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#107 : Portrait d'un assassin

La police de Haven mène l'enquête sur une série d'agressions hors du commun, dont le premier a commencé sur un bateau. La jeune hôtesse, Vickie, pourrait être impliquée.



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Portrait d'un assassin

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L'agent du FBI Audrey Parker

L'agent du FBI Audrey Parker

Nathan et Audrey à Haven

Nathan et Audrey à Haven

Audrey, Jess et Nathan à Haven

Audrey, Jess et Nathan à Haven

Jess Minion, jouée par Anne Caillon

Jess Minion, jouée par Anne Caillon

L'actrice française Anne Caillon incarne Jess Minion

L'actrice française Anne Caillon incarne Jess Minion

Emily Rose incarne Audrey Parker

Emily Rose incarne Audrey Parker

Jess, Nathan et Audrey

Jess, Nathan et Audrey

Nathan Wuornos à Haven

Nathan Wuornos à Haven

Jess, Nathan et Audrey

Jess, Nathan et Audrey

Vicky, victime d'une perturbation

Vicky, victime d'une perturbation

Nathan et Audrey mènent l'enquête

Nathan et Audrey mènent l'enquête

Jess Minion, armée

Jess Minion, armée


Logo de la chaîne SyFy France

France (inédit)
Dimanche 16.09.2018 à 05:00

Plus de détails

Ecrit par Matt McGuinness.
Réalisé par T.W. Peacocke.

Guests : Devon Bostick (Jimmy), David Rossetti (Ellios Wallace), Molly Dunsworth (Vickie), David Christoffel (Putnam), Hugh Thompson (Capitaine Richards), Brian Heighton (Alex), et Nancy Regan (Mary).

A savoir : L'actrice qui incarne Vickie, Molly Dunsworth est la fille de  John Dunsworth

> Captures de l'épisode

Sur le port.

Lors d'un apéro à bord d'un bateau, un incident se produit et l'un des hommes à bord tombe sur le sol, devant une jeune fille terrifiée. Tous les membres de l'homme se tordent dans des positions inimaginables.

Haven PD.

Nathan prend la déposition de Jess sans remarquer les avances discrètes de la jeune femme. Audrey se prend au jeu et essaye de convaincre Nathan de se rendre au domicile de Jess pour en vérifier la sécurité. Jess lui propose d'amener une bouteille de vin et ils se lancent une boutade sur la protection des animaux, avant d'être interrompus par le téléphone.

Sur le port.

En chemin, Audrey taquine Nathan sur son comportement avec Jess et celui-ci se vexe gentiment. Ils rejoignent Eleanor, la légiste, qu'il leur prévient que ce n'est pas une scène de crime pour âme sensible, ce qui vaut une nouvelle pique d'Audrey à son partenaire. Ils sont tous les trois perplexes quand à l'état du corps. L'homme n'est pas mort mais son état est critique. Eleanor leur promet de donner des résultats bientôt. Ils s'en vont interroger les personnes du bateau, à commencer par Alec, sa fille et le fiancé de celle-ci. Leurs versions correspondent à celle de l'équipage et ne permettent pas de désigner de coupable. La jeune fille est vraiment bouleversée. Audrey dit à Nathan qu'elle pense qu'il s'agit de quelque chose de surnaturel, ajoutant qu'Eleanor lui a fait le clin d'oeil qu'elle réserve à ce genre de cas.


Au restaurant.

Nathan et Audrey retrouvent Duke, qui comme à son habitude les taquine gentiment. Il dissimule quelque chose derrière une bâche mais refuse de leur dire de quoi il s'agit. En fait, ce n'est que du matériel qu'une bibliothécaire lui a demandé de stocker. Nathan reçoit un appel de Laverne qui lui annonce la mort d'un agent immobilier.

Agence immobilière.

Eleanor n'a jamais rien vu de tel : le cors de l'homme a été tranché en morceaux. On apprend que la victime avait un passé un peu crapuleux.

Haven PD.

Nathan et Audrey interrogent le Alec, suspect numéro 1, ils n'apprennent pas grand chose d'utile si ce n'est qu'il n'est pas leur coupable. Un peu plus tard, les analyses de la substance noire prélevée sur les mains de la victime arrivent : composé de charbon et d'argile, il s'agit du fusain.

Magasin de fournitures d'art.

La vendeuse, qui connaît Nathan, leur propose de leur imprimer son inventaire des ventes de fusain.

Au restaurant.

Audrey demande de l'aide à Duke, car il s'avère que Jimmy, le fiancé de la fille d'Alec, a acheté du fusain, et un bateau comme celui de Duke pourrait être leur chance d'approcher discrètement du bateau de pêche. Ce qui tombe bien, car Duke a d'ailleurs une livraison à faire là-bas.
Sur le quai, Jess les rejoint avec son fusil chargé de calmant. Jimmy débarque et le duo l'interroge. Mais le visage du jeune homme se fige, et soudain son visage semble fondre sur lui même, de la peau recouvre sa bouche, ses narines, ses yeux...

Chez Eleanor.

Audrey n'a pas voulu amener le garçon à l'hôpital et le dépose chez la légiste, qui arrive à plaisanter sur ce patient "idéal" puisque muet. Elle reste discuter avec Eleanor, des perturbations, de son travail au FBI...
Sur la terrasse, Nathan conseille à Jess de rester en dehors de cette affaire dangereuse. Audrey les rejoint et apprend à Nathan que Vickie, la fille d'Alec, enseigne les arts plastiques.

Au cours de Vickie.

La jeune fille pense que quelque chose est arrivée à son père car il ne répond pas à ses appels, mais quand elle comprend qu'ils sont là pour lui parler, elle refuse et prétexte être en plein milieu d'un cours. Ils n'insistent pas.

Chez Vickie.

Nathan et Audrey pénètrent dans l'atelier de Vickie. Ils y trouvent un sacré bazard et de nombreux dessins sur les murs, dont celui de Nathan. Quand Audrey le touche, des objets s'envolent et Nathan est projeté sur le sol. Ils comprennent que ces dessins ont quelque chose de vaudou, et font le rapprochement avec les dessins froissés sur le sol des deux précédentes victimes, plus celui de Jimmy qui a été gommé. Avant de partir, Nathan a l'idée de demander à un collègue de surveiller son portrait.

A l'hôpital.

Ils interrogent la première victime, complètement immobilisé. Il ne veut rien dire, et demande trente million de dommages et intérêts, pensant qu'ils sont avocats. Ils apprennent qu'il devait de l'argent au capitaine Richards, et qu'il n'était pas le seul. 

A Haven.

Le duo retrouve Vickie et lui disent qu'ils sont au courant pour ses dessins. Elle leur avoue que Richards tient son père en otage depuis qu'il a compris ses capacités. Pour rembourser la dette de son père, le capitaine lui a demandé de lui fournir des dessins, et quand elle a voulu arrêter, il a kidnappé Alec. Il lui a demandé de dessiné un endroit précis de Haven, qu'il avait essayé d'acheté et dont l'affaire était tombée à l'eau, suite à quoi Richards avait puni l'agent immobilier. Elle leur explique aussi que seul le premier dessin qu'elle fait d'une personne fonctionne. Et celui de Richards ce trouve sur le bateau.

Sur le bateau.

Duke fait sa livraison de vin comme prévu avec le capitaine Richards. Ce dernier aperçoit la police et Duke lui dit qu'il est préférable qu'ils ne le voient pas ici, et il descend se cacher. Richards refuse d'obéir à la police et il déchire le dessin de Haven, on voit au loin un bâtiment s'effondrer. Duke remonte alors, suivi d'Alec, et le dessin dans ses mains. Mais en essayant de l'attraper, Richard fait tomber le dessin à l'eau, et il se noit, bien qu'à la surface, sous les yeux de tous.

Chez Eleanor.

Audrey apprend que Jimmy se remet petit à petit, grâce aux modifications apportées par Vickie au dessin.

Chez Jess.

Nathan se rend chez Jess, 'pour le rôdeur'.

Au restaurant.

Audrey vient remercier Duke pour son aide. Il la taquine pour les PV qu'elle ne veut pas lui enlever alors que lui a risqué sa vie. Ils rigolent, et elle se laisse offrir un verre.

On a boat

Thunder rumbles.

Captain : All right, boys, let's wipe her down. Clean her up.
Man #1 : Yes, captain.
Wally : This is nice, right?
Man #1 : Yep. Which makes us wonder why you dragged us all the way out here.
Wally : Hmm. Galley wench, we're empty! Wench! Beer! Ready, boys? I got a line on a sexy little private equity fund.
Man #3 : Come on. Here we go.
Man #1 : Like last time? My wallet is still bleeding. I'll pass, thanks. Let's go.
Wally : Fellas, wait. Where are you going? This deal has huge margins and a killer matrix. I can get you in under the wire if you get me the funds right now.
Man #1 : No, thanks, Wally. Fool us once
Wally : Boys. Come on. We're talking ground floor here. Guys.

They leave the boat.

Wally : Perfect. Damn it.
Vickie : I have your beers. We ran out of imports, so I had to...

Groans. Wall falls under the floor.

Wally : Oh, no!


Wally : Help! 

Haven PD

Nathan : So you saw the prowler?
Jess : A glimpse. Barely. He was 6'7". One eyebrow. Fu Manchu. Carried a small slingshot. Had a tattoo.
Nathan : Of what?
Audrey : Does it matter? He was a 6'7" unibrow sling-shotty monster.
Jess : Maybe you want to swing by? Look for footprints?
Nathan : Um yeah. Yeah, I guess I should.
Audrey : Jess, I think Detective Wuornos needs to come by and conduct a safety review of your home.
I'd say around 8:00?
Jess : Great. I shot a deer, so we're having venison. Maybe you can bring a nice bottle?
Nathan : Of wine ?
Audrey : No, antacid.  I thought you were all about protecting animals and moving them to safe habitats.
Jess : I am. I usually use a tranquilizer gun, but it makes them taste funny.

Phone rings.

Jess : Maybe someone should get that?
Nathan : Hello. Nathan Police Department. I mean Haven PD. Wuornos speaking.


Scene crime

Audrey : That was painful to watch.
Nathan : No one was forcing you to.
Audrey : Uh, "Of wine?" Yeah, we should show that to suspects who won't talk.
Nathan : Okay.
Audrey : I mean, it'd probably be cruel and unusual punishment.
Nathan : Well, if my personal life is so painful to you, maybe you should just stay out of it.
Audrey : Hey, I'd love to.
Nathan : But you can't. You're incapable.
Audrey : Oh, numb on the outside, sensitive on the inside.

Eleanor : Just a sec here, boys.
Audrey : So what happened to him?
Eleanor : Anybody squeamish?
Audrey : Not me, but Nathan's a little sensitive.
Eleanor : Yeah, all right. Ruler-straight. Clean breaks through both femurs on a horizontal axis. Massive tissue and bone damage.
Audrey : Those are tough bones to have broken.
Eleanor : Well, tough for something to break. They're as thick as spinnakers, and here, look at this. Identical fracture in the arm. It looks to be at a 90-degree angle to the leg fracture.
Audrey : Did he lose blood? 'Cause his coloring. What's this?
Eleanor : Well, look at that. Oh, I'll have to take that to the lab.
Nathan : So he was assaulted. By who?
Audrey : By what?
Eleanor : Yeah... Good question. Well, you know where to find me, should the occasion arise.
Audrey : All right, so you want to go talk to Wall Street, and I'll talk to the captain?

Nathan comes to see the men.

Nathan : Excuse me.

Audrey comes to see the captain.

Audrey : So you called it in?
Captain : It's my boat. I'm responsible.
Audrey : You remember any weird waves? Loose winch line? Mizzenmast? I'm from Ohio.
Captain : We were at the dock. I shut down all systems that have any real power the minute I tie off. And this boat is cutting edge in terms of safety, technology.
Audrey : Yeah, this is a pretty nice operation you have here.
Captain: Yeah, a little off the beaten path, so the extra touches help me compete.
Audrey : All right, what can you tell me about the victim?
Captain : Wallace is loaded. High-end tastes. My bread and butter really.
Audrey : Were they having a good time?
Captain : Blue water, big fish, cold beer. Who's not having a good time?
Audrey : Me. Just dragging a hook, hoping to land the big one, that is not my thing.
Captain : You'd never make it on Wall Street.
Audrey : Thank you.

Nathan : They claim they didn't see anything.
Audrey : Do you believe 'em?
Nathan : Kept my hand on my wallet the whole time. Stories line up. They say they left him with the crew.

Vickie : Took me a while to get their beers. If I'd come up sooner...
Alec : That had nothing to do with it, sweetie. Nothing at all.
Audrey : So you're her father? And Jimmy?
Jimmy : I'm her fiancé.
Audrey : So this is a family crew. That's great.
Alec : Personally, I wish she wasn't working on the boat.
Vickie : Teacher's salary's small, Dad. We need the money.
Alec : But against my better judgment, Vickie suddenly started picking shifts. More time with Jimmy, I guess.
Vickie : And you.
Audrey : All right, so you brought the beers.
Vickie : And I stepped onto the deck, and there was this crunching sound, and then he was he was down.
Nathan : And you two didn't see anything?
Alec : No, no, we were on the bow cleaning up from the day's fishing.
Jimmy : Yeah, hosing off the spilled wine and pate.
Alec : Jimmy.
Audrey : And you didn't catch anything?
Jimmy : The only thing those guys want to catch is a buzz.
Alec : Jimmy, go muck out the chain lockers. Please. Look, fact of the matter is, these guys get annoying as hell. And it bothers Jimmy how hard we work for them. I mean, hell, it bothers me. But that's the way it is for deckhands. You'd think having an old man who was one would have steered her away.

Nathan : Maybe the guy was pinched between the boat and the dock and no one saw.
Audrey : One minute.
Nathan : Lots of power in a drifting boat.
Audrey : 55 seconds, that's all we've got.
Nathan : For what?
Audrey : To rule out what's normal. All right, so let's keep going. Sudden acute early onset osteoporosis? Not likely. Sudden bone-crushing weight gain? I mean, I guess the pate could do that.
Nathan : How about boats are dangerous?
Audrey : He was at a dock on a powered-down boat that's nicer than my apartment. And Vickie saw him crunch in a pretty weird way.
Nathan : Uou're that convinced already that this
Audrey : Yes, because nothing I've seen lines up except for two ruler-straight breaks on Wallace's legs. And I'm pretty sure Eleanor winked at me.
Nathan : What?
Audrey : She's a doctor. She knows when things aren't normal. And I'm getting the feeling that she knows a lot more.
Nathan : She winked at you?
Audrey : There was winkage.
Nathan : Maybe you're right. I just sometimes I wish we could get a normal
Audrey : Brutal assault.
Nathan : Doesn't that sound kind of nice?
Audrey : Why would that be any better?
Nathan : At least it wouldn't remind me of my own problems.
Audrey : How does any of this remind you that you have no game with chicks?
Nathan : Thanks. Okay, let's say it's not something normal. What do we do?
Audrey : We go to lunch. But you're not gonna like it.

The Grey Gull

Audrey : Duke?
Duke : No, hey. No, oh. Oh, Haven's finest. You know, I could add "ass" to that, "Haven's finest ass," and it would still work for both of you. Just in different ways. Uh, you guys you guys want something to drink? Beer? Wine? Clamato?
Audrey : Or you could tell us what's behind the tarp.
Duke : Well, that that's that is the central mystery of life on the water, isn't it, Detective Parker? What is behind the tarp? What is behind the tarp? So many have asked. So few ever find out.
Audrey : Fine. We had a guy standing on the back of a boat who suffered from some ruler-straight injuries.
Nathan : Broke both his legs right across here.
Duke : Boom?
Audrey : I don't know what sound it made.
Nathan : Now I know why you think he's a boat expert.
Audrey : Come on, I was kidding.
Duke : It was funny.
Audrey : Joke.
Nathan : Not a sailboat. Sport fisher. Deep V hull.
Duke : Somebody else's boom. Aye, the ocean, she be a mysterious and dangerous place.
Audrey : Like a tarp.
Duke : Sure.
Audrey : Come on, just tell us what's behind it.
Duke : Something I'm trying to protect.
Audrey : Because you're a model citizen?
Duke : I have a code. Just one that says I don't have to show you. In fact, not showing you will probably be the most fun that I have today. Alas, I hate to see a beautiful woman suffer. Pam Seligson, she's the town librarian. It's her 80th birthday. Asked me to hide the setup. I smuggled it, all of it, from Iceland.
Audrey : That is really sweet, Duke.
Nathan : So glad we came.
Laverne : Nathan, you there, sugar?
Nathan : Copy, Laverne.
Laverne : You better get up to Tradewinds Real Estate, doll. Sounds like somebody got pretty PO'd at their broker.
Duke : Bye, Audrey. You too, sugar.

Tradewinds Real Estate

Police sirens, radio chatte.

Officer : Ten years on the job, I've never seen anything like it.
Audrey : Who is that?
Officer : Joe Santomauro. Real estate agent.
Audrey : And what happened to him?
Officer : He's been sliced all the way through like a big loaf of bread.
Audrey : Look familiar?
Nathan : What's this have to do with our fractured friend Wallace?
Audrey : Did anybody see what happened?
Officer : Yeah, him.

Alec is interrogated by a cop.

Haven PD

Nathan : So Joe was a successful real estate broker?
Woman : I don't want to gossip. Joe was a little ethically challenged. Double-dipped on commissions and whatnot. When the market contracted, the whisper was he started working with a less-desirable element. Not Tradewinds Real Estate kind of people. Here's my card if you need me.
Audrey : Will do. All right, so this Joe seems like a swell guy.
Nathan : Hmm. Think he learned his ethics in the same Boy Scout troop as Mr. Wallace? He's been indicted four times. Fraud times two, tax evasion times two.
Audrey : Okay, so let's just say that Joe did deserve Alec's wrath. We still have ten witnesses that say he never touched him.
Nathan : But he was sitting right in front of Joe.
Audrey : Right, so what's Alec, a telekinetic vigilante taking down Haven's scum?
Nathan : Doesn't seem like the type.
Audrey : No. Then why would Alec place himself at the second crime scene when we've already seen him at the first?
Nathan : He wouldn't.
Audrey : Unless unless he can't control himself.

Alec : Then Joe just started sliding out of his seat onto the floor, like he was getting pulled by something and cut.
Nathan : What were you doing at Joe's office?
Alec : I've been trying to sell my house.
Audrey : You're moving?
Alec : No, it just seemed like time to cash out. But Joe didn't get any offers.
Audrey : That must have pissed you off, having a guy who makes that much money not be able to help you out. You're getting a little long in the tooth. How's the retirement plan coming?
Alec : What are you talking about?
Audrey : I'm talking about you being tired and mad, standing in the middle of two rich guys who took it on the chin yesterday. That's what I'm talking about, Alec.
Alec : I didn't touch anybody, and there are witnesses.
Audrey : You know, it must be tough wiping decks for a living, catering to a bunch of rich slobs, and then making your daughter schlep them drinks while they look her up and down like a piece of meat.
Nathan : Audrey ! Parker !
Alec : What the hell is wrong with you?
Audrey : My fault. I'm sorry.

Nathan : What if you had gotten him mad and something did happen?
Audrey : A bucket of cold water. It works on dogs. Anyway, he didn't hulk out on us, so obviously he's not our guy.
Nathan : Wow, it's damn near scientific.
Audrey : Okay, have you ever had a situation, though, like this before, you know, when Haven was dealing with the troubles back then?
Nathan : What do you mean?
Audrey : Both of our victims were real dirtbags, con artists, so this whole thing, it just it feels pointed, like someone's in control of what they're doing.
Nathan : Couldn't that be a good thing?
Audrey : Yeah, or a very, very bad thing.
Nathan : Lab results on that black substance. Atomized graphite.
Audrey : Graphite, like a lubricant?
Nathan : Willow charcoal and a little clay.
Audrey : Well, if it was a lubricant, whatever it was...
Nathan : Parker, it's sketching charcoal.

Mary's Art Supplies

Mary : Nathan. I know why you're here, love.
Nathan : No, you don't, Mary.
Mary : Got your order here.
Audrey : Clear varnish for découpage. You do découpage?
Nathan : Mary, do you sell graphite and willow charcoal? - Yeah.
Audrey : Where do you découpage, Wuornos?
Nathan : Someplace private. So graphite and willow-based charcoal?
Mary : Dusty but has nice, rich luster. Gives great shadows.
Nathan : Anybody in town buy it?
Mary : I'm not great with records. I could print you out a copy of my restocking report. Maybe I made a note of who bought it when.
Nathan : That would be great.
Audrey : What what is découpage? And why do you varnish the pictures?
Nathan : It tints all the colors. It connects them.
Audrey : So because you can't feel, all your other senses like sight, they're elevated.
Nathan : Yep. For instance, right now my hearing seems very acute.
Audrey : Hey, I'm just trying to get to know you, all right? How are we supposed to get to know each other if we never talk? You can ask me stuff if you want. Go ahead. I'm an open book. Hit me. Shoot.
Nathan : What do you think about Jimmy?
Audrey : Jimmy?
Nathan : He bought willow charcoal.
Audrey : Well, I heard Alec bossing him around on the boat the other day and then barking at him in front of Vickie.
Nathan : You think that's reason enough to set up your father-in-law for murder?
Audrey : Maybe, but if Jimmy knows that we're on to him and he's the guy that's doing all this...
Nathan : Telekinetic slicing and breaking of people.
Audrey : Yeah, then he's not exactly the kind of guy we can just walk on up to and Mirandize him.
Nathan : No.
Audrey : So we need to sneak up on him.


The Grey Gull

Duke : Now what exactly do you want me to do?
Audrey : Use your boat to get close to The Endorfin. A police boat is just gonna stick out like a sore thumb.
Duke : Hmm. You remember when I asked you to help me with those parking tickets? You turned me down.
Nathan : This is more important than parking tickets.
Duke : That's a matter of perspective, Nathan. Those things get expensive.
Audrey : Duke, seriously, I'm just asking for a favor.
Duke : I'm sensing a dangerous trend here. Truth?
Audrey : That would be nice.
Duke : The Endorfin is a high-end fishing charter. It takes out big-ticket customers who want big-ticket items. I can get those things.
Audrey : You do business with them?
Duke : Yeah. In fact, I'm getting them a delivery of some very expensive noble grape. Don't worry, Nathan. I paid the customs fees.
Audrey : And so protecting your business with the owner is more important than helping us?
Duke : I mean, does it have to be an either/or?
Nathan : Come on. I have another idea.
Duke : Good luck.

Across Jimmy boat

Jess : 50ccs of diazepam. Drops a grizzly bear in ten seconds.
Audrey : Do you have anything stronger? What, we don't know who we're up against.
Nathan : We're just gonna talk to him.
Audrey : Yeah, but if anything happens to us, just tranq him.
Jess : Anything like what?
Audrey : You know, like we start bleeding or screaming, or stuff like that.
Nathan : And if it gets dangerous...
Jess : I put it in his neck, fastest place.
Nathan : I was gonna say "run".  Jess, I don't want you at risk here. This isn't your job.
Jess : Okay, I'm fine. Happy to help you.
Nathan : Not the date you were expecting, is it?
Jess : But it's coming up, right?
Nathan : Right.

Nathan : Hey, Jimmy.
Jimmy : Hey.
Nathan : What are you doing?
Jimmy : What I'm always doing on Captain Richards' boat. I'm making it perfect for his clients.
Audrey : That would drive me crazy.
Jimmy : What?
Audrey : You know, just having to spend the day with a bunch of tourist fat cats telling me what to do. That's not fair.
Jimmy : Yeah, I know. You wouldn't believe some of their...
Nathan: Jimmy? Jimmy, what's wrong?
Audrey : Oh, my God.


At Eleanor's

Eleanor : There, that should keep him sedated for a while. You, uh you want some?
Audrey : I'm fine. I'm sorry to bother you. I didn't want to take him to the hospital.
Eleanor : Yeah, they wouldn't take him anyway with no health insurance. You did the right thing bringing him here. On some levels, he is the perfect houseguest.
Audrey : You can joke about this?
Eleanor : I can always joke. How else does one get through a winter in Haven, Maine?
Audrey : It's the troubles, isn't it?
Eleanor : Yeah, I guess so.
Audrey : Wait. Why are they here?
Eleanor : I don't know. Maybe it's some kind of cosmic test of our character.
Audrey : Well, if this is a test, you get an A-plus, and I get a "You suck."
Eleanor : Oh, you're doing fine.
Audrey : I am? -
Eleanor : Yeah.
Audrey : Really? Because to be honest with you, I'm kind of freakin'. There is something attacking people intentionally, and it, whatever it is, it knows that I am on to it. And well, the FBI, they never trained me for the troubles.
Eleanor : I suppose not.
Audrey : God, why can't I just walk away from this town?
Eleanor : Well, you could, but we both know Haven has its charms. Audrey, is that what you really want, to leave, go back to the FBI?
Audrey : I want to find this thing.
Eleanor : And?
Audrey : And I want to kick its ass.

Jess : Is Jimmy going to be okay?
Nathan : I don't know. You saw that weirdness.
Jess : Yeah, and I thought you were really brave.
Nathan : What did I do that was brave?
Jess : You didn't pee yourself.
Nathan : You should go home, Jess.
Jess : Really? Why? I can help.
Nathan : How? Hmm? How can you help? There's a guy in the next room who just lost his face. There's another down at the morgue who was shredded. I'm in the middle of a freak show here. This isn't any place for a normal girl with good intentions.
Jess : You came to me.
Nathan : Yeah. I shouldn't have. You should go.
Jess : Fine. See you around.

Audrey : Guess what subject Vickie teaches. Art.
Nathan : Vickie.


At school

Vickie : Beautiful.
Woman : Thank you.

Knocking at door.

Audrey : Can we talk for a minute?
Vickie : Is this about my father?
Nathan : No. What about your father?
Vickie : Uh, nothing. I, uh, I couldn't reach him earlier. I'm sure he just forgot to charge his cell phone again.
Audrey : You're lying.
Vickie : Look, I'm in the middle of class.
Audrey : We could always ask you to join us at the station, and we could talk there.
Vickie : You can't make me go anywhere unless you arrest me.
Audrey : Hey, Vickie, if you need some help...
Vickie : If you want to help me, leave me alone. I have to get back to my class.

Nathan : Really? "We can always ask you to join us at the station if you want to talk there."
Audrey : Oh. She's worried about her dad. And I'm betting she doesn't know what happened to Jimmy.
Nathan : She's definitely hiding something.
Audrey : Yeah, well, whatever it is, maybe we can find evidence of it at her house.


Vickie's house

Audrey : There's no law against looking in windows. Or against checking for locks.
Nathan : Parker. Look at that.
Audrey : Blankets in the windows? Somebody's definitely hiding something.
Nathan : Looks like somebody trashed the place.
Audrey : Yeah, that's too bad, 'cause some of these are really good.

Nathan walks into the room, a vase explodes

Audrey : Wind.
Nathan : Inside. Sure.
Audrey : Looks like somebody took these in a hurry.
Nathan : Or stolen.
Audrey : Hey, Nathan.
Nathan : Hmm?
Audrey : Here's a finished one someone forgot. Look familiar? Nathan!


Audrey : Thank you. All right, Vickie just left the school, and I put out an APB. We can arrest her now.
Nathan : I agree we should, but for what?
Audrey : Illegal manufacture and use of voodoo drawings. When I touched your image...
Nathan : I was there.
Audrey : Right. So I'm guessing that Wallace was folded and Santomauro was shredded.
Nathan : And Jimmy got erased?
Audrey : The question is: Where are all the other people that she sketched?
Nathan : Not just people. I stepped on this. The drawings affect things too.
Audrey : But why is she scared if she's in control?
Nathan : And why use her drawings to go after Jimmy and a banker and a realtor?
Audrey : Let's ask. The banker's probably conscious now.
Nathan : No, wait, wait. I don't want to leave this here unguarded, but I don't want to touch it either.
Audrey : So what do you want to do?
Nathan : I'll call Settle. Ask him to come watch it.
Audrey : And are you gonna tell him why?
Nathan : 'Cause I think it's really good.

Haven Hospital

Audrey : Mr. Wallace.
Wally : If you're lawyers from the boat company, save your breath unless you've got a 30 mil settlement in your pocket.
Nathan : We're cops.
Wally : You figure out what happened to me yet?
Nathan : Yeah. What we want to know is why.
Wally : Well, I want to know what first.
Audrey : And you're in a hospital bed, attached to tubes. We could leave. Now. Okay, see ya.
Wally : I was gonna pay the money I owed.
Audrey : To who? Vickie?
Wally : Vickie? No. Richards.
Audrey : Captain Richards?
Wally : I only owed him Suddenly he was a maniac about collecting it. Normally he's happy to earn the interest.
Nathan : You owed him $300,000 from fishing?
Wally : No, I owe him 300,000 because of a stupid parlay and the Jets can't make a field goal.
Audrey : Whoa, you bet on the Jets?
Nathan : What about Joe Santomauro? Did he owe Richards money too?
Wally : Probably. I saw him out there a few times. Worst poker player ever. But I think they had a real estate deal cooking. Based on what I heard about Joe, guessing it went south.
Nathan : So The Endorfin's more than just a fishing charter?
Wally : Oh, he's fishing. For guys like me. Rich enough to have a couple of drinks and get in hock with him.

Nathan : So Vickie is muscle for Richards?
Audrey : Let's go ask why. Patrol car picked her up.

Wally : What about me?
Audrey : You got involved with the wrong kind of people.
Wally : Like I don't know that.


Haven Yacht Club

Audrey : Hey, Vickie. Why are you drawing that?
Vickie : It's pretty.
Audrey : No, that's not why. We know what you can do.
Nathan : And we know you're working for Richards.
Vickie : I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking...
Audrey : No, what we don't know is why you drew Jimmy.
Vickie : J-Jimmy? Is he okay?
Audrey : He's okay.
Vickie : I don't want to do this. I tried to stop.
Audrey : So why don't you?
Vickie : My dad. Richards, he has my dad hostage. A few days ago, I went down to the boat to sketch. I used to like sketching. There was a seal on the pier. I drew it, gave it to Richards. He crumpled it. We both saw what happened.
Nathan : And he figured out what your sketches could do.
Vickie : He came to see me the next day and said that my dad had been gambling on his boat, owed a lot of money, that he'd be working for free forever, but that I could help pay off my dad's debt by giving him some sketches. He was only gonna use them to pressure people. I know how hard my dad works.
Audrey : So you drew.
Vickie : Yes, but when Richards started hurting people, I told him I wouldn't do it anymore. So he got mad. He grabbed my dad and told me that if I didn't draw this place by 5:00, he was gonna kill him.
Nathan : Why this place?
Vickie : I know he tried to buy it recently.
Audrey : Well, that would explain why he tried to collect all that money so suddenly from Wallace.
Nathan : And why Joe Santomauro, his real estate agent, got punished when he couldn't make the deal happen.
Audrey : And so if Richards couldn't buy this place...
Nathan : He's gonna use her drawings to destroy it.
Audrey : All right, why didn't you just draw a picture of Richards?
Vickie : I did. But the only sketch that works is the first one I draw. Richards has the one I did of him hidden on that boat.
Audrey : And why did you draw Jimmy? - I I drew him before I knew any of this was happening. I drew a bunch of people. I drew half the town. When Richards came and took my dad, he took all of my sketches.
Audrey : If he has all the sketches, he could hurt someone before we take him down.
Vickie : Not just someone. He has a landscape that I did from up on King's Point.
Audrey : Hello? Out-of-towner. What's King's Point?
Nathan : It's the lookout spot. You can see the whole town from up there. Remember the vase?
Audrey : I better call for backup.


On the boat

Duke : Afternoon. Permission to come aboard. All right, I'll knock next time.
Captain : Duke. What are you bringing me?
Duke : Well, today I have got a lovely '68 Chateau La Tour. Old-growth vines. Unfortunately for them but fortunately for us, it disappeared from a French farmer's cellar after he croaked.
Captain : And how'd you get it?
Duke : Excuse me?
Captain : What?
Duke : I just thought that we kind of agreed if we were gonna do business, we wouldn't ask a lot of questions.
Captain : That's exactly why I like dealing with you.
Duke : Hmm.
Captain : How's three grand sound? -
Duke : Uh, five sounds better.
Captain : And four gets her done?
Duke : Yes, it does. Keep it cool. Hate to blow
Captain : You know, I think things are really gonna start picking up for me. Could probably do a lot more business if you're interested.
Duke : Oh, I'm always interested.
Captain : All righty then. I have company. You know them?
Duke : Uh, yeah, unfortunately, I do. It would probably be better for both of us if they didn't see me here.
Captain : Okay. Put these in the cold box below.
Duke : All right.

Captain : Vickie. Detectives.
Nathan : We know what you did to Wallace and Santomauro.
Captain : I'm sorry? What?
Audrey : We want to make a deal.
Captain : Vickie, you got an agent. I'm a businessman. What deal?
Audrey : Give us all her pictures, and we won't shoot you.
Captain : She's not very good. She should know knowledge is power. And she should know that I hold all the cards. Hmm? Now you give me what I asked for, and you two go away. Or better yet, Vickie, draw them.
Audrey : You're not hearing me.
Captain : No. You're not hearing me. You hearing me now? You really think you can kill me before I crumple this, destroy the whole town?
Audrey : No.
Duke : Hey, this really works.
Audrey : What took you so long?
Duke : I'm sorry.But it takes me a second to pick a safe.
Audrey : Well, that's a shock.
Duke : Besides, I had to pry open the door to get that guy out.
Vickie : Daddy.
Duke : I don't want this anymore.
Audrey : Uh-huh.
Nathan : Parker, hold this. Be careful with it.
Duke : The picture.
Vickie : Daddy. 
Nathan : I can't get I can't get it. Damn it.


At Eleanor's

Audrey : Here, I thought you might like these.
Eleanor : Ooh, these aren't decorations.
Audrey : God, no.
Eleanor : Well, good, 'cause, you know, I got a kind of funky Mexican farmhouse thing going on. I don't want it to clash. I'll be extra careful with these. Jimmy's recovering. He looks pretty good.
Audrey : Yeah, he had a little help from his fiancée. Do you think he's going to be okay?
Eleanor : Yeah, I do. Audrey. You kicked its ass.


At Jess

Jess : Nathan.
Nathan : Hey, Jess.
Jess : Are you okay?
Nathan : Yeah. Came to see about that prowler.
Jess : Really? It's not too dangerous?
Nathan : I hope not.


The Grey Gull

Duke : Dirty martini number two. So are these happy martinis or sad martinis?
Audrey : It's because I want to thank you, but that seems almost impossible. So I figure with a big bill at least I can give you a good tip.
Duke : All right.
Audrey : No seriously, thank you, Duke, for coming through when I called.
Duke : Sure. Now, about those parking tickets. So why is it so hard for you to thank me?
Audrey : I don't know. Maybe 'cause every time we start to be nice to each other something blows it up.
Duke : Maybe you just ask way too much of me. I mean, the poking around, the judging. The secret to happiness with men? Lower your expectations.
Audrey : Everybody knows that.
Duke : Why can't you do it?
Audrey : I'm drinking this swill, aren't I?

Kikavu ?

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pretty31  (19.09.2018 à 18:39)

Dans cet épisode on voit deux personnages que j'affectionne beaucoup : Jess (en plus, un actrice française dans la série !!) et Vickie, elle est trop mignone ! Dire que c'est la fille de feu l'acteur qui jouait Dave... :)


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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !