et Vince est en panne. Les deux frères se disputent au sujet de Nathan : il n'a pas été capable de laisser partir Audrey alors que Vince avait laissé partir Sarah... Si Audrey est morte, il ne pardonnera jamais à Nathan.

Au bar.

William essaye de faire comprendre à Lexie que rien n'est réel dans le bar, sans succès.

Au Grey Gull.

Jennifer est réveillée par des bruits de fête. Elle sort, prête à s'énerver contre Wade mais ne trouve que Duke. Elle pense qu'elle est folle, car elle entend des voix sans lien avec la grange.

A la maison de la victime.

Grâce aux cartes, Dwight, Nathan et Jordan déterminent que la perturbation vient de la maison de Mike Gallagher, l'homme qui avait bousculé Nathan le matin-même.

Au bar.

Lexie boit de la Tequila pour montrer à William que tout est réel. Elle demande ensuite à Rhonda si elle peut partir plus tôt, franchit la porte... et rentre à nouveau dans le bar par l'autre porte. Sa collègue lui souhaite le bonjour, Lexie est perdue.

A la maison de Mike.
Mike leur apprend que sa femme est morte des suites de son cancer. Quand ils lui parlent de son trouble, il s'énerve, et en passant devant Jordan, elle le touche involontairement, et l'électrocute. En regardant les cartes, ils déterminent que le lieu de la prochaine attaque est le bâtiment du Haven PD.

Police de Haven.

Duke et Jennifer sont à la recherche de Nathan. Le comissariat est vide. Soudain un policier cri, ils accourent sur le lieu et voient la marre de sang. Ils s'enferment dans une pièce. Les voix dans la tête de Jennifer recommencent à ce moment là, et une goutte de sang tombe sur Duke. Il demande à Jennifer de courir.


Elle sort de la pièce et tombe sur Nathan, Dwight, Jordan et Mike endormi, elle leur explique la situation, puis Duke apparaît, redevenu normal. Jordan explique méchament la perturbation de Duke à Jennifer.
La flaque fait de nouveau son apparition, ni le teaser de Dwight ni le trouble de Jordan ne semblent l'affecter, Duke pense qu'il veut Nathan, et Mike ne peut rien y faire.

A la morgue.

Vince et Dave attendent l'heure fatidique. Vince compare cet instant au moment où Nathan a du voir Audrey rentrer dans la grange.

Au bar.

Lexie essaye de convaincre Rhonda qu'elle vient de quitter le bar à l'instant, mais pour sa collègue, un nouveau jour a commencé. Lexie demande à William si elle est morte.

Police de Haven.

Duke finit par toucher le sang et l'absorber tout entier. Sa perturbation se déclenche, et il menace d'étouffer Dwight, puis il redevient lui-même. Jennifer reste avec lui, et lui dit qu'elle comprend mieux sa réaction du matin même, et Duke lui explique pourquoi il veut que Wade s'en aille.

Jordan rejoint Nathan, et lui dit qu'il a intérêt à tenir sa promesse car elle ne peut plus vivre avec ce trouble désormais.

A la morgue.

Vince demande à voir le pied gauche du corps en premier lieu, car Audrey avait une cicatrice. Il n'y en a pas sur les pieds, les deux frères sont rassurés, ils regardent tout de même le visage, comme le veut la procédure : ce n'est pas Audrey.

Au bar / Au Grey Gull.

William rassure Lexie, elle n'est pas morte, mais cet endroit et les gens ne sont pas réels. Jennifer entend  certaines phrases en écho.
Les gens disparaissent autour de Lexie, à l'exception de Rhonda. William lui dit que c'est parce que c'est plus dûr de laisser partir certaines personnes. Après lui avoir fait ses adieux, Lexie accepte la vérité et Rhonda disparaît aussi.

Police de Haven.

Nathan discute avec Dave et Vince du fait que Mike le détestait. Il part, laissant les deux frères discuter. Vince semble avoir pardonné à Nathan.

Au Grey Gull.

Duke s'excuse auprès de Dwight de l'avoir presque étouffé, et ce dernier le félicite pour ses exploits. Wade arrive au même moment et cherche à en savoir plus. Dwight les laisse, et Jennifer arrive en disant qu'ils doivent parler à Nathan. Ce dernier les rejoint peu après, et elle lui dit ce qu'elle a entendu. Duke et elle pense qu'Audrey est toujours coincée dans la grange, qui part en morceaux, car si elle a explosé dans la réalité, le temps s'écoule autrement à l'intérieur.

Au bar.

William explique à Lexie qu'elle connaît ce lieu sous divers noms, le plus récent étant la grange, et qu'il est en train de "mourir" et que si elle ne bouge pas très vite, elle va mourir avec lui.

In drains.

Man : Oh, jeez! Damn ancient wiring. Can't wait to go digital.

He's attacked.

Man : Aah!

Haven PD.

Dwight : Come in. Close the door behind you.
Dave : We came as fast as we could.
Vince : He ran a traffic light to get us here.
Dave : Slowing down on a yellow is just a matter of taste.
Vince : Not in my MontClair it isn't. Dwight, what is it?
Dwight : I need you two to go to New Hampshire. One of Nathan's contacts found a body matching Audrey's description.
Dave : You intercepted Nathan's fax.
Dwight : It came in last last night. The body was found in a forest six months ago. She's been on ice ever since. I.D. has to be in person. We need to be sure.
Vince : Before you tell Nathan.
Dwight : And before you tell The Guard.
Dave : If that poor girl's gone, so is our only chance to get rid of the troubles.
Vince : If Audrey Parker is dead, a lot of people will be out for Nathan's head. And I don't know if I can stand in their way.
Dave : Now, see here, Vince...
Dwight : Not now. I'm trusting you two with this. Just make the I.D., either way. And, guys... if it is Audrey... bring her home.

Lexie's bar.

Lexie : Tell me, if I'm not a bartender, then who the hell am I? What, am I some kind of, like, secret agent? Is that my job in Haven? Huh? Is that what I'm supposed to remember?
William : It's not just remembering who you were. You need to know where you are.
Lexie : Why don't you just tell me?
William : You're not ready.
Lexie : Up! Move!Out! You're right. I'm not just a bartender. I'm a bartender with a gun who's tired of your riddles. So you have one last chance to give me a straight answer.
William : No, I don't.

He goest out.

Rhonda : Did I miss anything good? What's with the pocket rocket?
Lexie : I'll put it in the lock box. I'll tell you about it later.
Rhonda : Tell me about it after I service the cutie at the end of the bar. What's wrong, honey? You look like you seen a ghost.
Lexie : Maybe I have.

Haven PD / Grey Gull.

Nathan : Start having Jennifer walk you through everything she heard going on in the barn before it imploded. I keep thinking Howard must have said something that'll tell us where the barn was sending Audrey next.
Duke : You think she's gonna remember more now that she's 100% organic and psych meds free? Thank you.
Nathan : Right now she's all we got.
Dwight : We got a call.
Nathan : I'll be there as soon as I can.
Duke : Yeah.

Man : Excuse me.
Nathan : What? You get one.
Dwight : Nathan, that call we got... it's about a city worker. He never checked in. Supervisor found him in the sewer.
Nathan : Sleeping on the job?
Dwight : Dead. Likely a trouble.

In drains.

Nathan : Do we know how the victim died?
Dwight : M.E. said the body's completely drained of blood.
Nathan : Drained of blood? Was he cut? Any puncture wounds?
Dwight : Not that anyone found.
Nathan : How is that possible?
Dwight : I don't think it is... Unless you believe in vampires.

[Cell phone rings]

Dwight : Yeah? Seriously? We've got a second drained body.

Grey Gull.

Jennifer : I don't remember that man Howard saying anything about where Audrey was going next. I do remember you, though, desperately calling her name,like you never wanted to lose her.
Duke : She was, uh... special to me.
Jennifer : "Was"? Do you think she's dead?
Duke : I don't want her to be.
Jennifer : Here you go.
Duke : Thank you. Mmm. Remind me of a sunset in port of Spain.
Jennifer : Just a little thank-you for letting me stay upstairs in Audrey's apartment.
Duke : Well, she wouldn't mind. She'd like you. So how are you feeling? Any side effects?
Jennifer : From going off my meds? No. I actually feel pretty great.
Duke : Except that you're not sleeping. How come?
Jennifer : I don't want to narc.
Duke : It's my bar. Narc.
Jennifer : Your brother Wade is really enjoying his new "it's complicated" martial status. He's turned this place into an after-hours party shack, and it gets loud... late.
Duke : Yeah, well, that's my brother. Wall Street Wade... work hard, party hard, be annoying. He really needs to get out of here for his own good.
Jennifer : Well, can't you just tell him that?
Duke : He's like an African honey badger. I mean, the more you try to get rid of him, the more he just... digs in.
Jennifer : Been watching Animal Planet again, huh?

She cuts her finger. Duke stands back.

Jennifer : Ow. What? So you can watch a lion mangle an impala, but you're scared of a little cut?
Duke : No, I... I... I, uh... I just have a thing for, um...  ladies who are hurt. It breaks my heart. I'm gonna get you a band-aid, okay?

Crime scene.

Nathan : Looks like Jordan's still on dead man's watch.
Dwight : I can talk to Vince about that.
Nathan : No, I get it. It doesn't make sense for me to die on the job before we find Audrey. Make it count for something. I'm starting to like your vampire theory.
Dwight : How do you know Audrey will do it... kill you to end the troubles? I mean, she didn't do it last time.
Nathan : I didn't know about it last time. I'm gonna tell her to.
Dwight : Body was found right here beside that manhole cover. Maybe the killer was trying to stuff his body down the sewer?
Nathan : Or the killer came out of the sewer to get him.
Dwight : You think the killer lives down there?
Nathan : Well, it makes sense. Two bloodless bodies found in and around sewers.
Dwight : I'll have to check the maps.I think this is the same line that runs under 4th Street.
Nathan : Where we found the other victim.

Grey Gull.

Duke : Hair of the dog.
Wade : Ugh, how did you know?
Duke : I hear you've been partying it up.
Wade : Mmm. You know, I've been thinking, you can make a lot of extra bank by keeping this place open after hours.
Duke : All right, let's get one thing straight. This is my bar, my schedule.
Wade : Well, now that I'm staying here, I was kind of thinking that, you know, this was our bar. I did care of it for six months.
Duke : Well, it isn't. Look, don't you have a job back in New York?
Wade : I thought you said I was welcome here. Dad taught me to share. I guess you missed the lesson.
Duke : You know what, Wade? You don't want any part of what dad taught me.
Wade : Yeah, well, at least he came home to you at night, raised you.
Duke : If you want to call it that.
Wade : Don't bad mouth a man who's not here to defend himself.
Duke : Okay, you know what? Wade, you are not gonna work out your daddy issues by piggybacking on my life. You understand?Now, you need to go back to New York, find a therapist with a nice, comfy couch.
Wade : Why are you in such a hurry to have me leave Haven? Are you working on a scheme? Maybe I can help you. Divorces aren't cheap.
Duke : You wouldn't be interested in anything I'm a part of. I just think I'm used to doing my own thing. You know, maybe... maybe Crockers aren't supposed to live together...  like rhinos.
Wade : Rhinos?

Scene crime.

Dwight : I'll tell everyone to stay away from the sewer drains, that there was a toxic spill at the aluminum plant outside town.
Nathan : That's a good cover story.
Dwight : Once a cleaner, always a cleaner.
Rebecca (the cop) : Chief.
Dwight : Thanks. A map of all the sewer lines in Haven.
Nathan : So we bolt down all the manhole covers, sweep the lines one end to the other.
Dwight : We'll need every cop and city worker on it.
Nathan : Yeah, but whatever it is, we'll find it.

In a house.

A woman is taking a shower when blood begins to flow. She screams.


Dwight : Lucassi was able to get the body out of here fast because she was...  
Nathan : exsanguinated like the others. But it doesn't look like they spilled a single drop.
Dwight : They always spill a little. We just have to find it.
A cop : From your truck, chief, as requested.
Nathan : You still carry that around?
Dwight : Once a cleaner. Can you grab the blinds? Wherever the blood splatter is, this will find it. This is really weird. Grab the blinds. That's a first. You're right. There's no blood anywhere.
Nathan : The killer got in here somehow.
Dwight : I'll go outside and check for forced entry.
Nathan : I'll check upstairs.
Dwight : Nobody's allowed in, okay?
Rebecca : Yes, sir.

Dwight : You shouldn't be here, Jordan. It's a crime scene.
Jordan : Yeah, a troubled crime scene, or you'd have uniforms all over the place.
Dwight : I'm trying to run an investigation here.

She sees a pool of blood running down the drain.

Jordan : What the hell is that?

On the road.

Dave : How long is this gonna take?
Vince : Time enough to undo the damage you did this morning. I told you, she has a delicate disposition.
Dave : Oh, maybe the reason your car is overheating is because we've been driving forever. You're turning a two-hour drive into a pilgrimage. What got into you back at Haven P.D.?
Vince : I'm tired of dancing around it. What Nathan did was selfish.
Dave : His father was our friend. It's our duty to look out for him.
Vince : Nathan wasn't looking out for Haven when he shot Howard. He was thinking about how much he needed Audrey. Well, Audrey doesn't exist just for him. I care about her too, but I let her go.
Dave : "I"? You mean "we," don't you?
Vince : No word games. If Nathan had let the cycle continue, the troubles would've gone away for 27 years. Then he would've seen Audrey again.
Dave : He's young and rash. But now he's doing the right thing. And Haven has to keep going.
Vince : Where we're going is to a morgue in New Hampshire. If Audrey is dead, I'll never forgive Nathan Wuornos.

Lexie's bar.

Lexie : How did you get back in here?
William : How do you think?
Lexie : I don't know. All you keep telling me is that I'm not who I really think I am.
William : Not only are you not who you think you are, but this place, this whole bar...  it's not real.
Lexie : How about this, huh? Does this feel real?

Grey Gull.

Jennifer : Wade Crocker... now whooping it up 24 hours a day.
Duke : Unethical as it may be, they can't tell the difference between the good stuff and the cheap stuff when they're drunk.
Jennifer : Any chance that everybody just left, like, really fast?
Duke : Jen, what's wrong?
Jennifer : I just heard a bunch of stuff, and I don't know where it came from. What if it was never the barn that I was hearing? What if I'm just crazy after all?

At the house.

Nathan : You sure what you saw was made of blood?
Dwight : And huge, easily 30 pints worth...  enough blood for three people.
Nathan : I think we found our victims' missing blood.
Jordan : It was really gross.
Dwight : The blood moved on its own.
Nathan : So we got disembodied blood, moving by itself and attacking people.
Jordan : With what?
Nathan : I don't know, but it's deadly.
Dwight : And it grows with every person it drains.
Nathan : The victims can't be random.
Dwight : No.The sewer worker died here. The mailman died here.
Nathan : Here we are.
Dwight : If we can figure out where the blood first came from, maybe we can find our troubled person.
Nathan : Looks like it came from somewhere back here.
Dwight : Maybe our troubled person lives in that area.
Nathan : There's nothing but abandoned cottages and forest out there.
Jordan : Things have changed since you left town, Nathan. Mike Gallagher and his wife restored a house out there after their home was destroyed by the meteor storm.
Dwight : You met him this morning. The guy with the bad attitude...
Nathan : and the bandage on his hand.

Lexie's bar.

Lexie : What does he mean that this place isn't real? Huh? Glass. Real. Tequila... Yep. Real. And, God, that is good.
Rhonda : Tequila is good. How about you? You good?
Lexie : I don't know. I kind of feel like I'm losing my mind.
Rhonda : I lost a chunk of mine at burning man last year. Actually helps when I'm working graveyard.
Lexie : Listen, I... I really... I got to get out of here. I need to get some... some sleep. I'm gonna take this with me.
Rhonda : If none of this is real, the boss won't mind. It's not like it's from my personal stash, Lex.
Lexie : Thanks.
Rhonda : For what?
Lexie : You know, for just... for being normal.
Rhonda : Bye, Lex.

She goes out and comes in on the other door.

Rhonda : Morning, Lex. Hope you slept well. Disability checks came in. We got some serious drinkers today.
Lexie : Morning? It's not morning, Rhonda. I just left.

Mike's house.

Jordan : Mike joined The Guard a few years back. I haven't seen him lately, but he's always been a good guy.
Nathan : His trouble involves blood?
Jordan : I don't know. He didn't talk about it openly. Most people don't.

Mike : What do you want?
Jordan : Mike, we need to talk to you about your trouble.
Mike : I'm not talking to The Guard anymore. You said the troubles would end. You lied.
Nathan : Those lilies... who are they for? Is your wife here?
Mike : You don't get to ask me about my wife.
Jordan : Mike, did Charlotte's cancer come back?
Mike : Yeah, she's gone. It's been a week now. Stress of rebuilding and the troubles not going away.
Jordan : I'm so sorry, Mike.
Mike : Thank you.
Nathan : Is your trouble blood-related? If it is, you may be hurting people.
Mike : Me, hurting people? My wife is dead because of you. Look out, Jordan.

Jordan tuchs him.

Mike : Aah!
Jordan : No. I'm so sorry. Mike, I'm so sorry. He just grabbed my arm.
Dwight : He's gonna be out for a while. But he'll be okay. We got bigger problems. I got a call from a uniform. Said he saved a city worker who was sealing a manhole cover.
Jordan : The blood attacked him?
Dwight : Said it was a "red monster." I told him it was sewer gas and that he was hallucinating. The attack happened right here. So it looks like it's still moving in a straight line. I don't have to tell you what's right here.
Nathan : It's headed for Haven P.D.
Dwight : We have to alert the station.
Nathan : If he's our troubled guy, we got to take him with us.

Haven PD.

Duke : Hello?
Jennifer : Where's Nathan? Where's everybody?
Duke : I don't know. I left him another message. I'm sure he's gonna get here as soon as he can.
Jennifer : I can't believe I'm hearing things again. And nothing's the same. It's all new.
Duke : What are you hearing?
Jennifer : Some sort of crowd. But I... I can't make out what anyone is saying.
Duke : All right. Look, it's gonna be okay.
Jennifer : No, it's not okay, Duke. I threw away my meds, and now I'm hearing things again. And if the barn was destroyed... then where is it coming from?
Duke : I don't know. I'm sorry. I...
Jennifer : Maybe I was never connected to your friend Audrey at all. Maybe I am just crazy.

A cop : Go lock down the front. Walt, I got word from the chief. We need more guys down here to secure the perimeter. Well, take them off 10th Street. Yeah, okay. I just need to check the offices. The rest of the place is clear. Pardon me? I got to get back to you.

Something attacks him. Duke and Jennifer arrive and find him dead.

Duke : Get back. We need to block the door. Here.
Jennifer : What is that thing?
Duke : It's blood.

Duke tries to call Nathan. 'It's Wuornos. Leave a message.'

Duke : 'It's me again, Nathan. A puddle of blood just killed one of your cops, so... you know, you may want to get down here.'
Jennifer : It really was blood? How is that blood? How is blood alive without being inside a person?
Duke :  I don't know.
Jennifer : Oh, my God. Oh, my God. No, not now. Not now!
Duke : What? Move!

Blood touchs him.

Jennifer : Duke? Your hand. What is it doing? What is happening to you?
Duke : Jennifer... Get away from me.
Jennifer : Oh, my God. Oh, my God, oh, my God, There's a giant blood thing. It sucked all the blood out of that poor cop, and then it went to Duke, and it made his eyes all weird, and I think it wants to suck out all of Duke's blood too. Duke... you're okay?
Duke : Apparently better than that guy. Is this his fault?
Dwight : We think so.
Nathan : What happened to you?
Duke : A couple drops of blood hit me. I thought I was a goner, but...
Jordan : But your trouble killed it.
Duke : No, I'm not like you.
Jennifer : Duke's trouble?
Duke : I can explain.
Jordan : He's a sponge.
Duke : Shut up!
Jordan : For troubled blood... an evil sponge.
Duke : I said shut up, Jordan! Look, we just have to find the rest of it.
Nathan : I think it just found us.
Jennifer : That's a lot of blood.
Jordan : What's it doing?
Nathan : Okay, everyone, back away very slowly.
Dwight : If we spread out, it'll get weaker.
Duke : I don't think it wants any of us, Sasquatch. I think it wants Nathan.
Dwight : You think the blood is mad at Nathan?
Jennifer : I'm not saying that he's not a nice guy or anything, but based on what I've seen since I've been in town, everything is mad at Nathan.
Dwight : Well, it's gonna keep on coming unless we do something. Okay, I thought I'd give that a shot.
Jordan : You hurt it.
Nathan : Mike... Look, this is what your trouble is doing.
Mike : Oh, my God. That blood is mine?
Jordan : It's already killed four people.
Jennifer : All to get to Nathan?
Mike : It wants you? Why?
Nathan : Because you're angry with me? And you have every right to want revenge, but...
Mike : No. No, look, when my wife died, my trouble activated. Yesterday I cut myself. I thought I was being careful, but some of the blood must have went down the drain. I don't want you dead, Nathan.
Nathan : Then stop it!
Mike : I can't. I don't know how to stop it. I'm telling you the truth.
Nathan : It's on a mission to kill me. Maybe it can't stop until it does.
Dwight : Unless we can stop this thing, we're about to find out. Jordan!
Jordan : Crocker's trouble protected him. I figured the blood might not like my trouble either.
Dwight : It sure doesn't, but not enough to stop it.
Nathan : Here we go again.

The morgue.

Doctor : You two from Haven P.D.? We're ready for you.
Dave : Give us a moment.
Vince : This was never supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to be here in this chair, in this suit, in this place.
Dave : We don't know that it's her.
Vince : We don't know that it isn't.
Dave : Which is why we have to go in there and do what Dwight asked. Okay. You don't have to go. I'll go. This is what it must've been like for Nathan watching Audrey walk into that barn.
Dave : It was an impossible decision.
Vince : Oh, what I would give to make it so that there's no chance that Audrey Parker is on the other side of that door.

Lexie's bar.

Lexie : Rhonda... It can't be morning, okay? I just... I just left.
Rhonda : It always feels like that. Coffee's on in the back.
Lexie : No. I literally just walked out that door and came in the other one. None of this makes any sense.
Rhonda : Lex, if you're angling for a sick day, take it up with the boss. But you and I both know you took off early yesterday.
Man : Rhonda, I'm dry.
Lexie : What is this place? Am I...  am I dead?

Haven PD.

Jordan : I can shock it again, but I can't hold it back forever.
Mike : I don't want it to hurt anyone else. Please, someone do something.
Duke : It's your blood. You do something.
Mike : I don't control it. It's like it's alive.
Jordan : We need to find a way to contain it.
Nathan : How?
Dwight : Where?
Jennifer : In Mike.
Mike : I don't want to do that.
Dwight : No, it might kill him like the others, make it even stronger.
Duke : It didn't kill me. It tried to, but I just absorbed it.
Nathan : Duke, that was a few drops. You don't know what absorbing that much troubled blood will do to you.
Duke : Maybe not... but I do know exactly what that much troubled blood wants to do to you.

He touchs the blood.

Dwight : Duke?
Duke : Don't touch me.
Nathan : Duke, this isn't you.
Dwight : Duke, stop.
Jennifer : What if he's dying?
Dwight : Get back. It might not be safe yet.
Nathan : Let's make sure Duke got it all.

Jennifer : Now I know why you bolted when I cut my finger. You didn't trust me enough to tell me?
Duke : My thing with troubled blood... it's ugly.
Jennifer : You looked like you were in so much pain.
Duke : That's just it. It doesn't hurt. It feels amazing... like heroin amazing... or at least that's what people tell me. I saw what this thing did to my father... and my grandfather. Whatever family I had, it's ripping it apart.
Jennifer : So Wade has it too?
Duke : No... not yet. That's why I have to get him out of Haven before this thing gets him killed.

Nathan : Thank you.
Jordan : Do you finally get it, Nathan? Do you think that I revealed myself in front of a stranger and fought that thing off for you? I didn't know whether it was gonna kill me, and when it didn't, I was almost sorry. I can't touch anything. I don't want to live like this anymore. You have to do what you promised. You have to end the troubles.

The morgue.

Doctor : Ready?
Vince : Uh, wait. Uh, let me see her left foot.
Dave : Vince, the sooner we...
Vince : Audrey had a scar on her foot, remember? I just... just... show me.
Vince : There's no scar, Dave. There's no scar.
Dave : Well, you still have to look at her face. It's procedure.

Lexie's bar/Grey Gull.

William  : No. You're not dead. You're very much alive.

William (in Jennifer's head) : You're very much alive.

William : But this place, these people...
Lexie : They're... they're not real?

Lexie (in Jennifer's head) : They're not real? They're not real?

William : No.
Lexie : Fine. Fine, I...  I believe you. But, Rhonda, she's real.
William : Sorry. No.
Lexie : Then why is she still here?
Rhonda : I didn't mean to be so hard on you earlier, Lex. It's been a long shift. Let's go home and rent that movie where all the hard bodies take their clothes off.
William : It's easier to accept the rest aren't real. But it seems you're not ready to let Rhonda go.

Lexie : You're a good friend.
Rhonda : You always say that when you want me to make homemade mac and cheese.
Lexie : Good-bye, Rhonda.
Rhonda : Fine. I'll make popcorn. Final offer.

She disapears.

Lexie : Now what?
William : You're next.

Haven PD.

Dave : Heard you lost one of your own today.
Vince : Thank you for letting me speak with him. Mike is one of mine. I feel responsible.
Dave : Did he know what his blood could do?
Vince : Just family stories that if his blood spilled, it would go after the one he hates the most.
Nathan : That was me.
Vince : That really surprised him. He had no idea he hated you that much.
Dave : Maybe he just needed somewhere to focus his pain.
Vince : Mike lost someone he loves. But enough people have suffered. We have to work together to build a new Haven. It's time to let go of old grudges.

Nathan left.

Vince : He's made mistakes, but he's our only chance.
Dave : Let's go home. I'll drive.
Vince : Oh, no, you won't.

Grey Gull.

Duke : Did I say sorry for crushing your windpipe earlier?
Dwight : No.
Duke : Well, I am.
Dwight : Well, at least I didn't get wet this time. You know, I'm not a big fan of this whole Crocker thing. But sometimes, it comes in handy.
Duke : Why don't we drink to a day without the troubles? Just one. I don't think that's too much to ask for.
Dwight : You don't like being a hero?
Wade : If my brother is a hero, I would like to buy him a drink. What did Duke do? What?
Dwight : This looks like fun. I'll catch you later, Crockers.
Wade : What's he talking about?
Duke : Leave it alone, Wade.
Wade : What, I can't celebrate my brother's accomplishments? Come on.
Jennifer : Duke. You need to call Nathan.

Jennifer : Nathan, I heard Audrey's voice again in my head. But it was different this time. Totally different.
Nathan : What did you hear?
Jennifer : She was talking about being trapped inside a place that wasn't real.
Duke : Nathan, we've been assuming that the barn spit Audrey out at the same time it did me. What if we were wrong? What if she's still inside?
Nathan : The barn imploded. I saw it.
Duke : Time moves differently inside there. What was six months out here only felt like a few seconds to me.
Nathan : So you think Audrey is still in the barn, and it's still imploding?

Lexie's bar.

William : This place has many names. You know it most recently as the barn.
Lexie : I prefer bar.
William : Well, call it what you will. It's dying. And unless we move fast, it's gonna take you with it.

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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