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#401 : Les retrouvailles

Six mois après les évènements de la saison passée, Duke est éjecté de la grange sans Audrey et secouru par Jennifer, une jeune femme ayant une mystérieuse connexion à un endroit où elle n'a pourtant jamais mis les pieds: Haven.

De retour dans cette ville où lui et Nathan ne sont désormais plus les bienvenus, ils doivent imaginer un plan pour venir au secours de leur amie disparue.

Celle-ci, à des kilomètres de là, possède une nouvelle personnalité. Lexie, comme elle pense s'appeler, travaille dans un bar et est dotée d'un fort caractère. Elle va rencontrer un homme mystérieux, William, qui se dit être là pour l'aider à savoir "qui elle est réellement".


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Les retrouvailles

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Extrait : Duke & Jennifer meet (VO)

Extrait : Duke & Jennifer meet (VO)


Photos promo

Dwight (Adam Copeland)

Dwight (Adam Copeland)

Jordan et la Garde

Jordan et la Garde

Jordan (Kate Kelton)

Jordan (Kate Kelton)

Jordan menace Nathan

Jordan menace Nathan

Jordan menace la voiture de Duke

Jordan menace la voiture de Duke

Jordan et les Teague

Jordan et les Teague

Nathan (Lucas Bryant)

Nathan (Lucas Bryant)

Nathan, Dwight et Duke

Nathan, Dwight et Duke

Duke et Jennifer

Duke et Jennifer

Jennifer (Emma Lahana)

Jennifer (Emma Lahana)

Jennifer arrive à Haven

Jennifer arrive à Haven

Duke dans la grange

Duke dans la grange

Duke et Nathan

Duke et Nathan

Dave Teague

Dave Teague

Duke (Eric Balfour)

Duke (Eric Balfour)

Lexie, la nouvelle personnalité d'Audrey

Lexie, la nouvelle personnalité d'Audrey

Une perturbation frappe à nouveau Haven

Une perturbation frappe à nouveau Haven

Marion Caldwell (Nicole de Boer) frappe à nouveau

Marion Caldwell (Nicole de Boer) frappe à nouveau

Dwight et Nathan

Dwight et Nathan

Vince et Nathan

Vince et Nathan


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Plus de détails

Ecrit par Gabrielle Stanton
Réalisé par Shawn Piller.

Guests : Nicola Coreeia-Damude (Rhonda), Kyle Mitchell (l'homme étrange), Philip Williams (Mack Allen), Andre Myette (Biker), Pamela Rowe (l'infirmière) et Nicole de Boer (Marion Caldwell)

> Captures de l'épisode

Dans la grange.

Après s'être jeté à la poursuite d'Audrey dans la grange, Duke se retrouve seul au milieu des nombreux couloirs blancs. Il cherche à trouver Audrey, quand d'un coup, sur les murs, sont diffusés des images d'Audrey discutant avec Howard, puis avec son fils, James.

Il continue de l'appeler, la grange commence à s'effondrer, quand tout a coup il tombe et atterrit... dans l'immense bassin d'un aquarium.


Dans un appartement.

La télévision est allumée. Un reporter parle d'un homme ayant atterrit dans l'Aquarium de Boston, et on voit Duke à la télévision, crier qu'ils doivent impérativement trouver Audrey Parker. La personne qui regarde la télé réagit instantanément quand elle entend le nom d'Audrey et quitte la pièce.


A l’Hôpital de Boston.

Un policier interroge Duke sur comment il a pu atterrir dans l'aquarium, ce dernier ne sait pas comment lui répondre. Le policier rajoute qu'il a appelé le Haven P.D et qu'on lui a dit que Duke Crocker était mort depuis six mois. Duke ne comprend pas car pour lui, seules quelques secondes se sont écoulées entre son entrée dans la grange et sa chute. Le policier refuse de le croire, d'autant plus que dans le portefeuille de Duke, il a trouvé de nombreux faux-papiers. Il lui dit que dès qu'il sortira de l'hôpital, il sera en état d'arrestation.


A Haven, dans la bibliothèque.

Un son bruyant se fait entendre à l'extérieur, et la bibliothèque explose, faisant quelques blessés.


A l’Hôpital de Boston.

Duke tente de convaincre l'infirmière de lui laisser passer un appel, mais celle-ci lui dit qu'elle a déjà dépassé les limites en autorisant « sa sœur, Audrey » a le voir en dehors de l'heure des visites. Duke est heureux de savoir qu'Audrey est là, et sa déception est grande quand une jeune femme, petite, brune, entre dans la pièce.

Elle semble totalement volage, et dit à Duke qu'elle ne comprend pas comment cela est possible. Elle lui raconte que six mois plus tôt, pendant des semaines, elle avait entendu des voix dans sa tête, et des prénoms : Audrey, Nathan, Duke, Howard... Elle avait été soignée pour schizophrénie et depuis les voix s'étaient calmées, mais quand elle avait entendu le nom d'Audrey à la télé, elle avait tout de suite réagit. Duke lui explique qu'il vient de Haven, que là bas les gens ont des capacités et qu'elle semble être liée à la grange. Il la convainc de la faire sortir de l'hôpital.

A l'extérieur, il passe un appel à Dave, qui dans un premier temps refuse de croire qu'il est Duke mais finit par le comprendre. Il lui apprend que Nathan n'est plus Chef et a quitté Haven après la disparition de ses deux amis.


Quelque part, près de Haven.

Nathan, cheveux longs et sales, barbe de plusieurs jours, se laisse frapper par des hommes – puisqu'il ne ressent rien – en échange d'un peu d'argent. Lorsque Duke arrive, il le serre dans ses bras et n'en croit pas ses yeux. Il demande aussitôt où est Audrey, lève la tête et ne voit que Jennifer.


Ailleurs, dans un bar.

Un client interpelle une serveuse en demandant le même cocktail que lui avait fait la seconde serveuse, Lexie, qui n'est autre que Audrey. Celle-ci est tout sourire, et répond d'un air provoquant.


Non loin de Haven.

Nathan explique à Duke qu'après leur disparition, les troubles n'ont pas disparus, la pluie de météorite a duré plus longtemps qu'ils ne pensaient, le chaos régnait à Haven. Duke lui répond que Dave pense qu'en tirant sur Howard, le cycle des 27 ans s'est brisé. Nathan continue en disant que la Garde, apprenant ce qu'il avait fait, avait décidé de le tuer et qu'il avait été obligé de quitter son poste et de partir, et qu'il avait besoin d'argent pour survire et chercher Audrey. Ils parlent ensuite de Jennifer et du rôle qu'elle pourrait jouer dans la suite des événements. Ils montent en voiture, direction Haven.


Haven, à la bibliothèque.

Dave et Vince arrivent sur les lieux de l'accident. Dave semble en avoir marre de devoir expliquer aux gens toutes ces catastrophes. On sent une tension entre les deux frères. Dwight arrive à son tour, on apprend qu'il est le nouveau Chef. Il dit qu'il dira aux gens que c'est encore une explosion de gaz, ce qui fait râler une nouvelle fois Dave. Dwight répond à un appel téléphonique, Dave en profite pour lui dire que Duke a appelé. Dwight revient en disant qu'un corps a été retrouvé congelé sur le bord du fleuve.


Au bar.

La collègue de Lexie lui demande si elle peut faire tourner seule le bar pendant qu'elle va à la banque. Peu après son départ, un homme entre dans le bar et attire tout de suite l'attention de Lexie, un échange de regard intense a lieu entre les deux. Tout sourire, elle lui demande ce qu'elle peut lui servir, il lui demande une bière locale, elle en mentionne une et l'homme lui répond qu'elle vient du Maine.


A Haven.

Duke, Nathan et Jennifer arrivent en voiture quand ils se font encerclés par de nombreux véhicules. Jordan, armée, pointe son fusil sur Nathan et lui demande de sortir de la voiture. Tandis que Duke explique à Jennifer qui elle est, Dwight et les Teagues arrivent sur place.

On apprend par Vince que Nathan a sauvé la vie de Jordan en expliquant au docteur comment la soigner après l'épisode de la grange, par rapport à son trouble. Il aurait pu la laisser mourir, mais ça ne fait pas baisser son arme pour autant. Elle est obligée de capituler quand Dwight enlève son gilet pare-balle et annonce qu'il prendra toutes les balles (par rapport à sa perturbation) si elle tire.

Après que Duke explique l'épisode de la grange, Nathan leur explique pourquoi il est revenu, et comment Audrey peut arrêter les troubles définitivement si elle le tue, à lui, son vrai grand amour. Tout le monde est perplexe, mais Jennifer leur dit avoir entendu Howard le dire à Audrey, et Dave confie qu'Arla leur avait dit la même chose quand elle les détenait prisonniers.

Tout d'un coup, une tornade étrange apparaît dans le ciel. Tout s'envole, tout le monde court de mettre à l'abri, après quelques minutes, elle disparaît aussi rapidement qu'elle était arrivée. Dwight demande à Nathan et Duke d'aider le Haven PD dans leurs affaires, Nathan dit qu'il veut seulement trouver Audrey, mais Vince lui dit que ça aidera à convaincre la Garde de le laisser tranquille.

Duke demande à Nathan s'il est vraiment sûr d'être le grand amour d'Audrey, ce dernier répond qu'il n'a jamais été aussi sûr de quelque chose que de ça.


Au bar.

Lexie discute toujours avec l'homme, on apprend qu'il s'appelle William. Il lui dit qu'il connaît un endroit intéressant où ils pourraient aller. Un homme étrange, et armé, entre dans le bar. Lexie commence à paniquer, William lui demande des jetons pour le jukebox et s'en va. L'homme demande à la voir, elle s'approche et il lui dit de s'asseoir, qu'il ne veut pas voler l'argent. Quand elle lui demande ce qu'il veut, William arrive derrière et commence à frapper l'homme. Il arrive à récupérer l'arme, et son adversaire s'enfuit. Il aide Lexie à se relever.


Au Haven PD.

Dwight leur explique le cas sur lequel ils travaillent, tous en lien avec d'étranges phénomènes météorologiques. Rapidement, Nathan fait le lien avec Marion Caldwell, le premier cas d'Audrey à son arrivée à Haven, dont ils n'avaient gardé aucune trace écrite. Ils se mettent en route, et Duke confie Jennifer à Stan, le policier, pour qu'il l'amène au Grey Gull puis sur le Cape Rouge.


Devant le Haven Herald.

Jordan rejoint Vince et lui dit que ni elle, ni la Garde, ne comprennent sa réaction quant au retour de Nathan et Duke à Haven. Au cours de la dispute, elle insiste sur le fait qu'il ne fasse pas tout ça pour Nathan, mais pour Audrey, et Vince lui répond qu'il a connu Sarah bien longtemps avant et qu'elle avait tout fait pour aider cette ville.


Devant la maison de Marion Caldwell.

Le temps devient menaçant, en particulier au dessus de la maison. Duke, Nathan et Dwight rentrent à l'intérieur : tout est gelé, la température tourne autour, selon Duke, des moins 20 degrés. Lui et Dwight sont obligés de sortir car leurs corps ne tiennent pas le coup, mais Nathan, qui ne sent rien, est capable d'y rester plus longtemps.

Il trouve Marion assise sur un fauteuil. Elle lui dit que c'est sa faute si son trouble est revenu, parce qu'il a échoué. Nathan lui apprend qu'elle a tué des gens, dehors, à Haven, à cause de son trouble, et elle est effondrée. Nathan cherche à comprendre pourquoi son trouble a recommencé, et elle lui raconte que Conrad, son compagnon, a fait une crise cardiaque et qu'elle n'a pas pu l'aider, ni l'amener à l'hôpital. C'est son chagrin qui a fait se déclencher à nouveau sa perturbation. Elle ne peut vivre sans lui, et le froid devient de plus en plus mordant, Nathan peine à respirer, mais il finit par la convaincre que ce qu'elle fait n'est pas de l'amour, et que lui même à échouer car il refusait de laisser Audrey partir, mais qu'il a maintenant une seconde chance.

Tous les deux sortent de la maison, les Teagues amènent Marion et le temps se rétablit. Dwight propose à Nathan de travailler pour la police de Haven à nouveau, mais il refuse car il veut se concentrer sur Audrey. Duke lui rappelle qu'ils auront justement besoin de toutes les sources – et ressources – du Haven PD pour y arriver, et il finit par accepter.


Au Grey Gull.

Une foule de gens occupe les lieux. Duke rejoint Jennifer, qui sirote un cocktail, et lui annonce que son frère a repris possession des lieux. Duke est étonné, et derrière lui, un homme arrive et le serre dans ses bras, Duke l'appelle Wade.


Dans le bar.

William dit à Lexie que l'homme au pistolet était là à cause de lui, car il avait peur qu'il lui révèle un secret : qui elle est vraiment, car elle n'est pas Lexie, mais elle est entièrement quelqu'un d'autre. Lexie se moque de lui, elle le trouve maintenant bizarre. William lui dit que si elle ne se rappelle pas de qui elle est, alors beaucoup de gens mourront.

Inside the barn.

Duke : Audrey, where are you? Audrey! Audrey, we got to get the hell out of here! This place is falling apart!

Howard : You should go now.
Audrey : I need to say good-bye. Am I even human?
Howard : He belongs here now, like his mother.
James : Arla lied.
Audrey : Yeah.
James : You didn't kill me.
Audrey : Why would killing you... why would that end the troubles?
James : Because you loved me.

Duke (falling) : Aah!

Somewhere, someone is whatching TV.

Reporter : Earlier today, schoolchildren at the Boston aquarium were stunned when an unidentified man suddenly appeared in the seal tank. A spokesman was unable to explain how the man was able to get into the tank in the first place.
Duke (on TV) : Look, listen to me. Audrey Parker... you understand me? Her name is Audrey Parker. You have to find her. Listen to me! Audrey Parker!

Boston Hospital.

Police man : Marina security wants to know how you got past them.
Duke: I'd like to know how I even got to Boston.
Police man : Oh, you're saying you got amnesia or something?
Duke : No. Maybe. Yes. Which answer's gonna get you to uncuff me?
Police man : None of the above.
Duke : I told you to call Haven P.D. What did they say?
Police man : They said Duke Crocker's been dead for six months.
Duke : Dead?
Police man : Mm-hmm.
Duke : Six months? No, I was only in the barn for a few minutes.
Police man : What barn?
Duke : Look, Detective, this is obviously a misunderstanding, 'cause I am clearly not dead.
Police man : Or maybe you're not Duke Crocker. I found these in your wallet. Kirk Davis, Benton Shore, Calvin Banks. You want to tell me what you're doing with these?
Duke : Just call Haven P.D. again, and make sure you talk to Nathan Wuornos. As a matter of fact, actually, why don't you just let me do it? Because I can clear this whole thing right up.
Police man : The next call you make is gonna be to your lawyer,'cause the second your psychiatric hold is up, I'm arresting you. Identity theft, trespassing...
Duke : Buddy, it was just a fish tank.
Police man : Welcome to Boston, Mr. Crocker. You had a good deal going in Haven? You should've stayed there.
Duke : Yeah. There's no place like home.

Haven's Library.

People : That's weird.
People : What is that noise?
People : Do you guys hear that? It's getting louder.

Boston Hospital.

Duke : If I could just borrow your phone for two minutes... I promise, you're not gonna get in trouble.
Nurse : Yeah, appreciate you looking out for me.
Duke : Oh, trust me, dear, I am. That last bedpan change could've been a very different experience.
Nurse : And they say chivalry is dead.
Duke : Come on, just one call.
Nurse : Look, I'm already bending the rules letting your sister in.
Duke : Sister?
Nurse : Audrey. I told her visiting hours were up, but she gave me a sob story. It must run in the family.
Duke : Audrey's here? Oh, thank God.
Nurse : 15 minutes. She's not gone when I get back, I'm tranqing you.
Duke : Fair enough. You're a wonderful woman. And, dear, those scrubs look fantastic on you.

A girl comes into the room.

Duke : Who the hell are you?
Girl : I had to see you... see you with my own eyes.
Duke : Where's Audrey? Is she okay?
Girl : All these months, I never dreamed that you could actually be real, and then last night, I was watching the news, and there you were, calling for Audrey Parker, just like you did in my head.
Duke : Um... why don't we just, uh, start with your name?
Girl : Jennifer. Jennifer Mason.
Duke : Yeah.
Jennifer : Okay, six months ago, I was working at The Boston Globe, actually having a pretty good day, and then someone started shouting. So I got up from my cubicle to see what was wrong, but there was no one there, but I could still hear the voices and all these names... Audrey, Howard, Nathan, Duke... and it wouldn't stop, the talking, the shouting, the crying. I could hear the same conversations over and over, like a cd stuck on repeat, so I thought I was going crazy. Well, it turns out I was. The doctors told me I was schizophrenic. They told me that the voices weren't real, that none of you... were real.
Duke : Your doctors were wrong.
Jennifer : How is that possible?
Duke : I have no idea. But look, you said it started six months ago, right?
Jennifer : Yeah.
Duke : I don't know how, but somehow I think you were hearing my friends while we were stuck in this, um, place.
Jennifer : The barn? That's what you called it.
Duke : Yeah, the barn, but it's not really a barn. I mean, it looks like a barn. Really, it's this, like, big, crazy supernatural thing. No, no, no, no, Jennifer, Jennifer, wait. I live in a town in Maine called Haven. It's a place for people who have special, um... abilities. We call them "troubled." Now, I think that's what you are and how you were able to hear what you did.
Jennifer : Okay, right now you're making me feel more crazy, not less crazy.
Duke : Yeah, I know how it sounds, but I'm telling you the truth. And if you somehow are connected to the barn, then maybe you can hear something that can help me find my friend Audrey, 'cause she must've fallen out of the barn at the same time as me, but I don't know where.
Jennifer : After I was diagnosed, I started taking medicine, and... and it made the voices stop, and I haven't heard them since.
Duke : That's okay. Look, we just need to get you back to Haven.
Jennifer : What? I'm not going anywhere with you. I just met you, and you're some kind of criminal.
Duke : Yes, I am a criminal, but one with a heart of gold. Look, if you help me get out of here, we will figure out what happened to you, and I will bet you that Audrey can fix it. That's just what she does.
Jennifer : Why should I believe any of this?
Duke : Do you want to spend the rest of your life thinking that you're crazy?
Jennifer : No. I don't. But it was hard enough for me to get in here. How are we gonna break you out?
Duke : First, I need a paper clip. Second... I need my pants.

Outside the Hospital.

Jennifer : Do you do stuff like this a lot?
Duke : Uh, sorry to say I do. Where's your car? Okay, they're probably not looking for me yet, but would you...
Jennifer : Do you want me to get it and bring it back?
Duke : Fantastic.
Jennifer : Okay.
Duke : You're not gonna ditch me, are you?
Jennifer : If I was gonna ditch you, I would've done it before I had to flash that orderly my boobs.
Duke : All I said was we needed a distraction.
Jennifer : Well, it worked, didn't it?
Duke : Okay, guys, whenever things go sideways, one of you usually has a good idea why. Don't fail me now.

Phone calls.

Dave : Haven Harold. Dave speaking.
Duke : Thank God, finally somebody answered their damn phone.
Dave : Who is this?
Duke : Dave, it's me, Duke.
Dave : Duke. Is this some kind of joke?
Duke : Don't make me say it, Dave. Two words... Oprah Winfrey.
Dave : Duke! We all thought you were dead. Where have you been?
Duke : I've been in the barn. It spit me out yesterday in Boston.
Dave : Yesterday? The barn's been destroyed for six months, Duke.
Duke : I know, but time must move differently when you're inside the barn. Maybe... maybe that's why when it spits Audrey out with new memories, she... she doesn't age.
Dave : Audrey's with you?
Duke : No, Dave, no. Listen to me. She's not with me. I need to find her and Nathan. Now, I've been calling his cell phone, but it's disconnected, and when I called the Haven P.D., they said he's not working there anymore. What the hell is going on, Dave?
Dave : A lot's happened since you've been gone, Duke. Troubles didn't go away.
Duke : Dave, where is Nathan?
Dave : I think I know where he is, Duke, but he's changed.

Somewhere close to Haven.

Nathan is fighting with some guys.

Guys : Yeah, whoo! Come on.
Man : Man, you are one crazy dude, but, yeah, that felt great.
Nathan : Cheaper than a shrink. All right, who's next?

Jennifer and Duke arrives.

Jennifer : That's your friend? Well, don't you think you should stop him?
Duke : The thing is that... I mean, Nathan and I have...
Jennifer : Oh!
Duke : A complicated relationship. Uh, look, you got 20 bucks? Stay here.

Nathan : All right, hang on. I need a break.
Duke : Hey. You up next?
Nathan : I need a break.
Duke : I would've suggested Jamaica. Nathan.

Nathan hugs him.

Duke : You smell bad.
Nathan : I thought you were dead.
Duke : Yeah, well, I had other plans.
Nathan : Audrey?
Duke : Nathan...
Nathan : Where is she? Where's Audrey?

Somewhere else, away from Haven, in a pub.

Bartender : Okay, love, what can I get you?
Man : I want a screaming orgasm.
Bartender : Don't we all?
Man : It's a drink.
Bartender : We don't make them here. No stupid frat-boy drinks... house rules.
Man : The other bartender made me one.
Bartender : That a fact? Lexie... Did you give this boy a screaming orgasm?
Audrey/Lexie : Well, he asked so nice, how could I say no?

Non loin de Haven.

Nathan : After you went into the barn, it vanished like it was never there. I made it back into town just as the last of the meteors were coming down. It was chaos.
Duke : Dave thinks you shooting Howard disrupted the 27-year cycle. That's why the troubles didn't go away like they were supposed to.
Nathan : Guard found out what I did. They tried to kill me. Part of me wanted to let them. I was trying to save Audrey. Instead, I thought I killed her. I thought I killed you, killed James.
Duke : So what? That's your excuse for having a six-month-long pity party... letting people beat the crap out of you?
Nathan : I needed money. I couldn't get a real job. I have to stay off the radar. The guard... if they found me, I'm dead. You got out of the barn today. It might've spit her out as well.
Duke : Well, yeah, I'd like to believe that too, but how come no one's heard from her, Nathan?
Nathan : Barn sent you to Boston. Might've sent Audrey to Burma, for all we know. You said Jennifer could hear what happened in the barn. Maybe she can help us narrow it down. Can we trust her?
Duke : I don't know. I just met her. But she trusted me when she didn't have to, and I get the feeling that she needs us just as much as we need her.
Nathan : Do we take her back to Haven?
Duke : Whoa. "We"? Look, Nathan, I'm used to people wanting me dead. What are you gonna do about the guard?
Nathan : Figure something out. I need my resources. Got to send A.P.Bs out, send hospitals descriptions. She could be hurt, disoriented.
Jennifer : Okay, we got a full tank of gas and some snacks for the drive. I don't know what you like, but everyone likes slim Jims.
Nathan : I like slim Jims. Duke, you drive. I need to talk to Jennifer. And you need to tell me everything you know about the barn.

Haven Library.

Dave : This town's been through so much. How much more can people take?
Vince : Well, the chief is doing the best he can.
Dave : Speak of the devil.
Vince : Dwight.
Dwight : Have they found anything... Bomb materials, trace of an accelerant?
Dave : And hope still Springs eternal.
Vince : Nothing yet.
Dave : Here we go again. What do we blame this one on?
Dwight : It's a gas leak.
Dave : A gas leak? Another one?
Dwight : Yeah, another one.
Vince : You're not helping.
Dave : I'm not the kind of help you need. That kind of help was driven out of town.
Vince : Or killed when the barn exploded.
Dave : Duke called me this morning.
Vince : Duke's alive? Why didn't you tell me?
Dave : I just did.
Dwight : Are you two done?
Vince : Sorry, chief.

Phone ringing.

Dwight : What's up? I'll be right there. Somebody down at the beach is frozen in glass. If this bomb was a trouble, it's not the only one we got today.

Somwhere, at the pub.

Bartender : Okay, I got to get today's till to the bank before it closes. You gonna be okay by yourself?
Lexie : Yeah, I think I got the hang of it.
Bartender : Did since the moment you came in... you're a natural.
Lexie : Well, I like it here. It's much better than my last gig... boring.
Bartender : Yeah, this place will keep you hopping. At least most of the regulars behave themselves.
Lexie : Tell that to the pinch bruises on my ass.
Bartender : Oh, I don't know. You're pretty good at keeping the bad boys in their place.
Lexie : Just looking for one guy, you know, one decent guy. Is that too much to ask?
Bartender : You are wasting your time looking around here.

A man comes into the pub.

Lexie : Hey, can I help you?
Man : Please. Uh, can I get a local beer?
Lexie : What, like, a micro-brew?
Man : Yeah, there's a good one, actually. I think it's from Maine.
Lexie : I can do better than that.
Man : Okay.
Lexie : Here.

In Haven.

Jennifer : Oh. What a pretty little town.
Nathan : It has its moments.

Lot of cars arrives around them.

Duke : Usually moments like this.
Jordan : Hello, Nathan. Get out of the car.
Duke : Great. She's alive.
Jennifer : Who is that woman?
Duke : Jordan McKee. Her and Nathan used to have a thing, but then he dumped her, and I shot her, and the whole thing got weird.
Jennifer : Oh.
Duke : Way to keep a secret, Dave.
Dave : Believe me. You're glad we're here.
Duke : Oh, yeah, it's going splendidly so far.
Vince : Jordan, put the gun down. Jordan, don't forget it was Nathan who found you unconscious in that field. He explained your condition to the doctor, so he could operate on you. He could've let you die, but he didn't.
Jordan : Maybe he should've.
Dwight : That gun goes off, the only person that dies here today is me.
Jennifer : What does he mean?
Duke : Well, you see, Dwight here's a bullet magnet. That's... that's his trouble. Jordan fires that gun anywhere, the only person it's gonna hit is Dwight.
Jennifer : Oh.
Dwight : Is that what you want?
Jordan : No. But he has to pay.
Dwight : He will. Duke.
Duke : Sasquatch.
Vince : You told us Duke was in the barn with Audrey when it was destroyed.
Nathan : He was... which means Audrey is still alive.
The Guard : Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Vince : Quiet! Where is she?
Nathan : That's why I came back... to find her. Audrey and I are gonna end the troubles.
Jordan : Audrey going into that barn... that's what should've ended the troubles.
Nathan : There's another way. This is Jennifer. She's troubled, connected to the barn somehow. She heard Audrey and Howard talking.
Jennifer : Howard told Audrey that there was another way she could end the troubles, but not just for 27 years, but forever.
Vince : How?
Jennifer : By killing the person she loves the most.
Nathan : By killing me.
Jordan : Is this some sick joke?
Dave : Nathan's telling the truth. That's exactly what Arla told me when Vince and I had her prisoner.
Nathan : So you could kill me, Jordan, get your revenge, get to live the rest of your life troubled. Last touch you ever feel will have been mine. Or you can let me live. I will find Audrey. I'll convince her to kill me. The troubles will end forever.
Jordan : And you expect us to believe that?
Duke : Hey, crazy town, you know him. You all do. All he's ever wanted to do was protect Haven, and he's willing to give his life to do that.
Dave : That's the craziest thing I ever heard.
Duke : Crazier than anything else that's been going on around here? And Nathan is saying he can end all that, and he's willing to give his life to do it. What do you all have to lose by letting him try?

A tornado starts in the sky.

Duke : What the hell is that?
Dwight : Take cover. Everybody take cover.
Jennifer : What is that? Oh, my God. I don't like it here!
Duke : If this thing touches down, we're dead.

It stopped as it began.

Duke : What was that?
Dwight : Welcome home.
Jennifer : There was a tornado right here... where did it go?
Dwight : No way that was a normal tornado.
Duke : This been happening a lot?
Dwight : No, no. This is something new.
Jordan : Okay, you guys, take Nathan and Crocker to the safe house and sit on them.
Dwight : No, no, hold up, hold up. Listen, you saw what happened at the bookstore this morning, and I found another body down at the beach. And whatever that was, I need their help.
Vince : I agree.
Nathan : No, I'm not here to fight the troubles.
Vince : You want me to convince the guard you'll do anything to save Haven, even die? Well, maybe start smaller. Maybe start now.
Nathan : Fine. I'll do what I can, but I am here to find Audrey.
Vince : All right, we need to spread out. Check the surrounding blocks. We may have casualties. Move!
Dwight : You should come back to the police station. I'll show you what I've got so far.
Jennifer : Oh, me. I want to go to the police station. Police stations are safe, right?
Dwight : Usually.
Duke : Hey. Okay, show's over. Your plan isn't really to let Audrey kill you. I mean, you were just putting one over on the guard, right?
Nathan : No, that's the plan.
Jennifer : I'm not really up on... on what's going on, but that is a bad plan.
Nathan : It's the only way to stop the troubles. Everything that's happening in this town is my fault.
Duke : Audrey's never gonna go for this.
Nathan : Audrey was willing to walk into that barn and have her personality stripped away, to forget everyone she ever cared about. Audrey was willing to die to stop the troubles.
Duke : Let's just say you're right. That means for the troubles to end, you have to be Audrey's true love. Are you sure about that?
Nathan : I've never been more sure about anything in my entire life.

At the pub.

Lexie : So I haven't seen you around here before.
Man : I haven't come in before. Never had a reason... till now. Name's, uh, William.
Lexie : Lexie.
William : Lexie... pretty name. You worked here long?
Lexie : Mm, about a month. Never worked in a bar before. You know, I just thought it would be fun. Thought I'd meet some interesting people. Are you interesting, William?
William : I've been told.
Lexie : Some things I like to find out for myself.
William : Well, I'm not sure this is the place.
Lexie : My shift ends in a few hours.
William : I think I know someplace we can go.

A weird man comes in, with a gun.

Lexie: Do you know that guy?
William : No.
Lexie : He has a gun.
William : Yeah, could tell by the way he moved.
Lexie : Wow. Wait. Are you... are you a cop or something?
William : Not even a little.
Lexie : Damn, I hope he doesn't try something. The last time I tried to call the cops, it took them, like, 45 minutes to get here.
William : Looks like you'll have to handle it on your own.
Lexie : Are you kidding? Oh, my God, he wants me to go over there.
William : Can I get some quarters?
Lexie : Really?
William : For the jukebox.
Lexie : Unbelievable.
William : Thanks.
Lexie : Hi. Uh, what can I get you?
Weird man : Have a seat.
Lexie : You know, I... I'd love to, but we're really busy right now, so...

He points the gun on her.

Weird man : Sit down.
Lexie : Listen, the cash box... it already went to the bank, okay? We don't have anything here, just a couple bucks for change.
Weird man : I don't want your money.
Lexie : Well, then what do you want?

William starts to fight with the man, who running away.

William : Hey. You okay?
Lexie : Yeah. I think so.
William : You gonna be all right?
Lexie : I'm good. I'm good.

Haven, Police Station.

Nathan : From cleaner to police chief, huh?
Dwight : Yeah, Teagues talked me into it. We couldn't risk an outsider coming in, poking around. Besides, town needed a familiar face. When you disappeared, people that don't know about the troubles didn't know why. A lot of them took it hard.
Nathan : And the people who knew why?
Dwight : The ones who knew what you did took it even harder. You're taking a big gamble coming back, Nate.
Police woman : Hold on. Wait. Is that Nathan Wuornos, the old chief?
Stan the cop : I knew he wouldn't stay away.
Dwight : One of our latest incidents.
Nathan : Anywhere else but Haven, I'd say it was a bombing.
Dwight : It wasn't a bomb. There was no particulates found at the scene. Witnesses said it was like being in the middle of a windstorm, only there was no wind outside.
Jennifer : The wind just appeared like the tornado? What could do that?
Dwight : We found that this afternoon. Lucassi said the sand got so hot that it turned to glass, and the victim was trapped inside.
Duke : This was here in Haven?
Dwight : You know what it is?
Duke : Yeah, it's called a fulgurite. I was on a beach in the Congo once. These things were everywhere. The natives... they called them "petrified lightning."
Nathan : Lightning?
Duke : The bolts would super-heat the sand. These things were all over the place, except the ones I saw didn't have dead bodies inside of them.
Dwight : Autopsy said the victim died within the last 48 hours. We haven't had a lightning storm here for weeks.
Nathan : So from out of nowhere, we got wind, lightning, tornados... all forms of extreme weather.
Duke : So we got a bunch of people running around who can control the weather.
Nathan : Or maybe just one person... Marion Caldwell.
Dwight:  I didn't read anything about her in the files.
Nathan : That's because there was never an official report.It was Audrey's first day in Haven. Audrey discovered Marion had a weather trouble, killed someone, but we thought her trouble was under control.
Dwight : I'll get an address.
Nathan : Yeah.

Duke : Remember the marina we passed on the way here?
Jennifer : Mm-hmm.
Duke : I want you to go there. That's where my boat is. Harbor master will show you which one is mine. You'll be safe there.
Jennifer : Is there anything to eat there? I have to take my meds, and I have to take them with food.
Duke : Um, The Gull... it'll be closed, but the food in the freezer is still good. I'm gonna get, uh... Stan. Him. See him?
Jennifer : I see him.
Duke : He'll take you there. You can trust him.

Dwight : Got an address. Vince and Dave will meet us there.
Nathan : Let's go.
Duke : It'll be okay.

Outside the Haven Herald.

Vince : I know you're not happy about my deal with Nathan.
Jordan : And not just me. I'm hearing a lot of rumbling. The guard know you never really wanted Nathan dead, even after what he did. It makes you look weak.
Vince : I think you know better. And you know I'll do whatever it takes to keep this town together, to end the troubles.
Jordan : So will I. This isn't about Nathan. This is about Audrey, and you know it. All you're thinking is that she's alive and she's coming back.
Vince : I met her decades ago. Her name was Sarah. She helped the town then too.
Jordan : And you're still carrying a torch. You, Nathan, Duke. Really don't get the appeal.
Vince : Go home, Jordan.
Jordan : Yeah.

Outside Marion's house.

Duke : I'm not a meteorologist, but, uh, this doesn't look good.
Dwight : Marion's in there.
Nathan : Marion! Hello?
Dwight : It's got to be 20 below zero in here.
Duke : How did, um, Audrey talk Marion down the first time?
Nathan : She showed Marion that her friend, Conrad, secretly loved her, that they could be happy together.
Dwight : Damn it.
Nathan : You guys should get out of here before you freeze to death.
Duke : Audrey's the immune one. This cold is affecting you just as much as it us.
Nathan : Yeah, but I can't feel it. I'll last longer. Go. Go.
Dwight : Five minutes. Then we're coming back.
Duke : Damn it.

Marion : Nathan Wuornos, you came back.
Nathan : Marion... What happened?
Marion : My trouble, it came back too, because of you. Troubles were supposed to go away when Audrey left. That's what everyone said.
Nathan : I know. And you can take it out on me, but you have to stop hurting innocent people.
Marion : What people?
Nathan : Don't you know what you're doing? You've been creating windstorms, cyclones, lightning strikes all over town.

Vince : Marion, did you see her?
Duke : No, as a matter of fact, we haven't. But have a look around. I'm pretty sure she's in there.
Dave : This storm's getting worse.
Dwight : And it's blowing straight towards the center of town.

Marion : I didn't know.
Nathan : What happened? Why did your trouble come back? Conrad.
Marion : Two days ago, he was working on the porch, fixing the damage from the meteor storm. He came inside and said that his arm had gone numb. Then he collapsed.
Nathan : Heart attack?
Marion : He had one a couple of months ago, but... this one was worse. He stopped breathing. He...
Nathan : ... died, and your trouble came back.
Marion : But what if I could've taken him to the hospital, or I could've...
Nathan : No, he was gone. There was nothing you could do. There's something you have to do now, Marion. You have to stop this. You have to let Conrad go.
Marion : Oh! No! No!
Nathan : I'm sorry, Marion. I know how hard it is.
Marion : No, you don't.
Nathan : Yes, I do. The troubles are still here because of me. Because I couldn't accept that Audrey had to go away. 'Cause I couldn't bear to lose her. Because... 'cause I couldn't let go, so many people were hurt. People like you.
Marion : Then why did you come back?
Nathan : Because I got a second chance to make it right. I won't let more people be hurt because of me. And Conrad, he wouldn't want you hurting people because of him.
Marion : I don't think that I can live without him. I loved him so much.
Nathan : What you're doing, this... this isn't love.

Both comes out of the house.

Duke : You okay?
Nathan : It's all over now.
Duke :  Whatever you did must've worked.
Nathan : I learned from the best. Marion didn't want to hurt anyone.
Duke : Yeah, well, they never do. Eh, some of them do.
Dwight : Thank you. The town will never accept you back as chief, not the way you left things, but I convinced the guard that I need you on the force and that it's the best way for me to keep my eye on you.
Nathan : Don't want it.
Dwight : Nathan, look what happened today. I've been trying to hold this place together for six months, and I can't do it anymore. When the troubles didn't go away, people lost hope. We need you.
Nathan : I have to find Audrey.
Duke : You did say that access to police resources was the only reason you came back.
Dwight : If you were just a detective, you'd be under less scrutiny. Maybe bending the rules here and there might be easier.
Nathan : I'll do what I can, but it's all just a band-aid until we find Audrey.

At the Grey Gull - mysteriously open.

Jennifer : Hey! There you are.
Duke : Yep.
Jennifer : Did you find the tornado lady?
Duke : Yeah, as a matter of fact, we did. Okay, this place should be closed.
Jennifer : Oh, I'm glad it wasn't. I was starving. And this is the world's best Margarita. Totally worth the cheat.
Duke : You don't drink?
Jennifer : Well, I'm not supposed to on my meds, but your brother and I decided that this is worth the exception.
Duke : My who?
Jennifer : Your brother.
Duke's brother : Duke?
Duke : Wade?
Wade : You're alive.
Duke : So cool that your brother owns a bar. Yeah, super cool.

Far away of Haven, at the pub.

Lexie : Thank you. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't been here.
William : You'd have been fine.
Lexie : Are you kidding me? That guy had a gun. I don't think I've actually been that close to one in person before.
William : Yeah, you have. Lexie, I have a confession. That guy was here because of me.
Lexie : What? Why?
William : He was... afraid I was gonna tell you something, a secret.
Lexie : A secret?
William : About you.
Lexie : About me? How... how could you tell me any secrets? We've just met.
William : And yet I know an awful lot about you.
Lexie : Like what?
William : Like... you think your name's Lexie, but it's not. In fact, you're someone else entirely.
Lexie : Congratulations. You just won the prize for the creepiest pick-up line ever.
William : It's not a line, it's the truth. And unless you let me help you find out who you are...
Lexie : Then what? No, what's gonna happen?
William : A lot of people are gonna die.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

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